Québec Programming Languages Séminaire


Next seminar, Friday November 12, at McGill University.

The goal of this seminar series is to allow people interested in programming language research to meet and exchange ideas.

We invite you to subscribe to the mailing-list so as to receive announcements.

The scope includes anything related to programming languages, from foundational theory to implementation issues. It is meant as an informal forum that seeks to increase awareness of each other's work, and to encourage interaction and collaboration. It also provides an opportunity to present unfinished research-in-progress and receive feedback and constructive criticism.

The seminar normally includes a keynote presentation and 5 regular 30min presentations. Abstracts are selected by a committee who tries to balance the content between theory and implementation. Presentations can be in French or English.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory, monads, continuations, control, state, effects.
modules and type systems, concurrency and distribution, components and composition, relations between paradigms, multiparadigm programming.
abstract machines, compile-time and run-time optimization, just-in-time compilers, memory management, interfaces to foreign functions, services, components, and low-level machine resources.
Transformation and analysis
abstract interpretation, partial evaluation, program transformation, theorem proving, specification, and verification.
Software development techniques
design patterns, specification, verification and validation, debugging, test generation, tracing, and profiling.
Domain-specific languages
languages and implementation techniques for embedded systems, hardware description languages, XML and related languages.

Past seminars

Monday April 26 2004, at Université de Montréal.

Stefan Monnier
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