Montreal-Toronto Computer Vision Workshop 2005

They may still be some minor changes in the schedule.


Light Breakfast


Morning talk

10h30-10h40 Welcome Talk
10h40-11h00 Sébastien Roy (UdM)
11h00-11h20 Michael Langer (Mcgill)
11h20-11h40 Robert Laganière (UdO)
11h40-12h00 Marc-Antoine Drouin (UdM)

Afternoon Poster

14h00-16h00 Mohamed Dahmane (UdM)
Melissa Jourdain (UdM)
Herve Combe (UdO)
Trevor Ahmedali (McGill)
Isabelle Bégin (McGill)
Francois Cayouette (McGill)
Divyang Masrani (UoT)
Marc-Antoine Drouin (UdM)
Philippe Giguere (McGill)


18h00-22h00 Etoile Des Indes
1806 St-Catherine St W. (20 minute walk from the SAT)
Will cost around 17.00$ by person


Light Breakfast


Early Morning talk

8h30-8h40 Welcome Talk
8h40-9h00 Junaed Sattar (McGill)
9h00-9h20 Matthew Toews (McGill)
9h20-9h40 Luz Abril Torres-Mendez (McGill)
9h40-10h00 Juan Zhang (McGill)

Morning Break

10h00-10h20 Cookies and coffee

Morning talk

10h20-10h40 Alex Levinshein
10h40-11h00 Gaspard Petit (UdM)
11h00-11h20 Catherine Proulx (UdM)
11h20-11h40 Midori Hyndman (UoT)
11h40-12h00 Allan Caine (Waterloo)
12h00-12h20 Guy Godin (NRC)

Afternoon Poster

14h30-16h30 Paul Di Marco (McGill)
Maria Nadia Hilario (McGill)
Saul Simhon (McGill)
Sandra Skaff (McGill)
Jianfeng Yin (McGill)
Derek Bradley (DEMO) (UdO)
Johan Gottin (DEMO) (UdO)
Ghislain Ferreol (DEMO) (UdO)
Ady Ecker (DEMO) (UoT)

Afternoon Break

16h30-16h50 Cookies and coffee

Cyclo Demo

16h50-18h00 Surprise


18h00-23h00 music by DJ DEE


Light Breakfast


Early Morning talk

8h30-8h40 Welcome Talk
8h40-9h00 Sam Hasinoff 
9h00-9h20 Jean Philippe Tardif (UdM)
9h20-9h40 Francois Destrempes (UdM)
9h40-10h00 Pierre-Marc Jodoin (UdM)

Morning Break

10h00-10h20 Cookies and coffee

Morning Panel


Afternoon Talk

11h30-11h50 Anthony Whitehead (UdO)
11h50-12h10 Xiaoyong Sun (UdO)
12h10-12h30 Tina Ehtiati (Mcgill)
12h30-12h40 Closing Talk