V. labo.

Class DiscreteDistIntChart

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.DiscreteDistIntChart

public class DiscreteDistIntChart
extends Object

This class provides tools to plot the mass function and the cumulative probability of a discrete probability distribution over the integers.

Constructor Summary
DiscreteDistIntChart(DiscreteDistributionInt dist)
          Constructor for a new DiscreteDistIntChart instance used to plot the probabilities of the discrete distribution dist over the integers.
DiscreteDistIntChart(DiscreteDistributionInt dist, int a, int b)
          Constructor for a new DiscreteDistIntChart instance used to plot the probabilities of the discrete distribution dist over the interval [a, b].
Method Summary
 XYLineChart getCdf()
          Returns the chart of the cdf.
 XYLineChart getProb()
          Returns the chart of the probability.
 void setParam(int a, int b)
          Sets the parameters a and b for this object.
 String toLatexCdf(int width, int height)
          Exports a chart of the cumulative probability to a LATEX source code using PGF/TikZ.
 String toLatexProb(int width, int height)
          Similar to toLatexCdf, but for the probability instead of the cdf.
 JFrame viewCdf(int width, int height)
          Similar to method viewCdf above.
 JFrame viewCdf(int width, int height, int a, int b)
          Displays a chart of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) over the interval [a, b] on the screen using Swing.
 JFrame viewProb(int width, int height)
          Similar to method viewProb above.
 JFrame viewProb(int width, int height, int a, int b)
          Displays a chart of the probability mass function over the interval [a, b] on the screen using Swing.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DiscreteDistIntChart(DiscreteDistributionInt dist)
Constructor for a new DiscreteDistIntChart instance used to plot the probabilities of the discrete distribution dist over the integers.

dist - discrete distribution to plot


public DiscreteDistIntChart(DiscreteDistributionInt dist,
                            int a,
                            int b)
Constructor for a new DiscreteDistIntChart instance used to plot the probabilities of the discrete distribution dist over the interval [a, b].

dist - continuous distribution to plot
a - lower bound of interval
b - upper bound of interval
Method Detail


public JFrame viewCdf(int width,
                      int height,
                      int a,
                      int b)
Displays a chart of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) over the interval [a, b] on the screen using Swing. This method creates an application containing a chart panel displaying the chart. The created frame is positioned on-screen, and displayed before it is returned. The width and the height of the chart are measured in pixels.

width - frame width in pixels.
height - frame height in pixels.
a - lower bound of interval
b - upper bound of interval
frame containing the chart


public JFrame viewCdf(int width,
                      int height)
Similar to method viewCdf above. If the interval [a, b] for the graph is not defined, it will be set automatically to [μ -3σ, μ +3σ], where μ and σ are the mean and the variance of the distribution.

width - frame width in pixels
height - frame height in pixels
frame containing the chart


public JFrame viewProb(int width,
                       int height,
                       int a,
                       int b)
Displays a chart of the probability mass function over the interval [a, b] on the screen using Swing. This method creates an application containing a chart panel displaying the chart. The created frame is positioned on-screen, and displayed before it is returned. The width and the height of the chart are measured in pixels.

width - frame width in pixels.
height - frame height in pixels.
a - lower bound of interval
b - upper bound of interval
frame containing the chart


public JFrame viewProb(int width,
                       int height)
Similar to method viewProb above. If the interval [a, b] for the graph is not defined, it will be set automatically to [μ -3σ, μ +3σ], where μ and σ are the mean and the variance of the distribution.

width - frame width in pixels.
height - frame height in pixels.
frame containing the chart


public void setParam(int a,
                     int b)
Sets the parameters a and b for this object.

a - lower bound of interval
b - upper bound of interval


public String toLatexCdf(int width,
                         int height)
Exports a chart of the cumulative probability to a LATEX source code using PGF/TikZ. This method constructs and returns a string that can be written to a LATEX document to render the plot. width and height represents the width and the height of the produced chart. These dimensions do not take into account the axes and labels extra space. The width and the height of the chart are measured in centimeters.

width - Chart's width in centimeters
height - Chart's height in centimeters
LaTeX source code


public String toLatexProb(int width,
                          int height)
Similar to toLatexCdf, but for the probability instead of the cdf.

width - Chart's width in centimeters
height - Chart's height in centimeters
LaTeX source code


public XYLineChart getCdf()
Returns the chart of the cdf.

the chart of the cdf.


public XYLineChart getProb()
Returns the chart of the probability.

the chart of the probability.

V. labo.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.