ECOOP 2000
Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, June 2000

4th International ECOOP Workshop on

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering

June 13, 2000

Preliminary program


Call for Papers

Measures of software internal attributes have been extensively used to help software managers, customers and users to characterize, assess, and improve the quality of software products. Many large software companies have intensively adopted software measures to increase their understandability of how (and how much) software internal attributes affect the overall software quality. Estimation models based on software measures have successfully been used to perform risk analysis and to assess software maintainability, reusability and reliability. However, most measurement efforts have focused on, what we call today, "legacy technology".


The OO paradigm provides more powerful design mechanisms. Much work is yet to be done to investigate analytically and/or empirically the relationships between OO design mechanisms, e.g., inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, usage, etc., and different aspects of software quality, e.g., modularity, modifiability, understandability, extensibility, reliability, reusability, etc. Furthermore, new technologies, e.g., OO frameworks, OO Analysis/Design Patterns, OO architectures, OO components, which take advantage of OO design mechanisms have been proposed in order to improve software engineering productivity and software quality. However, to better understand the pros and cons of these technologies on products developed using them we must be able to assess the quality of such products via adequate software product measures.



Submissions are invited, but not limited, to the following topics, organized in areas:


Area C (Metrics Collection) 

·  Standards for the collection, comparison and validation of metrics 

·  Embedding metrics in OO CASE tools 

·  Evaluation of OO metrics collection tools 

·  Metrics collection in the development process (measurement planning) 

·  Public repositories for measurement data

Area A (Quality Assessment) 

·        Measuring size and complexity at the analysis phase 

·        Metrics-based design heuristics 

·        OO quality characteristics assessment 

·        Quantitative impact analysis in OO architectures 

·        Measuring size and complexity of OO analysis/design patterns and frameworks 

·        Measuring size and complexity of components 

·        Measuring dynamic aspects of OO designs 

·        Quality assessment of OO and OR databases

Area V (Metrics Validation) 

·        Formal and Empirical validation of OO metrics 

·        OO metrics and Measurement Theory 

·        Validation techniques and their limits 

·        Standard data sets for metrics validation 

·        The limits of quality estimation techniques

Area P (Process Management) 

·        Reliability and rework effort estimates based on design measures

·        OO reuse evaluation 

·        Resource estimation models for OO projects 

·        Quantitative tracking of OO development activities 

·        Empirical studies on the use of OO measures for process management 

·        Measurement support in a CBSE life cycle



This workshop will be of interest to software quality researchers, object-oriented methodologists, software metrics scientists and users, practitioners with interests in reuse, frameworks, analysis, design and programming as well as those interested in the management of object-oriented development projects.


This workshop will provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and the practice in the field of quantitative approaches in the OO field. A blend of researchers and practitioners from industry and academia is expected to share recent advances in the field, success or failure stories, lessons learned, and will seek out as yet unidentified fundamental problems arising in this field. The workshop format will include the presentation of selected submitted papers, group discussions and potentially some tool demonstrations.


Potential attendees must submit a position paper or experience report in English by email to All submissions must include the author(s) name, affiliation, phone, fax and e-mail address. Authors must indicate the area(s) and/or topic(s) addressed in the submission paper.

Only authors of accepted submissions will be invited to participate in the workshop. The workshop organizers will select a subgroup of the accepted submissions for oral presentation. However, all accepted submissions will be included in the workshop proceedings.

The best five papers will be published in a special issue of the journal L’OBJET (Object), published by the French editor HERMES. The issue will be published by the end of 2000.



