V. labo.

Class BigDiscrepancy

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.discrepancy.Discrepancy
      extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.discrepancy.BigDiscrepancy
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class BigDiscrepancy
extends Discrepancy

This abstract class is the base class of all discrepancy classes programmed with floating-point numbers with multi-precision. For n large, computing the discrepancy suffers from subtractive cancellation and loses all precision if one uses double numbers. Using multi-precision numbers allow us to compute the discrepancy for larger n, but the computation is very slow.

Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
BigDiscrepancy(double[][] points, int n, int s)
          Constructor with the n points points[i] in s dimensions.
BigDiscrepancy(double[][] points, int n, int s, double[] gamma)
          Constructor with the n points points[i] in s dimensions with weight factors gamma.
BigDiscrepancy(int n, int s, double[] gamma)
          The number of points is n, the dimension s, and the s weight factors are gamma[j], j = 0, 1,…,(s - 1).
BigDiscrepancy(PointSet set)
          Constructor with the point set set.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.discrepancy.Discrepancy
compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, compute, formatPoints, getDimension, getGamma, getName, getNumPoints, setGamma, setPoints, setPoints, sort, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BigDiscrepancy(double[][] points,
                      int n,
                      int s)
Constructor with the n points points[i] in s dimensions. points[i][j] is the j-th coordinate of point i. Both i and j start at 0.


public BigDiscrepancy(double[][] points,
                      int n,
                      int s,
                      double[] gamma)
Constructor with the n points points[i] in s dimensions with weight factors gamma. points[i][j] is the j-th coordinate of point i. Both i and j start at 0.


public BigDiscrepancy(int n,
                      int s,
                      double[] gamma)
The number of points is n, the dimension s, and the s weight factors are gamma[j], j = 0, 1,…,(s - 1). The n points will be chosen later.


public BigDiscrepancy(PointSet set)
Constructor with the point set set. All the points are copied in an internal array.


public BigDiscrepancy()
Empty constructor. The points and parameters must be defined before calling methods of this or derived classes.

V. labo.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.