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Kasi Anantha and Fred Long.
Code compaction for parallel architectures.
Software - Practice and Experience, 20(6):537-554, June 1990.

Guido Araújo, Paulo Centoducatte, Rodolfo Azevedo, and Ricardo Pannain.
Expression tree based algorithms for code compression on embedded RISC architectures.
Technical Report IC-00-01, Instituto de Computação - UNICAMP, January 2000.

Guido Araújo, Paulo Centoducatte, Rodolfo Azevedo, and Ricardo Pannain.
Expression tree based algorithms for code compression on embedded RISC architectures.
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, March 2000.

Guido Araújo, Paulo Centoducatte, Mario Côrtes, and Ricardo Pannain.
Code compression based on operand factorization.
In Proc. Int'l Symp. on Microarchitecture, pages 194-201, December 1998.

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Paulo Centoducatte, Ricardo Pannain, and Guido Araújo.
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Note: Preliminary version of article in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.

Saumya Debray, William Evans, Robert Muth, and Bjorn de Sutter.
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Mario Latendresse.
The Code Compaction/Compression Bibliography.

Mario Latendresse.
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Mario Latendresse.
Génération de machines virtuelles pour l'exécution de programmes compressés.
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Available at

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Available at

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Charles Lefurgy and Trevor Mudge.
Code compression for DSP.
Technical Report CSE-TR-380-98, EECS Department, University of Michigan, November 1998.

Charles Lefurgy and Trevor Mudge.
Fast software-managed code decompression.
Presented at the International Workshop on Compiler and Architecture Support for Embedded Systems. Not published yet., July 1999.

Charles Lefurgy, Eva Piccininni, and Trevor Mudge.
Analysis of a high-performance code compression method.
In Proc. Int'l Symp. on Microarchitecture, November 1999.

Charles Lefurgy, Eva Piccininni, and Trevor Mudge.
Reducing code size with run-time decompression.
In Proc. of the International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, January 2000.

H. Lekatsas, J. Henkel, and W. Wolf.
Design and simulation of a pipelined decompression architecture for embedded systems.
In Proc. ACM/IEEE Int'l Symp. on System Synthesis, October 2001.
(To appear).

H. Lekatsas, Joerg Henkel, and Wayne Wolf.
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H. Lekatsas, Joerg Henkel, and Wayne Wolf.
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H. Lekatsas, Joerg Henkel, and Wayne Wolf.
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Wed, 12 Nov 98 14:00:00 GMT.

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Wed, 06 Sep 2000 09:44:01 GMT.

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Note from author: In this version not all experimental results are correct; this will be corrected in a later version.

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Mario Latendresse 2004-11-15