
For more information, visit my publications indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and ORCID.

Journal articles

  1. L. Lafontant and E. Syriani. Modeling with Gentleman: A Web-based Projectional Editor. Software & Systems Modeling (2024).
  2. E. Syriani, I. David, and G. Kumar. Screening Articles for Systematic Reviews with ChatGPT. Journal of Computer Languages: 80, pp. 101287 (2024).
  3. J. Kienzle, S. Zschaler, W. Barnett, T. Saglam, A. Bucchiarone, S. Abrahão, E. Syriani, D. Kolovos, T. Lethbridge, S. Mustafiz, and S. Meacham. Requirements for Modelling Tools for Teaching. Software & Systems Modeling (2024).
  4. M. Zaheri, M. Famelis, and E. Syriani. Catch Me If You Can: Detecting Model-Data Inconsistencies in Low-Code Applications. Journal of Object Technology: 23(1), pp. 1–20 (2024).
  5. M. Zadahmad, E. Syriani, O. Alam. From two-way to three-way: domain-specific model differencing and conflict detection. Journal of Object Technology: 22(1), pp. 1–29 (2023).
  6. I. David, H. Vangheluwe, and E. Syriani. Model consistency as a heuristic for eventual correctness. Journal of Computer Languages: 76, pp. 101223 (2023)
  7. I. David and E. Syriani. Real-time Collaborative Multi-Level Modeling by Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. Software & Systems Modeling: 22, pp. 1131–1150 (2023).
  8. M. Weyssow, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Recommending Metamodel Concepts during Modeling Activities with Pre-Trained Language Models. Software & Systems Modeling: 21, pp. 1071–1089. (2022).
  9. M. Zadahmad, E. Syriani, O. Alam, E. Guerra, and J. de Lara. DSMCompare: Domain-Specific Model Differencing for Graphical Domain-Specific Languages. Software & Systems Modeling: 21, pp. 2067–2096. (2022).
  10. C. Mokaddem, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algorithm. Software & Systems Modeling: 21, pp. 1241–1269 (2022).
  11. E. Syriani, D. Riegelhaupt, B. Barroca, and I. David. Generation of Custom Textual Model Editors. Modelling: 2(4), pp. 609–625, nov (2021).
  12. G. Mussbacher, B. Combemale, J. Kienzle, S. Abrahão, H. Ali, N. Bencomo, M. Búr, L. Burgueño, G. Engels, P. Jeanjean, J. Jézéquel, T. Kühn, S. Mosser, H. Sahraoui, E. Syriani, D. Varró, and M. Weyssow. Opportunities in Intelligent Modeling Assistance. Software and Systems Modeling: 19, pp. 1045–1053. (2020).
  13. B. Combemale, J. Kienzle, G. Mussbacher, H. Ali, D. Amyot, M. Bagherzadeh, E. Batot, N. Bencomo, B. Benni, J. Bruel, J. Cabot, B. Cheng, P. Collet, G. Engels, R. Heinrich, J. Jezequel, A. Koziolek, S. Mosser, R. Reussner, H. Sahraoui, R. Saini, J. Sallou, S. Stinckwich, E. Syriani, and M. Wimmer. A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems. IEEE Software: 38(4), pp. 71–84 (2020).
  14. J. Kienzle., G. Mussbacher., L. Bastin., N. Bencomo., J. Bruel., B. Combemale., C. Becker., S. Betz., R. Chitchyan., B. H. Cheng., S. Klingert., R. F. Paige., B. Penzenstadler., N. Seyff., E. Syriani., and C. C. Venters. Towards Model-Driven Sustainability Evaluation. Communications of the ACM: 63(3), feb (2020).
  15. J. Bruel, B. Combemale, E. Guerra, J. Jézéquel, J. Kienzle, J. de Lara, G. Mussbacher, E. Syriani, and H. Vangheluwe. Comparing and Classifying Model Transformation Reuse Approaches across Metamodels. Software & Systems Modeling: 19, pp. 441–465 (2019).
  16. E. Syriani, R. Bill, and M. Wimmer. Domain-Specific Model Distance Measures. Journal of Object Technology: 18(3), pp. 3:1–19 (2019).
  17. E. Syriani, L. Lúcio, and V. Sousa. Structure and behavior preserving Statecharts refinements. Science of Computer Programming: 170, pp. 45–79 (2019).
  18. E. Syriani, L. Luhunu, and H. Sahraoui. Systematic Mapping Study of Template-based Code Generation. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures: 52(1), pp. 43–62 (2018).
  19. M. Gamboa and E. Syriani. Improving User Productivity in Modeling Tools by Explicitly Modeling Workflows. Software & Systems Modeling: 18(4), pp. 2441–2463 (2018).
  20. J. Corley, B. Eddy, E. Syriani, and J. Gray. Efficient and Scalable Omniscient Debugging for Model Transformations. Software Quality Journal: 25(1), pp. 7–48 (2017).
  21. H. Ergin, E. Syriani, and J. Gray. Design Pattern Oriented Development of Model Transformations. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures: 46, pp. 106–139 (2016).
  22. L. Lúcio, M. Amrani, J. Dingel, L. Lambers, R. Salay, G. Selim, E. Syriani, and M. Wimmer. Model Transformation Intents and Their Properties. Software & Systems Modeling: 15(3), pp. 647–684 (2016).
  23. E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, and B. LaShomb. T-Core: A Framework for Custom-built Transformation Languages. Software & Systems Modeling: 14(3), pp. 1215–1243 (2015).
  24. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. A Modular Timed Graph Transformation Language for Simulation-based Design. Software & Systems Modeling: 12(2), pp. 387–414 (2013).
  25. M. Asztalos, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, and M. Kessentini. Towards Rule Composition. Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology: 42 (2011).
  26. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. De-/Re-constructing Model Transformation Languages. Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology: 29 (2010).
  27. T. Kühne, G. Mezei, E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, and M. Wimmer. Systematic Transformation Development. Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology: 21 (2009).


