SSJ V. 2.6. |
Class Summary | |
BrownianMotion | This class represents a Brownian motion process {X(t) : t >= 0}, sampled at times 0 = t0 < t1 < ... |
BrownianMotionBridge | Represents a Brownian motion process {X(t) : t >= 0} sampled using the bridge sampling technique (see for example). |
BrownianMotionPCA | A Brownian motion process {X(t) : t >= 0} sampled using the principal component decomposition (PCA). |
BrownianMotionPCAEqualSteps | Same as BrownianMotionPCA, but uses a trick to speed up the calculation when the time steps are equidistant. |
CIRProcess | This class represents a CIR (Cox, Ingersoll, Ross) process {X(t) : t >= 0}, sampled at times 0 = t0 < t1 < ... |
CIRProcessEuler | . |
GammaProcess | This class represents a gamma process {S(t) = G(t;μ, ν) : t >= 0} with mean parameter μ and variance parameter ν. |
GammaProcessBridge | This class represents a gamma process {S(t) = G(t;μ, ν) : t >= 0} with mean parameter μ and variance parameter ν, sampled using the gamma bridge method (see for example). |
GammaProcessPCA | Represents a gamma process sampled using the principal component analysis (PCA). |
GammaProcessPCABridge | Same as GammaProcessPCA , but the generated uniforms
correspond to a bridge transformation of the BrownianMotionPCA
instead of a sequential transformation. |
GammaProcessPCASymmetricalBridge | Same as GammaProcessPCABridge , but uses the fast inversion method
for the symmetrical beta distribution, proposed by L'Ecuyer and Simard, to accelerate the generation of the beta random variables. |
GammaProcessSymmetricalBridge | This class differs from GammaProcessBridge only in that it requires the number of interval of the path to be a power of 2 and of equal size. |
GeometricBrownianMotion | . |
GeometricLevyProcess | . |
GeometricNormalInverseGaussianProcess | . |
GeometricVarianceGammaProcess | This class represents a geometric variance gamma process S(t) (see). |
InverseGaussianProcess | The inverse Gaussian process is a non-decreasing process
where the increments are additive and are given by the
inverse gaussian distribution,
InverseGaussianDist . |
InverseGaussianProcessBridge | Samples the path by bridge sampling: first finding the process value at the final time and then the middle time, etc. |
InverseGaussianProcessMSH | Uses a faster generating method (MSH)
than the simple inversion of the distribution function
used by InverseGaussianProcess . |
InverseGaussianProcessPCA | Approximates a principal component analysis (PCA) decomposition of the InverseGaussianProcess. |
NormalInverseGaussianProcess | This class represents a normal inverse gaussian process (NIG). |
OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess | This class represents an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process {X(t) : t >= 0}, sampled at times 0 = t0 < t1 < ... |
OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler | . |
StochasticProcess | Abstract base class for a stochastic process {X(t) : t >= 0} sampled (or observed) at a finite number of time points, 0 = t0 < t1 < ... |
VarianceGammaProcess | This class represents a variance gamma (VG) process {S(t) = X(t;θ, σ, ν) : t >= 0}. |
VarianceGammaProcessDiff | This class represents a variance gamma (VG) process {S(t) = X(t;θ, σ, ν) : t >= 0}. |
VarianceGammaProcessDiffPCA | Same as VarianceGammaProcessDiff , but the two inner
GammaProcess 'es are of PCA type. |
VarianceGammaProcessDiffPCABridge | Same as VarianceGammaProcessDiff , but the two
inner GammaProcess 'es are of the type PCABridge. |
VarianceGammaProcessDiffPCASymmetricalBridge | Same as VarianceGammaProcessDiff , but the two
inner GammaProcess 'es are of the PCASymmetricalBridge type. |
This package provides classes to define stochastic processes {X(t), t >= 0}, and to simulate their sample paths at a finite number of (discrete) observation times t0 <= t1 <= ... <= td. The observation of the generated path is thus the vector (X(t0), X(t1),..., X(td)).
The observation times t0,..., td can be specified (or changed) after defining the process, with the method setObservationTimes. The random stream used to generate the sample path can also be changed, using setStream.
SSJ V. 2.6. |