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	  libsimtexts -	text utilities

	  This category	of operations are operations that could	have
	  been attributes of text. They	are writable in	Simula,	but
	  convenient to	have. In many cases the	Pos indicator of the
	  text passed as parameter is important	(this is where the
	  action is started, and it is updated as part of the result).

	     external text procedure Front;
	     text T; integer i;
	     T:-Front(Sysin.Image); ! The part scanned by inint,;

	  Various people at QZ and FOA,	Stockholm.

	     text procedure  Front(T); text T; ! Pos used, unchaged;
	  Returns a reference to the longest subtext of	T before Pos.

	     text procedure Rest(T); text T; ! Pos used, unchaged;
	  Returns a subtext reference of a text	starting at Pos.

	     text procedure UpTo(T,I);
	     text T; ! pos not used, unchanged;
	     integer I;	! used as Pos;
	  Returns a reference to  the  longest	subtext	 of  T	before

	     text procedure From(T,P);
	     text T; ! pos not used, unchanged;
	     integer P;	! used as Pos ;
	  Returns a reference to the longest subtext of	T starting  at
	  Pos =	P.

	     text procedure TSub(T,P,L);
	     text T;  !	pos not	used;
	     integer P,L; ! used for Pos, Length of sub-string;
	  Similar to attribute Sub. In cases  where  T.Sub(P,L)	 would
	  have caused a	run time error,	TSub returns Notext.

	     text procedure FrontStrip(T);
	     text T; ! Pos not used or changed,	starts at 1. ;
	  Returns a reference to the longest sub-text  of  T  starting
	  with the first non-blank (space or tab) character.

	     character procedure ScanChar(T);
	     name T; text T; ! Pos used	and incremented	;
	  Similar to GetChar, but returns Null when there is  no  more
	  character in T.

	     text procedure ScanTo(T,C);
	     name T; text T; ! Pos used	and updated;
	     character C; ! character to look for;
	  Starting from	T.Pos, looks for the next  occurrence  of  the
	  character  C.	T.Pos will be placed after the character found
	  and the subtext from previous	Pos up to  but	not  including
	  the  found  character	 will be returned as result If no C is
	  found, the rest of  the  text	 is  returned.	 Example:  for
	  T="X,YY,ZZZ",	 ScanTo(T,',')	will return the	three strings:
	  "X", "YY", "ZZZ" and then notext.

	     text procedure Skip(T,C);
	     name T; text T; ! Pos used	and updated ;
	     character C;  ! At	return T.GetChar <> C;
	  Starting from	T.Pos it finds the first  character  different
	  from	C  and	moves  T.Pos  to  that character. Skip returns
	  Rest(T).  If the character at	T.Pos  is  different  from  C,
	  T.Pos	will not be changed.

	     integer procedure Search(Master, LookFor);
	     text Master; ! Pos	used, but not changed;
	     text LookFor; ! string searched for ;
	  Locates  the	string	'LookFor'  in  'Master'.   Starts   at
	  Master.Pos  and  returns Master.Pos for 1st character	of the
	  first	  substring    equal	to    LookFor	 (=Master.Sub(
	  Search(Master,LookFor),  LookFor.Length)) If no such subtext
	  exists, then	the  result  is	 Master.Length+1.   Note  that
	  Master.Pos  is  not  changed.	 In  order  to	find succesive
	  occurances of	 LookFor,  the	calling	 program  must	change
	  Master.Pos by	some other mean.

	     character procedure FindTrigger(Master,Triggers);
	     name Master; text Master; ! text searched,	from pos, and
	     on	(pos updated);
	     text Triggers; ! set of characters	looked for. ;
	  Starting from	current	Master.pos, finds first	occurrence  of
	  any  of  the	characters  in	Triggers.   The	 result	is the
	  character found and Master.Pos  is  set  past	 the  returned
	  character.   If  no  Trigger is found, the returned value is
	  Null,	and Master.Pos is set after the	string.

	     Boolean procedure FrontCompare(String, Beginning);
	     text String; ! text searched, from	pos and	on, unchanged;
	     text Beginning; ! string matching with;
	  Answeres: starting at	current	pos, does String begin with  a
	  substring equal to Beginning?

	     Boolean procedure Change(Master,OldT,NewT);
	     name Master; text Master; ! Pos valid and updated,	may
	     denote new	text;
	     text OldT,NewT; ! replace 'OldT' with 'NewT';
	  Change the subtext OldT in Master to	NewT.	Searches  from
	  Master.pos  and  on (see Search) for OldT, when found	Change
	  returns True and:

	  - if	NewT.Length=OldT.Length	 then  the  string  is	simply
	  replaced in Master,

	  - if NewT.Length<OldT.Length then the	string is replaced and
	  the  rest  of	 Master	 is  compacted so Master will denote a
	  subtext of the original Master text,

	  - if NewT.Length>OldT.Length then Master will	be assigned  a
	  new (longer) string to hold the result.

	  In each case Master.pos is set to past the replaced  string.
	  if  OldT  is NOT found, Chnage returns False and, Master.pos
	  is set to its	length+1. Example: changing all	occurrences of
	  OldT to NewT can be done with	the following procedure:

	     procedure ChangeAll(Master,OldT,NewT); name Master;  text
		begin  text Local;
		   Local:- master;
		   while local.More do
		   master:- Local
		end -- ChangeAll --;

	     character procedure FetChar(T,P);
	     text T; ! pos not used or changed;
	     integer P;	! used as Pos in T.;
	  Returns the P:th character from T (or	NULL if	P  is  out  of

	     procedure DepChar(T,P,C);
	     text T; ! pos not used or changed,	but content changed;
	     integer P;	! used for Pos in T;
	     character C; ! value stored in T.;
	  Deposits the character C in the text T at position P.	 If  P
	  is out of range, no action will be taken.

	     character procedure LowC(C);
	     character C; ! value to convert;
	  Returns lower	case equivalent	of  letter,  other  characters

	     character procedure   UpC(C);
	     character C; ! value to convert ;
	  Returns lower	case character as upper	case equivalent, other
	  characters unchanged.

	     text procedure  MakeText(C,N);
	     character C; ! character to fill with;
	     integer n;	! length of retruned, new text;
	  Returns a new	text of	length N filled	with character C.

	     text procedure Compress(T,C);
	     text T;  !	text altered, pos not used;
	     character C; ! character to remove;
	  Returns a subtext of T with only characters  different  than
	  C.   This first part of T is thus altered, but the part of T
	  after	this subtext is	unchanged. Compress returns Notext  if
	  T contains no	other characters than a	number of characters =

	   Example:  t1:-Copy( AxBxCxDx"); t2:-compress(t1,'x');"
	   returns:  t1= ABCDCxDx", t2==t1.Sub(1,4)="ABCD"."

	     text procedure Today;
	  Returns   todays   date   in	 text	 form:	  "yyyy-mm-dd"

	     text procedure DayTime;
	  Returns   todays   date    in	   text	   form:    "hh:mm:ss"