Simula Bibliography
- Belsnes, D. and K. Å. Bringsrud (1978). X.25 DTE implemented in SIMULA. Proceedings of the European Computing Congress 1978 (Online).
- Birtwistle, G. M. (1979). Discrete Event Modelling on Simula, Macmillan Press.
- Birtwistle, G. M., O.-J. Dahl, B. Myhrhaug, et al. (1973). SIMULA Begin. Lund, Sweden, Studentlitteratur.
- Dahl, O.-J. and K. Nygaard (1966). "SIMULA- An Algol Based Simulation Language." Comm. ACM 9(9), pp. 671-678 [ Note: this describes Simula-1, a precursor to the OO language Simula_67].
- Dahl, O.-J. and K. Nygaard (1967). -SIMULA- A language for Programming and Description of Discrete Event Systems. Oslo 3, Norway, Norwegian Computing Center, Forskningveien 1B, 5th edition, September 1967, 124 pages.
- Dahl, O.-J. (1968). Discrete Event Simulation Languages. Programming languages. F. Genuys. London, Academic Press, pp.349-395.
- Dahl, O.-J., B. Myhrhaug and K. Nygaard (1970). SIMULA-67 Common Base Language, Norwegian Computer Centre, Oslo, Norway, Pub. S-22.
- Dahl, O.-J. and C. A. R. Hoare (1972). Hierarchical Program Structures. Structured Programming. London, Academic Press, pp.175-220.
- Dahl, O.-J. and B. Myhrhaug (1973). SIMULA implementation guide, Norwegian Computing Center, Forkningsveien1B, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway, Pub. S-47, 146 pages.
- Dijkstra, E. W. (1968). Co-operating Sequential Processes. Programming languages. F. Genuys. London, Academic Press, pp. 43-112.
- Einarson, D. (1997). "Passing Control over Nested Quasi-Parallel Systems." ASU Newsletter 24(1), pp. 1-9.
- Franta, W. R. (1977). The Process View of Simulation, North-Holland.
- Helsgaun, K. (1980). "DISCO- a SIMULA-based language for continuous cxombined and discrete simulation." Simulation, pp. 1-12.
- Hoare, C. A. R. (1968). Record Handling. Programming languages. F. Genuys. London, Academic Press, pp. 291-347.
- Holmevik, J. R. (1994). "Compiling SIMULA: a historical study of technological genesis." IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 16(4), pp. 25-37.
- Ichbiah, J. D. and S. P. Morse (1972). "General Concepts of the Simula 67 Programming Language." Annual Review in Automatic Programming 7, pp. 65-89.
- Islo, H. (1997). "Special Number on Models within Models." ASU Newsletter 24(1).
- Kindler, E. (1995). "Tutorial on Mejtsky's Diagrams." ASU (Association of SIMULA Users) Newsletter 23(1), pp. 18-43.
- Kirkerud, B. (1989). Object-Oriented Programming with SIMULA, Addison-Wesley.
- Lamy, J.-F. and J. Vaucher (1985). Prolog execution in SIMULA. Proc. 13th SIMULA Users' Conference, Calgary, August 1985.
- Langlois, L. (1983). Conception de logiciel graphique en SIMULA. MSc., Dep. informatique et ro (DIRO), Univ. de Montréal, .
- Lapalme, G. and Bronsard (1983). SIMULA-67 par l'exemple, Dept. Informatique et RO, Université de Montréal. 144 pages.
- Lapalme, G. and J. Vaucher (1989). La programmation orientée objet depuis Simula-67: progrès et reculs. Journee sur les bases de données orientées objet, Montréal, ACFAS.
- Magnusson, B. (1994). An overview of Simula. Object-oriented environments: the Mjolner approach. (Eds.) J. Knudsen, M. Lofgren, O. Lehrmann-Madsen and B. Magnusson, Prentice-Hall, ch. 5, pp. 79-98.
- Magnusson, B. (1994). Simula runtime system overview in Object-oriented environments: the Mjolner approach. (Eds.) Knudsen, Lofgren et al., Prentice-Hall, ch. 25, pp. 378-387.
- Magnusson, B. (1995). Using the SimIOProcess library on Unix systems, Lund Software House AB, Lund, Sweden.
- Magnusson, B. and M. Löfgren (1981). An Extension of Simula for Concurrent Execution. Proceedings of the 9th Simula Users' Conference, Geneva, pp. 1-10.
