Median of 3 Permutations, 3-Cycles and 3 Hitting Set Problem (supplementary material)

For results on data:
results_on_data.pdf gives tables with results on real data and randomly generated data.

For experimental reproductibility:

1. First download and uncompress the .zip file
2. To run on a unix/linux machine, an exemple:

> export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio128/cplex/python/2.7/x86-64_linux
> python KendallTau_stats_3cycles_contraintes_M3P_3HS_test_conjecture_data.py

Put your own path to cplex instead.
Use Python 2.7.
Feel free to download, use and modify the code, as long as if it's not intended for commercial usage.