  1. E. Syriani. MultiParadigm Foundation for Model Transformation Language Engineering. Lambert Academic Publishing (2012).

Book chapters

  1. I. David and E. Syriani. Automated Inference of Simulators in Digital Twins. In: Handbook on Digital Twins, 1 ed. pp. 122–148. CRC Press (2024).
  2. M. Gamboa and E. Syriani. Using Workflows to Automate Activities in MDE Tools. In: MODELSWARD 2016, Revised and selected papers. CCIS: 692, pp. 22–45. Springer (2017).
  3. J. Corley, E. Syriani, H. Ergin, and S. Van Mierlo. Cloud-based Multi-View Modeling Environments. In: Modern Software Engineering Methodologies for Mobile and Cloud Environments. 7. pp. 120–139. IGI Global (2016).
  4. J. Deantoni, C. Brun, B. Caillaud, R. France, G. Karsai, O. Nierstrasz, and E. Syriani. Domain Globalization: Using Languages to Support Technical and Social Coordination. In: Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages. LNCS: 9400, pp. 70–87. Springer, Dagstuhl, oct (2015).
  5. E. Syriani, J. Gray, and H. Vangheluwe. Modeling a Model Transformation Language. In: Domain Engineering: Product Lines, Languages, and Conceptual Models. pp. 211–237. Springer, may (2013).
  6. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation. In: Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications. pp. 3–28. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2010).

