V. 2.4.

Class SplitSort

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.util.SplitSort
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SplitSort
extends Object
implements MultiDimSort

This class implements a MultiDimSort that performs a split sort on the arrays.

For MultiDimComparable objects, the dimension mentioned below refers to the value returned by dimension. The ordering of the elements is the one induced by the method compareTo.

The split sort first separates the array in two, such that objects in the first part are smaller or equal, in dimension 1 (coordinate 0), to the objects in the second part. Then it recursively separates each part in two for the dimension 2 (coordinate 1), and so on. When the maximum dimension (coordinate dimension() - 1) is reached, it cycles back to coordinate 0, until each part contains only 1 object.

Constructor Summary
SplitSort(int d)
          Constructs a SplitSort that will use the first d dimensions to sort.
Method Summary
 int dimension()
          Maximum dimension used for the sort.
 void sort(double[][] a)
          Sorts the entire array.
 void sort(double[][] a, int iMin, int iMax)
          Sorts the subarray of a made of the elements with indices from iMin to iMax-1.
<T extends MultiDimComparable<? super T>>
sort(T[] a)
          Sorts the entire array.
<T extends MultiDimComparable<? super T>>
sort(T[] a, int iMin, int iMax)
          Sorts the subarray of a made of the elements with indices from iMin to iMax-1.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SplitSort(int d)
Constructs a SplitSort that will use the first d dimensions to sort.

d - maximum dimension to use for the sort
Method Detail


public <T extends MultiDimComparable<? super T>> void sort(T[] a,
                                                           int iMin,
                                                           int iMax)
Description copied from interface: MultiDimSort
Sorts the subarray of a made of the elements with indices from iMin to iMax-1.

Specified by:
sort in interface MultiDimSort
a - array to sort
iMin - index of first element to sort
iMax - index of last element to sort is iMax - 1


public <T extends MultiDimComparable<? super T>> void sort(T[] a)
Description copied from interface: MultiDimSort
Sorts the entire array.

Specified by:
sort in interface MultiDimSort
a - array to sort


public void sort(double[][] a,
                 int iMin,
                 int iMax)
Description copied from interface: MultiDimSort
Sorts the subarray of a made of the elements with indices from iMin to iMax-1.

Specified by:
sort in interface MultiDimSort
a - array to sort
iMin - index of first element to sort
iMax - index of last element to sort is iMax - 1


public void sort(double[][] a)
Description copied from interface: MultiDimSort
Sorts the entire array.

Specified by:
sort in interface MultiDimSort
a - array to sort


public int dimension()
Maximum dimension used for the sort. Sort coordinates vary from 0 to dimension() - 1.

Specified by:
dimension in interface MultiDimSort
greatest dimension used for the sort

V. 2.4.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.