\def\myurl{\url{http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer}} \def\pierre#1 {\fbox {\footnote {\ }}\ \footnotetext { From Pierre: #1}} \def\richard#1 {\fbox {\footnote {\ }}\ \footnotetext { From Richard: #1}} \def\david#1 {\fbox {\footnote {\ }}\ \footnotetext { From David: #1}} \def\hpierre#1 {} \def\hrichard#1 {} \def\hdavid#1 {} \def\ray#1 {\fbox {\footnote {\ }}\ \footnotetext { From Raymond: #1}} \def\hray#1 {} % Changing \ray to \hray will temporarily hide the comment. % Comments can then be "hiddenly" saved for further reference. \def\title#1 {\vfill\begin {center} \Large\rm #1 \end {center} \vfill} \def\author#1 {\begin {center} \large\rm #1 \end {center} \medskip} \def\abstract {\section* {ABSTRACT} \null } \def\keywords#1 {\noindent (#1) \vfill\vfill} \def\thanks {\section* {Acknowledgements}} \def\newblock {\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em} \def\?{\discretionary{}{}{}} % Same as \- but does not print the - sign % (useful to hyphenate in math mode). \def\To {\Rightarrow} \def\eqdef {\buildrel \rm def \over =} % Egal par definition. \def\tod {\buildrel \rm d \over \To} \def\iid {{\rm i.i.d.}} \def\mod{{\rm\ mod\ }} % Modulo. \def\MOD{{\rm\ MOD\ }} \def\div{{\rm\ div\ }} % Division entiere. \def\DIV{{\rm\ DIV\ }} \def\var{{\rm\ var }} % Variance. \def\Var{{\rm\ Var }} \def\arg{{\rm\ arg }} % Argument. \def\dim{{\rm dim }} \def\cA {{\cal A}} \def\cB {{\cal B}} \def\cH {{\cal H}} \def\cI {{\cal I}} \def\cJ {{\cal J}} \def\cF {{\cal F}} \def\cL {{\cal L}} \def\cN {{\cal N}} \def\cP {{\cal P}} \def\Cov{{\rm\ Cov }} \def\Is {[0,1)^s} \def\fFour{\hat{f}({\bf h})} \def\hdual{{\bf 0} \neq{\bf h} \in L_s^{*} } \def\o {{(o)}} \def\a {{*}} \def\ba {{\bf a}} \def\bA {{\bf A}} \def\bb {{\bf b}} \def\bB {{\bf B}} \def\bc {{\bf c}} \def\be {{\bf e}} \def\bI {{\bf I}} \def\bh {{\bf h}} \def\bk {{\bf k}} \def\bm {{\bf m}} \def\bM {{\bf M}} \def\bT {{\bf T}} \def\bu {{\bf u}} \def\bU {{\bf U}} \def\bv {{\bf v}} \def\bV {{\bf V}} \def\bw {{\bf w}} \def\bW {{\bf W}} \def\bx {{\bf x}} \def\bX {{\bf X}} \def\by {{\bf y}} \def\bz {{\bf z}} \def\rmB {{\rm B}} \def\rmL {{\rm L}} \def\rmM {{\rm M}} \def\rmP {{\rm P}} \def\rmR {{\rm R}} \def\rmZ {{\rm Z}} \def\tbA {\tilde{\bf A}} \def\tbs {\tilde{\bf s}} \def\tbu {\tilde{\bf u}} \def\bzero {{\bf 0}} \def\es{\hspace{0.5mm}e\hspace{0.6mm}} \def\card {\mbox{\rm card}} \def\B{{\cal B}} \def\square{\ $\Box$} \def\eqdef {\buildrel \rm def \over =} % Egal par definition. \def\<{$\langle$} % Signe < \def\>{$\rangle$} % Signe > \def\q{$\kern1.4em$} % Space for indentation in slides and programs. \def\myboxit#1{\vbox{\hrule height1pt \hbox{\vrule width1pt\kern10pt \vbox{\kern3pt#1\kern3pt }\kern10pt\vrule width1pt }\hrule height1pt }} % \newcommand\guisec[1]{\vspace{20pt}% % \noindent\hrulefill\hspace{10pt}{\bf #1}\hspace{10pt}\hrulefill% % \nopagebreak\vspace{10pt}} \newtheorem {theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem {proposition}{Proposition} \newtheorem {lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem {corollary}{Corollary} \newtheorem {assumption}{Assumption} \newtheorem {example}{Example} \def\mycode{\code} \def\myendcode{\endcode}