Conference proceedings

  1. M. Ben Chaaben, O. Ben Sghaier, M. Dhaouadi, N. Elrasheed, I. Darif, I. Jaou, B. Oakes, E. Syriani, and M. Hamdaqa. Toward Intelligent Generation of Tailored Concrete Syntax. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. ACM. Linz, sep (2024).
  2. P. Archambault, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. A Modeling Methodology for Crop Representation in Digital Twins for Smart Farming. International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins. pp. 342-352, ACM, Linz, sep (2024).
  3.     I. David, P. Archambault, Q. Wolak, V. Vu, T. Lalonde, K. Riaz, E. Syriani, and H. Sahraoui. Digital Twins for Cyber-Biophysical Systems: Challenges and Lessons Learned. Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. IEEE, pp. 1–12. Västeras, oct (2023).
  4. I. David, V. Sousa, and E. Syriani. Opportunities in Robotic Process Automation for and by Model-Driven Software Engineering. Evaluation and Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development. LNBIP: 479, Springer, pp. 1–9. Zaragoza, jun (2023).
  5. J. Kienzle, B. Combemale, G. Mussbacher, O. Alam, F. Bordeleau, L. Burgueño, G. Engels, J. Galasso, J. Jézéquel, B. Kemme, S. Mosser, H. Sahraoui, M. Schiedermeier, and E. Syriani. Global Decision Making Over Deep Variability in Feedback-Driven Software Development. Automated Software Engineering. ACM: 178, pp. 1–6. Rochester MI, oct (2022).
  6. I. David, E. Syriani, and C. Masson. Extensible Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes for Real-time Collaborative Software Engineering. Computer Science and Intelligence Systems. IEEE, Sofia (2022).
  7. I. David and E. Syriani. DEVS Model Construction as a Reinforcement Learning Problem. Annual Simulation Conference. IEEE, pp. 30–41. San Diego, jul (2022).
  8. O. Ben Sghaier, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Fighting evil is not enough when refactoring metamodels: promoting the good also matters. Symposium of Applied Computing. ACM, pp. 1517–1526. virtual, apr (2022).
  9. I. David, K. Aslam, S. Faridmoayer, I. Malavolta, E. Syriani, and P. Lago. Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic Update. Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. IEEE, pp. 273–284. Virtual, oct (2021).
  10. T. Le Calvar, F. Chhel, F. Jouault, F. Saubion, and E. Syriani. Génération d'ensembles de modèles explorables par couplage de contraintes et de transformation de modèles. Journées Francophones de la Programmation par Contraintes. JFPC, virtual, jun (2021).
  11. K. Fall and E. Syriani. Evolving Domain-Specific Languages Depending on External Libraries. Symposium of Applied Computing. ACM, pp. 1247–1255. mar (2021).
  12. L. Lafontant and E. Syriani. Gentleman: A Light-Weight Web-Based Projectional Editor Generator. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. ACM, pp. 1–5. (2020).
  13. E. Syriani, V. Sousa, and L. Lúcio. Refining Statecharts while preserving the structure and behavior. Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. IEEE, pp. 183, Portoroz, aug (2020).
  14.     M. Zadahmad, E. Syriani, O. Alam, E. Guerra, and J. de Lara. Domain-Specific Model Differencing in Visual Concrete Syntax. Software Language Engineering. ACM, pp. 100–112. Athens, oct (2019).
  15. V. Sousa, E. Syriani, and K. Fall. Operationalizing the Integration of User Interaction Specifications in the Synthesis of Modeling Editors. Software Language Engineering. ACM, pp. 42–54. Athens, oct (2019).
  16. E. Syriani, R. Bill, and M. Wimmer. Domain-Specific Model Distance Measures. International Conference on Model Transformation. JOT: 3, pp. 3:1–19. Eindhoven, jul (2019).
  17. C. Mokaddem, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Recommending Model Refactoring Rules from Refactoring Examples. Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. ACM, pp. 257–266. Copenhagen, oct (2018).
  18.     J. Bruel, B. Combemale, E. Guerra, J. Jézéquel, J. Kienzle, J. de Lara, G. Mussbacher, E. Syriani, and H. Vangheluwe. Model Transformation Reuse across Metamodels. Theory and Practice of Model Transformation. LNCS: 10888, Springer, pp. 92–109. Toulouse, jul (2018).
  19. B. Bigendako and E. Syriani. Modeling a Tool for Conducting Systematic Reviews Iteratively. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Scitepress: 1, pp. 552–559. Funchal, jan (2018).
