CMU VASC Image Database
- Images, sequences, stereo pairs (thousands of images) (Formats: Sun Rasterimage)
Caltech Image Database
- about 20 images - mostly top-down views of small objects and toys. (Formats: GIF)
Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture Database
- Texture and reflectance measurements for over 60 samples of 3D texture, observed with over 200 different combinations of viewing and illumination directions. (Formats: bmp)
Digital Embryos
- Digital embryos are novel objects which may be used to develop and test object recognition systems. They have an organic appearance. (Formats: various formats are available on request) ( Univerity of Minnesota Vision Lab / University of Minnesota)
- images of Earth from the space shuttle - good search engine
Hyperspectral dataset of natural scenes
- Hyperspectral images of 29 natural scenes with 31 bands each collected by Bristol University for DRA UK. (Formats: radiometric pixels & gif preview)
JISCT Stereo Evaluation
- 44 image pairs. These data have been used in an evaluation of stereo analysis, as described in the April 1993 ARPA Image Understanding Workshop paper ``The JISCT Stereo Evaluation'' by R.C.Bolles, H.H.Baker, and M.J.Hannah, 263--274. (Formats: SSI) (SRI)
Machine Vision
- Images from the textbook by Jain, Kasturi, Schunck (20+ images) (Formats: GIF TIFF)
Mammography Image Databases
- 100 or more images of mammograms with ground truth. Additional images available by request, and links to several other mammography databases are provided. (Formats: homebrew)
OSU (MSU) 3D Object Model Database
- several sets of 3D object models collected over several years to use in object recognition research (Formats: homebrew, vrml)
Particle image sequences
- Real and synthetic image sequences used for testing a Particle Image Velocimetry application. These images may be used for the test of optical flow and image matching algorithms. (Formats: pgm (raw)) ( LIMSI-CNRS/CHM/IMM/vision / LIMSI-CNRS)
Stereo Images with Ground Truth Disparity and Occlusion
- a small set of synthetic images of a hallway with varying amounts of noise added. Use these images to benchmark your stereo algorithm. (Formats: raw, viff (khoros), or tiff)
The AR Face Database
- Contains over 4,000 color images corresponding to 126 people's faces (70 men and 56 women). Frontal views with variations in facial expressions, illumination, and occlusions. (Formats: RAW (RGB 24-bit)) ( Purdue Robot Vision Lab)