Laboratory for Simulation and Optimization

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The research group in optimization and numeric simulation is interested in the development of exact or heuristic algorithms for solving practical problems, such as employees scheduling, vehicles routing, the management of call-centers and communications networks. Members of the group also study theoretical domains such as random number generation, fractional programming or problems dealing with the general characterization of convexity classes. For a more detailled description of the work in the laboratory, read the 2007 report (page 60).

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This research laboratory is part of the department of computer science and operations research (DIRO) of the Université de Montréal.


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All the professors of this lab are associated with the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux d’Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport (CIRRELT).

Fabian Bastin
Nonlinear programming, stochastic programming, discrete choice modelling.
Jacques Ferland
Mathematical programming, combinatorial programming, heuristic methods, scheduling problems, applications of operations research to health care.
Emma Frejinger
Econometrics (transport demand modeling), operations research, intelligent transport systems.
Bernard Gendron
Operations research, combinatorial optimization, integer programming, large-scale planning problems, applications to transportation problems, parallel methods.
Pierre L'Ecuyer
Simulation, random number generation, stochastic optimization, quasi-Monte Carlo methods.
Patrice Marcotte
Nonlinear optimization, equilibrium models and trafic assignment, bilevel programming, variational inequalities, yield management.
Jean-Yves Potvin
Combinatorial optimization, transportation, vehicle routing, learning, genetic algorithms, tabu search, parallelism.

Researchers, assistants

Richard Simard
Random number generation and testing, scientific computation.

Software created in this laboratory

Stochastic simulation in Java.
Empirical testing of random number generators.
An Object-Oriented Random-Number Generator Package with Many Long Streams and Substreams. Versions C, C++, C#, Java.
Last updated: 17 january 2013