  20. L. Luhunu and E. Syriani. Comparison of the Expressiveness and Performance of Template-based Code Generation Tools. Software Language Engineering. ACM, pp. 206–216. Vancouver, oct (2017).
  21. V. Sousa, E. Syriani, and M. Paquin. Feedback on how MDE Tools are Used Prior to Academic Collaboration. Symposium On Applied Computing. ACM, pp. 1190–1197. Marrakesh, apr (2017).
  22. C. Mokaddem, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Towards Rule-based Detection of Design Patterns in Model Transformations. System Analysis and Modeling. LNCS: 9959, Springer, pp. 211–225. Saint-Malo, oct (2016).
  23. E. Batot, P. Molins, W. Sboui, E. Syriani, and H. Sahraoui. Systematic Mapping Study of Model Transformations for Concrete Problems. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. IEEE, pp. 176–183. Rome, feb (2016).
  24. J. Corley, E. Syriani, and H. Ergin. Evaluating the Cloud Architecture of AToMPM. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. IEEE, pp. 339–346. Rome, feb (2016).
  25.     M. Gamboa and E. Syriani. Automating Activities in MDE Tools. Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. IEEE, pp. 123–133. Rome, feb (2016).
  26. L. Burgueño, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, J. Gray, and A. Vallecillo. Primitive Operators for the Concurrent Execution of Model Transformations Based on LinTra. Jornadas de Ingenier\'ia del Software y Bases de Datos. LNCS: 5088, Springer, pp. 267–272. Cádiz, sep (2014).
  27. B. Meyers, R. Deshayes, L. Lúcio, E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, and M. Wimmer. ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages. Software Language Engineering. LNCS: 8706, Springer, pp. 1–20. Västeras, sep (2014).
  28. H. Ergin and E. Syriani. Towards a Language for Graph-Based Model Transformation Design Patterns. Theory and Practice of Model Transformations. LNCS: 8568, Springer, pp. 91–105. York, jul (2014).
  29. H. Ergin and E. Syriani. Identification and Application of a Model Transformation Design Pattern. ACM Southeast Conference. ACM: 8, pp. 1–5. Savannah GA, apr (2013).
  30. P. Guin and E. Syriani. Model-based Animation of Micro-Traffic Simulation (WIP). Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium. SpringSim: ACM: 19, pp. 1–6. San Diego CA, apr (2013).
  31. C. Hansen and E. Syriani. An MDE Solution for the Development of Robotic Device Drivers. ACM Southeast Conference. ACM: 21, pp. 1–6. Savannah GA, apr (2013).
  32. P. Kilgo, E. Syriani, and M. Anderson. A visual modeling language for RDIS and ROS nodes using AToM3. Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. LNCS: 7628, Springer, pp. 125–136. Tsukuba, nov (2012).
  33. H. Cho, J. Gray, and E. Syriani. SyntaxMap: A Modeling Language for Capturing Requirements of Graphical DSML. Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference. APSEC'12: 1, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 705–708. Tsukuba, nov (2012).
  34. E. Syriani and J. Gray. Challenges for Addressing Quality Factors in Model Transformation. Software Testing, Verification and Validation. ICST'12: IEEE, pp. 929–937. Montreal, apr (2012).
  35. E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, and A. Al-Mallah. Modelling and Simulation-based Design of a Distributed DEVS Simulator. Winter Simulation Conference. WSC'11: IEEE, pp. 3007–3021. Phoenix AZ, dec (2011).
  36. L. Lúcio, H. Vangheluwe, E. Syriani, and M. Jukss. How to Verify a Model Transformation does its Job?. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. CASCON:. IBM, Markham, nov (2011).
  37. M. Asztalos, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, and M. Kessentini. Simplifying Model Transformation Chains By Rule Composition. Models in Software Engineering - Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2010, Reports and Revised Selected Papers. LNCS: 6627, Springer, pp. 293–307. Oslo, oct (2010).
  38. E. Syriani, J. Kienzle, and H. Vangheluwe. Exceptional Transformations. Theory and Practice of Model Transformation. LNCS: 6142, Springer, pp. 199–214. Màlaga, jul (2010).
  39. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Programmed Graph Rewriting with DEVS. International Symposium on the Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance. LNCS: 5088, Springer, pp. 136–152. Kassel, oct (2008).
  40.     E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Programmed Graph Rewriting with Time for Simulation-Based Design. Theory and Practice of Model Transformation. LNCS: 5063, Springer, pp. 91–106. Zürich, jul (2008).