Paper format: A4, letter

Size: 4 to 12 pages

Spacing: 1,5 lines

Font: 12 points

Margins: 2,5 cm

File type: RTF or HTML



The current workshop is a direct continuation of three successful previous workshops, held at ECOOP'99 (Lisbon), ECOOP'98 (Brussels) and ECOOP'95 (Aarhus):

·  The "Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering" at ECOOP'99 (organizers: Fernando Brito e Abreu, Horst Zuse, Houari A. Sahraoui, Walcelio Melo)

·  The "Object-Oriented Product Metrics for Software Quality Assessment" at ECOOP'98 (organizers: Houari A. Sahraoui, Sandro Morasca, Walcelio Melo)

·  The "Quantitative Methods for Object-Oriented Systems Development" at ECOOP'95 (organizers: Horst Zuse, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Fernando Brito e Abreu)



FERNANDO BRITO E ABREU is a senior researcher of the Software Engineering Group at INESC, a research non-profit institution in the ICT field, and a member of the teaching staff of the Computer Science Department of FCT (Lisbon New University). He holds an Electronics Engineering Diploma and a Master of Science on Computer Engineering from IST (Lisbon Technical University). His PhD, also on IST, is about quantitative methods on object oriented software engineering. He has more than 30 publications on conferences, workshops and newspapers and has served as program committee member, organizer, reviewer, tutorial speaker, invited speaker, panel and session chair in several conferences worldwide. His research interests include software engineering project management, quantitative evaluation of software quality, empirical studies in software engineering, object oriented software process modeling and software reengineering. He has coordinated and participated in several national and international R&D projects.


GEERT POELS is a postdoctoral research fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (Belgium) and a member of the Management Information Systems Group of the Department of Applied Economic Sciences, at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. He holds degrees in Commercial Engineering and Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in Applied Economic Sciences (major: Management Information Systems). He will be a guest professor at Saint Louis University (Philippines) in the summer term of 2000. His research interests include software measurement theory, OO software measures, measures for CBSE, quantitative approaches to component identification, OO enterprise modeling, and the quantitative evaluation of BPR and IS reengineering. Geert Poels has published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and the Information and Software Technology journal, and he was a reviewer for the Annals of Software Engineering journal and the Information and Software Technology journal. Geert Poels was a presenter at several software metrics related conferences and workshops, and he co-organized an OO metrics workshop at the Object Technology Conference in 1996. He was program chair of the 2nd European Software Measurement Conference in 1999. In March 2000 he co-organizes the ‘Moving from OOAD to COAD’ workshop at the Object Technology Conference in Oxford, UK.


HOUARI A. SAHRAOUI is a professor at the University of Montreal. Before joining the university, he held the position of lead researcher of the software engineering group at CRIM (Research center on computer science, Montreal). He holds an Engineering Diploma from the National Institute of computer science (1990), Algiers, and a PhD in Computer Science, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, 1995. Specialty: Artificial Intelligence (OO metamodeling and model transformations with applications to CASE tools). His research interests include the application of artificial intelligence techniques to software engineering, OO metrics, software quality, software reuse, and software reverse and re-engineering. He has more than 25 publications on conferences, workshops and journals. He has served as program committee member, organizer and reviewer in several conferences and journals.


HORST ZUSE was born on November 17, 1945. He received the Diploma degree in electrical engineering from the Technische Universität in 1973 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Technische Universität of Berlin in 1985. Since 1975 he is a senior research scientist with the Technische Universität Berlin. His research interests are information retrieval systems, software engineering, software metrics and the measurement the quality of software during the software life-cycle. From 1987 to 1988 he was for one year with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research in Yorktown Heights. In 1991 he published the book: Horst Zuse: Software Complexity - Measures and Methods (De Gruyter Publisher). From 1989 till 1992 he was with the ESPRIT II Project 2384 METKIT (Metric-Educational- Toolkit) of the European Commission. Since 1990 he gave several times a year seminars about software measures for people of the industry within the scope of DECollege and ORACLE. He also gave many presentations and seminars about software measurement on conferences in US and Canada. Now, his research interests are validation of software measures, prediction models and standardizing measurement principles. From August 1994 to December 1994 he was invited as a researcher by the Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD) in St. Augustin in Germany. In 1998 the book: Horst Zuse: A Framework for Software Measurement (DeGruyter Publisher) were published. From February 1, 1998 to May 20, 1998 he was a Visiting Professor with the University of Southwest Louisiana in Lafayette / Louisiana / USA. On December 9, 1998 he received the habilitation (Privatdozent) in the area of Praktische Informatik (Practical Computer Science) by the department of computer science at the Technische Universität Berlin.