3.5. Associating an Instance File with a Schema

An instance XML file can specify its validating schema by adding some information in the attributes of the root tag. This is illustrated in line 8‑5 of Example 2.2 (page ), where we indicate the location of the schema with no namespace using the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute. We then include (using an xi:include element) the WineCatalog.xml file (Example 2.3) so that its elements can be referred to. In fact, the XML processor sees the full content of these files (i.e. the cellar and the wine catalog). Example 2.1 ((page )) illustrates the file inclusion mechanism for the instance files. They correspond to their respective XML Schema in Example 3.5.

xi:include refers to the W3C standard [35] which specifies a general purpose inclusion mechanism to merge information from different XML files. So it is possible to include only some well-formed parts of the included file, but here we include the whole wine catalog. This is a principled way of including information and not mere character inclusions like the one specified with DTD system entities used in Section 3.1.1.

Example 2.2 (page ) also shows that even if a file is validated with an XML Schema, a DOCTYPE element can be added to define new entities . In fact, it is the only way to define an entity in an instance file validated with an XML Schema.

line 1‑1 of Example 2.3 (page ) shows how to link an instance file and define its namespace. The empty namespace, defined by the xmlns attribute in the root tag (line 4‑3), indicates that all element tags without prefix are defined in the http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/lapalme/wine-catalog namespace. The schema location is indicated as the value of the xsi:schemaLocation (line 2‑2) attribute with two values (blank separated). The first part indicates the namespace corresponding to the target namespace of the schema and the second part gives its URI (here the local file WineCatalog.xsd).

RELAX NG specifications [15] do not prescribe how an instance file should be linked to its schema, so each XML editor or validator has an implementation-specific way of associating these files (either internally or externally). For example, <oXygen/> uses processing instructions inserted at the top of the file such as the following (depending on whether the compact syntax is used or not):

<?oxygen RNGSchema="CellarBook.rnc" type="compact"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="CellarBook.rng" type="xml"?>

The Schematron specification does not prescribe the link mechanism between an instance file and its Schematron rule base. With the <oXygen/> XML editor, it is sufficient to add a processing instruction like <?oxygen SCHSchema="CellarBook.sch"?> to a XML Schema validated file such as Example 2.2 or to get both types of validation: XML Schema and Schematron. It is also possible to embed Schematron rules within xs:appinfo and xs:annotation elements of an XML Schema which is then linked as described above. Similar embedding conventions have be defined for both RELAX NG and RELAX NG Compact.