Other peer-reviewed proceedings

  1. P. Archambault, I. David, E. Syriani, and H. Sahraoui. Co-Simulation for Controlled Environment Agriculture. Annual Simulation Conference. SCS, Hamilton, may (2023).
  2. A. Ducoin and E. Syriani. Graphical Projectional Editing in Gentleman. International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. MODELS '22 ACM, pp. 46–50. Montreal, oct (2022)
  3. I. David, J. Galasso, and E. Syriani. Inference of Simulation Models in Digital Twins by Reinforcement Learning. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. IEEE, pp. 221–224 (2021).
  4. M. Zaheri, M. Famelis, and E. Syriani. Towards Checking Consistency-Breaking Updates Between Models and Generated Artifacts. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. IEEE: 400–409 (2021).
  5. O. Alam, J. Corley, C. Masson, and E. Syriani. Challenges for Reuse in Collaborative Modeling Environments. MODELS 2018 Workshops. CoMMitMDE '18: 2245,, pp. 277–283. Copenhagen, oct (2018).
  6. O. Alam, V. Sousa, and E. Syriani. Towards Collaborative Modeling Using a Concern-Driven Version Control System. MODELS 2017 Satellite Events. CoMMitMDE '17: 2019,, pp. 155–163. Austin TX, sep (2017).
  7. C. Masson, J. Corley, and E. Syriani. Feature Model for Collaborative Modeling Environments. MODELS 2017 Satellite Events. CoMMitMDE '17: 2019,, pp. 164–173. Austin TX, sep (2017).
  8. I. David, E. Syriani, C. Verbrugge, D. Buchs, D. Blouin, A. Cicchetti, and K. Vanherpen. Towards Inconsistency Tolerance by Quantification of Semantic Inconsistencies. Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE. 1717, pp. 35–44. Saint Malo, oct (2016).
  9. E. Syriani. Framework to Model Collaboratively. Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE. 1717, pp. 4. Saint Malo, oct (2016).
  10. V. Sousa and E. Syriani. An Expeditious Approach to Modeling IDE Interaction Design. Joint Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Globalization Of Modeling Languages and the 9th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling. MPM '15: 1511,, pp. 52–61. Ottawa, oct (2015).
  11. J. M. Rouley, J. Orbeck, and E. Syriani. Usability and Suitability Survey of Features in Visual IDEs for Non-Programmers. Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools. ACM, pp. 31–42. Portland OR, oct (2014).
  12. S. Van Mierlo, B. Barroca, H. Vangheluwe, E. Syriani, and T. Kühne. Multi-Level Modelling in the Modelverse. Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling. 1286, pp. 83–92. Valencia, oct (2014).
  13. L. Burgueño, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, J. Gray, and A. Vallecillo. LintraP: Primitive Operators for the Execution of Model Transformations with LinTra. Workshop on Scalability in Model Driven Engineering. 1209, pp. 23–30. York, sep (2014).
  14. H. Ergin and E. Syriani. AToMPM Solution for the IMDB Case Study. Transformation Tool Contest. 1305, pp. 134–138. York, jul (2014).
  15. E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, R. Mannadiar, C. Hansen, S. Van Mierlo, and H. Ergin. AToMPM: A Web-based Modeling Environment. MODELS'13 Invited Talks, Demonstration Session, Poster Session, and ACM Student Research Competition. 1115, pp. 21–25. Miami FL, oct (2013).
  16. H. Ergin and E. Syriani. AToMPM Solution for the Petri Net to Statecharts Case Study. Transformation Tool Contest. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. Budapest, jul (2013).
  17. M. Amrani, J. Dingel, L. Lambers, L. Lúcio, R. Salay, G. Selim, E. Syriani, and M. Wimmer. Towards a Model Transformation Intent Catalog. MoDELS Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations. AMT'12: ACM, pp. 3–8. Innsbruck, oct (2012).
  18. L. Lúcio, E. Syriani, M. Amrani, and Q. Zhang. Invariant Preservation In Iterative Modeling. MoDELS Workshop on Model Evolution. ACM, pp. 57–62. Innsbruck, oct (2012).
  19. E. Syriani and H. Ergin. Operational Semantics of UML Activity Diagram: An Application in Project Management. Requirements Engineering Conference 2012 Workshops: Model-driven Requirements Engineering. IEEE, pp. 1–8. Chicago IL, sep (2012).
  20. H. Cho, J. Gray, and E. Syriani. Creating Visual Domain-Specific Modeling Languages from End-User Demonstration. ICSE Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering. IEEE, Zürich, jun (2012).
  21. J. C. Carver, E. Syriani, and J. Gray. Assessing the Frequency of Empirical Evaluation in Software Modeling Research. EESSMod. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: 785,, pp. 33–43. Wellington, oct (2011).
  22. T. Kühne, G. Mezei, E. Syriani, H. Vangheluwe, and M. Wimmer. Explicit Transformation Modeling. MODELS 2009 Workshops. LNCS: 6002, Springer, pp. 240–255. Denver CO, sep (2009).
  23.     E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Using MoTif for the AntWorld Simulator Case Study. International Workshop on Graph Based Tools: The Contest. Leicester, sep (2008).


