The Early Years

Sketch by M. Gordon (~ 2001 )

According to Marilyn Gordon, who was present at the start of her career in the Town, Marie-Lyne began as a model for Jocelyne Lambert's Life Drawing workshops around 2000. She began teaching the year after. Her courses covered drawing, portrait, collage and even sculpting.

Marie-Lyne as model

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Marie-Lyne as artist

Private collection in Manhattan (acrylic, early 2000)
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Life Drawing
  • Taught by Marie-Lyne
  • Charcoal

    Feet (and hands) from the start

    Highlights, shadows and mid-tone

    Full colour pastel

    Chalk on coloured paper

    Pastel on coloured paper

    Work on facial expressions

    More complex Portraits

    Portrait by candle light painted in the dark


    Group Composition