Montreal-Toronto Computer Vision Workshop 2005

Latest news
[25.5.2005] Workshop now end at 1 PM Friday.
[24.5.2005] the web site at the SAT for the workshop (French)
[19.5.2005] Program is available
[12.5.2005] List of presentations
[12.5.2005] More details are now available.
[29.3.2005] The Workshop will be held at the Society for Arts and Technology.

Location: Society for Arts and Technology (downtown Montréal)
Date: 1st,2nd and 3rd June 2005
Contact: Marc-Antoine Drouin (
The 3D Vision lab at Université de Montréal is pleased to invite to Toronto-Montreal Vision Workshop 2005 the graduate students from the following universities: Much in the same spirit as the previous workshops ( 2004 and 2003 ), we are expecting students from these universities to gather and share their recent results with each other, get to know other graduate students working in Vision, meet the local Vision faculty, and perhaps enjoy a tour of the city with friendly 'native' guides! Participants can choose between: Just drop by, and see what's new. You don't have to actually present research, feel free to simply drop by, attend other student's presentations, meet other Vision students, and get an overview of what other people are working on.


The workshop will be held at the Society for Arts and Technology in downtown Montréal. It is at walking distance from the residences of UQAM. It is also a 25 minute bus ride away from the residences of Université de Montréal.



Poster and Demo:



Program is available

Historical Note

The Toronto-Montreal workshops started in the mid-1980's and was organized by Steve Zucker at McGill and John K. Tsotsos at University of Toronto.

last modified May 12, 2005