3D Sonogram    


Jennifer Bliss, Brad Steele and Bruce Mechtly
Washburn University Topeka Kansas

The Java applet allows the user to look at the waveform of WAV files in detail.
The waveform is divided into segments that are a 2n in length. The size of the segment is called the "window".

One can also see a graph of the fast fourier transform (FFT) of the data in the window in a 2D or 3D graph.
The 3D graph or 3D sonogram (or spectrogram) shows how the FFT changes over time (useful for seeing how fast the various harmonics of an instrument decay over time)

Download JavaSound3D       ExampleFile.wav

To run the program, open a command prompt in the same directory as the jar file and type the command
"java -jar JavaSound3D.jar"

If an error occurs, extract the files from JavaSound3D.jar with the command   "jar -xvf JavaSound3D.jar"
then re-compile with the command   "javac *.java"
and create another jar file with the command   "jar cf JavaSound3D.jar *"