- Meyer, B. (1988). Object-oriented Software Construction, Prentice Hall.
- Meyer, B. (1988). Simula. Object-oriented Software Construction. J. editor, Prentice Hall, pp. 423-436, sect. 20.1.
- Mäkilä, K. (1975). A CODASYL-type DBMS system in SIMULA, Swedish Research Institute of National Defense. FOA 1 Report C 10038-M3(E5).
- Nybo, R. (1974). NDRE SIMULA implementation - Central run-time system, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, PO Box 25, N-2007, Kjeller, Norway, Pub. S-374, 157 pages.
- Nygaard, K. and O.-J. Dahl (1978). "The development of the Simula languages." History of Programming Languages Conference, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 13(8).
- Nygaard, K. and O.-J. Dahl (1981). "The development of the SIMULA language." History of Programming Languages, (Ed.) R. Wexelblat, Ch. IX, pp. 439-493, Academic Press.
- Nygaard, K. (1986). "Basic Concepts in Object Oriented Programming." SIGPLAN Notices 21(October), pp. 128-132.
- Palme, J. (1973). "Protected Program Modules in Simula 67." Modern Datateknik 12, p. 8.
- Palme, J. (1975). "Making SIMULA into a programming language for real time." Management Datamatics 4(4), pp. 129-137.
- Papazpglou, M. P., P. I. Georgiadis and D. G. Maritsas (1984). "An outline of the programming language SIMULA." Computer Languages 9(2), pp. 107-131.
- Pooley, R. J. (1987). An Introduction to Programming in SIMULA. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
- SIS (1987). Data Processing - Programming languages - SIMULA, Swedish Standards Institute, Box 3295, Stockholm, Sweden. SS 63 61 14, 178 pages.
- Vaucher, J. (1971). Simulation Data Structures using SIMULA67. Proc. 1971 Winter Simulation Conference, New York, pp. 255-260.
- Vaucher, J. (1972). DIGISIM: an extension to SIMULA67 for the simulation of digital circuits. Proc. CIPS Conf., MontrŽal, CIPS, pp. 431.403-431.410.
- Vaucher, J. (1973). A WAIT-UNTIL algorithm for general purpose simulation languages. Proc. 1973 Winter Simulation Conference, San Francisco, pp. 77-83.
- Vaucher, J. (1975). "Prefixed procedures: a structuring concept for operations." INFOR 13(3): 287-295.
- Vaucher, J. and P. Duval (1975). "A Comparison of simulation event list algorithms." CACM 18(4): 223-230.
- Vaucher, J. and N. Rochon (1977). PL-4: a low level language with CLASS. IFIP - Information Processing '77, Toronto, North-Holland, pp. 975-979.
- Vaucher, J. and D. Davey (1978). Accéleration du WAIT-UNTIL pour l'ordonnancement conditionnel en simulation. Actes du congrès de l'AFCET: Théorie et Techniques de l'informatique, Gif-sur-Yvette, AFCET, pp. 486-495.
- Vaucher, J. (1979). "BETA: un successeur à SIMULA pour la programmation des systèmes." BIGRE 15, pp. 4-10.
- Vaucher, J. (1979). "Free Format Text Handling in Simula 67." Simula Newsletter, p.4.
- Vaucher, J. (1984). Process-oriented simulation in standard PASCAL. SCS Multiconference on Simulation in Strongly Typed Languages, San Diego, February 1984, Simulation Council Inc., pp. 37-43.
- Vaucher, J. (1985). Views of Modelling: comparing the simulation and AI approaches. SCS Multiconference on AI, Graphics and Simulation, San Diego, Simulation Councils Inc., pp. 3-7.
- Vaucher, J. (1993). BETA Tutorial: Patterns and variables. Mjolner BETA Newsletter. 1: 4-8.
- Vaucher, J. (1998). The Simula Web Site, URL:
- Vaucher, J.G. and B. Magnusson (1999). "Chapter 4: Simula Frameworks: the early years." Building Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented Foundations of Framework Design, (Ed.) M. Fayad, D. Schmidt and R. Johnson1 , pp. 89-142, John Wiley.
- Wang, A. and O.-J. Dahl (1971). "Coroutine Sequencing in a Block Structured Environment." BIT 11(4), pp. 425-449.