  1. L. Luhunu and E. Syriani. Survey on Template-based Code Generation. MODELS 2017 Satellite Events. 2019, pp. 468–471. Austin TX, sep (2017).
  2. C. Hansen, E. Syriani, and L. Lúcio. Towards Controlling Refinements of Statecharts. Software Language Engineering Posters. (SLE '13): CoRR: abs/1503.07266. Springer, Indianapolis IN, oct (2015).
  3. J. Corley and E. Syriani. A Cloud Architecture for an Extensible Multi-Paradigm Modeling Environment. Poster Session of MODELS'14. 1258, pp. 6–10. Valencia, oct (2014).
  4. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Model Transformation Language Engineering. NECSIS Semi-annual meeting, Hamilton, apr (2011).


  1. S. Abrahão, J. de Lara, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Guest editorial for the special section on MODELS 2020. Software and Systems Modeling, sep (2022).
  2. I. David, E. Syriani, and A. Garcia-Dominguez. Preface to the 1st International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM 2021). International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). IEEE, pp. 1–2. (2021).
  3. E. Syriani and M. Wimmer. Guest editorial to the theme section on Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems. Software & Systems Modeling: 20, pp. 607–609 (2021).
  4. E. Syriani, S. Houari, S. Abrahao, and J. de Lara. MODELS '20: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. ACM, Virtual event (2020).
  5. F. Boulanger, E. Syriani, and A. Wortmann. Fifth Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2017). MODELS 2017 Satellite Event. 2017, pp. 278–279. Copenhagen, oct (2017).
  6. J. Deantoni, J. Gray, and E. Syriani. Report of the Fourth Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2016). Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on the Globalization Of Modeling Languages co-located with MODELS 2016. 1731, pp. 0–7. Saint Malo, oct (2016).
  7. H. Ergin, R. Paige, S. Zschaler, E. Syriani, and M. Amrani. Preface. Joint Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Patterns in Model Engineering (PAME 2016) and the Fifth International Workshop on the Verification of Model Transformation (VOLT 2016) co-located with MODELS. 1693. Saint Malo, oct (2016).
  8. E. Syriani and M. Wimmer. VOLT 2012/2013 Special Section. Journal of Object Technology: 14(3), aug (2015).
  9. M. Amrani, E. Syriani, and M. Wimmer. Preface. Workshop on Verification of Model Transformations. 1530. L'Aquila, jul (2015).
  10. R. Paige, E. Syriani, S. Zschaler, and H. Ergin. Patterns in Model Engineering 2015 - a Workshop Summary. Workshop on Patterns in Model Engineering. 1657, pp. 44–50. L'Aquila, jul (2015).
  11. M. Amrani, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, R. Bill, M. Gogolla, F. Hermann, and K. Lano. Report on the Third Workshop on Verification of Model Transformations. VOLT 2014. 1325, pp. 1–9. York, jul (2014).
  12. C. Hardebolle, E. Syriani, J. Sprinkle, and T. Mészáros. Summary of the 6th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'12). International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling. MPM'12: ACM, pp. 5–6. Innsbruck, oct (2012).

