V. 2.6.

Interface MathFunction

All Known Subinterfaces:
MathFunctionWithDerivative, MathFunctionWithFirstDerivative, MathFunctionWithIntegral
All Known Implementing Classes:
AverageMathFunction, BSpline, IdentityMathFunction, PiecewiseConstantFunction, PolInterp, Polynomial, PowerMathFunction, ShiftedMathFunction, SmoothingCubicSpline, SqrtMathFunction, SquareMathFunction

public interface MathFunction

This interface should be implemented by classes which represent univariate mathematical functions. It is used to pass an arbitrary function of one variable as argument to another function. For example, it is used in RootFinder to find the zeros of a function.

Method Summary
 double evaluate(double x)
          Returns the value of the function evaluated at x.

Method Detail


double evaluate(double x)
Returns the value of the function evaluated at x.

x - value at which the function is evaluated
function evaluated at x

V. 2.6.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.