Technical reports

  1. E. Syriani, I. David, and G. Kumar. Assessing the Ability of ChatGPT to Screen Articles for Systematic Reviews. Report, arXiv: 2307.06464, jul (2023).
  2. I. David and E. Syriani. Real-time Collaborative Multi-Level Modeling by Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. Report, Université de Montréal. arXiv:2205.11303, may (2022).
  3. M. Weyssow, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. Recommending Metamodel Concepts during Modeling Activities with Pre-Trained Language Models. Report, Université de Montréal: ArXiv: 2104.01642, apr (2021).
  4. C. Mokaddem, H. Sahraoui, and E. Syriani. A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algorithm. Report, Université de Montréal: ArXiv: 2010.04759, oct (2020).
  5. B. Bigendako and E. Syriani. Automatically Installing and Deploying Tools for Conducting Systematic Reviews in ReLiS. Report, Université de Montréal: ArXiv: 1705.01978, may (2017).
  6. E. Syriani, L. Luhunu, and H. Sahraoui. Systematic Mapping Study of Template-based Code Generation. Report, Université de Montréal: ArXiv: 1703.06353, mar (2017).
  7. B. Meyers, R. Deshayes, L. Lúcio, E. Syriani, M. Wimmer, and H. Vangheluwe. The ProMoBox Approach to Language Modelling. Tech rep, School of Computer Science, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2014.3, mar (2014).
  8. H. Ergin and E. Syriani. Implementations of Model Transformation Design Patterns Expressed in DelTa. Report, University of Alabama: SERG-2014-01, feb (2014).
  9. B. LaShomb and E. Syriani. Re-engineering DSLTrans with T-Core. Report, University of Alabama: SERG-2012-04, jun (2012).
  10. E. Syriani. A Multi-Paradigm Foundation for Model Transformation Language Engineering. Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, feb (2011).
  11. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Performance Analysis of Himesis. Report, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2010.8, aug (2010).
  12. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. A Modular Timed Model Transformation Language. Report, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2010.4, mar (2010).
  13. E. Syriani, J. Kienzle, and H. Vangheluwe. Exceptional Transformations. Report, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2010.2, jan (2010).
  14. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. De-/Re-constructing Model Transformation Languages. Report, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2009.8, aug (2009).
  15. E. Syriani and H. Vangheluwe. Matters of model transformation. Report, McGill University: SOCS-TR-2009.2, mar (2009).

Invited presentations

  1. Collaborative Model consistency as a heuristic for eventual correctness. COLA journal-first presentation at CAiSE conference. Limassol, Cyprus (2024)
  2. Collaborative modeling: real-time and versioning. Colloquium at at Université du Québec à Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2024)
  3. Real-time Collaborative Multi-Level Modeling by Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. SOSYM journal-first presentation at MODELS conference. Vasteras, Sweeden (2023)
  4. Digital twinning of a controlled environment agriculture. MathWorks Research Summit. Newton MA, USA (2023)
  5. Digital twins for cyber-biophysical systems. Colloquium at McMaster University. Hamilton, Canada (2023)
  6. Teaching a graduate course in MDE. MDENet Teaching Modeling, Modeling teaching series. Virtual (2023)
  7. Recommending Metamodel Concepts during Modeling Activities with Pre-Trained Language Models. SOSYM journal-first presentation at MODELS conference. Montreal, Canada (2022)
  8. A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algori. SOSYM journal-first presentation at MODELS conference. Montreal, Canada (2022)
  9. Systematic Reviews with ReLiS. Invited talk at GEODES seminar series, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2022)    
  10. Overview of our research in modeling and simulation. Keynote at GEODES research day and symposium, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2022)    
  11. ReLiS : un outil pour effectuer vos revues de littératures systématiques. Invited talk at Carrefour en culture et création numériques, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2022)
  12. Gentleman: a lightweight web-based projectional editor. Keynote at Strumenta industrial consortium. Virtual (2021)
  13. Collaborative modeling with AToMPM. Keynote at workshop on Scalable Development of Low-Code artefacts as part of the Lowcomote European project. Virtual (2020)    
  14. Refining Statecharts while preserving the structure and behavior. Science and Computer Programming journal-first presentation, SEAA conference. Portoroz, Slovenia (2020)
  15. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2020)
  16. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2019)
  17. Architecture for generic web applications. Invited lecture at the University of L'Aquila F0149: Web Technologies. L'Aquila, Italy (2018)
  18. Statecharts and their refinements. Invited lecture at the University of L'Aquila DT0227: Software Engineering for Autonomous Systems. L'Aquila, Italy (2018)
  19. V&V for behavioral modeling in practice. Keynote at the 15th MODELS workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation. Copenhagen, Denmark (2018)
  20. Conducting Systematic Reviews with ReLiS. Invited talk at the Business Informatics Group, TU Wien. Vienna, Austria (2018)
  21. Enabling Collaborative Modeling in MDE. Invited talk at i3S, Polytech’Nice, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis. Sophia Antipolis, France (2018)
  22. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2018)
  23. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2017)
  24. Framework to Model Collaboratively. Keynote at the First International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE. Saint Malo, France (2016)
  25. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2016)
  26. Model Transformation. DSM-TP'15: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Antwerp, Belgium (2015)
  27. Object-oriented paradigm. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2015)
  28. Software engineering. Séjour du DIRO at Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2015)
  29. Model Transformation. DSM-TP'14: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Antwerp, Belgium (2014)
  30. Génération d’Environnements de Développement pour la Modélisation et la Simulation. Colloquium at the Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada (2014)
  31. Model Transformation. DSM-TP'13: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2013)
  32. Model Transformation. DSM-TP'12: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Lisbon, Portugal (2012)
  33. The World of Model Transformation. DSM-TP'11: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Lisbon, Portugal (2011)
  34. A Multi-Paradigm Foundation for Model Transformation Language Engineering. CAMPaM'11: Computer-Aided Multi-Paradigm Modelling Workshop. Barbados (2011)
  35. Modeling Model Transformation Languages. Computer Science lecture series at Vanderbilt University. Nashville TN, U.S.A. (2011)
  36. Transformation Languages Tailored To Your Needs. Research Colloquium Series at the University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa AL, U.S.A. (2011)
  37. T-Core: Transformation Languages Tailored To Your Needs. University of Luxembourg, LASSY. Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2010)
  38. Model Transformation. DSM-TP'10: Summer school on Domain-specific Modeling. Lisbon, Portugal (2010)
  39. MoTif: The Modular Timed Graph Transformation Language. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Madrid, Spain (2009)
  40. De-/Re-Constructing Model Transformation Languages. MSDL Summer Presentations. Montreal, Canada (2009)
  41. DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation. MSDL Summer Presentations. Montreal, Canada (2008)