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libsimediting - editing/de-editing of numbers
The following operations are offering facilities for safe
reading of input numbers. There are also some operations
that duplicate functionality of standard routines, but uses
the current value of Pos of a text where the standard
routines uses 1.
external text procedure CheckReal;
text T; long real r;
if CheckReal(T) then
else Error( Bad number");"
Various people at QZ and FOA, Stockholm.
integer procedure CheckReal(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos used and updated. ;
Considering the text from T.pos and on, if a GetReal
operation is legal the returned value is +1.
If it would give an error - then if the remaining text
string is blank, the result is 0, otherwise -1.
Pos is placed after a legal item (+1), after the first non-
blank illegal character (-1) or after the text if the rest
is empty (0).
integer procedure CheckInt(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos used and updated. ;
Considering the text from T.pos and on, if a GetInt
operation is legal the returned value is +1.
If it would give an error - then if the remaining text
string is blank, the result is 0, otherwise -1.
Pos is placed after a legal item (+1), after the first non-
blank illegal character (-1) or after the text if the rest
is empty (0).
long real procedure ScanReal(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos is used and updated. ;
Scanreal is similar to GetReal, but the handling of error
conditions due to bad data is different. ScanReal returns
the value of the next real item in the text T. T.Pos will
only be moved if de-editing was successful. On Failure it
returns minlongreal (= 'minus infinity').
integer procedure ScanInt(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos is used and updated. ;
Scanreal is similar to GetInt, but the handling of error
conditions due to bad data is different. ScanInt returns the
value of the next integer item in the text T. T.Pos will
only be moved if de-editing was successful. On Failure it
returns minint (= 'minus infinity').
integer procedure GetRadix(Base,T);
integer Base; ! Base used for representation of ..;
text T; ! ... the textual representation of an integer.
Pos not used.;
As GetInt, converts a text T containing digits (i.e. an
integer item) to an integer, but uses a selectable radix
Base. If Base = 16 then the characters 0123456789ABCDEF may
be used, otherwise, part of the sequence
0123456789(10)(11)(12)... may be used. Note that texts
containing illegal characters will always be (somehow)
text procedure Radix(Base,I);
integer Base; ! radix base to use, 8, 10, 16 are popular;
integer I; ! integer to represent in 'Base'. ;
Returns a text containing the representation of I in radix
Base. Base may be negative but not -1 or zero. The
resulting text will never contain blanks. If Base = 16 then
the sequence 0123456789ABCDEF will be used, otherwise, part
of the sequence 0123456789(10)(11)(12)... will be used.
boolean procedure PutIntAtPos(T,I);
name T; text T; ! Pos used and updated, text changed. ;
integer I; ! Integer to convert to text. ;
Formats the integer I and deposits the result in the text T,
left adjusted, starting at Pos. T.pos is increased past the
stored digits. If T is not long enough, False is returned
and pos unchaged.
boolean procedure PutRealAtPos(T,L,N);
name T; text T; ! Pos used and updated, text changed. ;
long real L; ! Real to convert to text. ;
integer N; ! Number of digits in result. ;
Formats the real/long real L and deposits the result in the
text T, left adjusted, starting at Pos. T.pos is increased
past the stored digits. N is the digits used (see PutReal).
If T is not long enough, False is returned and T.Pos is
boolean procedure PutText(T, String);
name T; text T; ! Pos used and updated, text changed. ;
text String; ! characters to insert. ;
Puts the short word String into the long text T, starting at
Pos. T.Pos is increased to after the stored characters.
Returns False if there was not enough room in T.
text procedure GetItem(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos is used and updated. Result is
sub-text of T;
First any blanks or tabs after T.Pos in the text are
skipped. Then the procedure reads an item. By an item is
meant either an identifier (a letter followed by letters,
digits) or a number (a series of digits which may contain
one dot) or any other character except blank. The result is
a reference to a subtext (not a copy) of T, or Notext if
there are only blanks left or pos=length+1.
Example: T="IF CAR.WHEEL_SIZE > 13.5", GetItem will return:
IF/CAR/./WHEEL/_/SIZE/>/13.5 and then Notext. Notes:
1. The position of the parameter starts from current pos.
2. Preceding blanks or tabs (if any) are skipped.
3. The resulting position indicator setting is that
following the last character of the matched word;
text procedure GetSimItem(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos is used and updated. Result is
sub-text of T;
Simliar to getItem but accepts also underline in
First any blanks or tabs after T.Pos in the text are
skipped. Then the procedure reads an item. By an item is
meant either an identifier (a letter followed by letters,
digits, '_') or a number (a series of digits which may
contain one dot) or any other character except blank. The
result is a reference to a subtext (not a copy) of T, or
Notext if there are only blanks left or pos=length+1.
Example: T="IF CAR.WHEEL_SIZE > 13.5", GetSimItem will
return: IF/CAR/./WHEEL_SIZE/>/13.5 and then Notext. Notes:
1. The position of the parameter starts from current pos.
2. Preceding blanks or tabs (if any) are skipped.
3. The resulting position indicator setting is that
following the last character of the matched word;
text procedure InItem(FileRef);
ref(File) FileRef; ! ref to open Infile (or Directfile)
object. ;
Same as getItem, but for Infiles and DirectFiles. LastItem
is called first and then the result of GetItem(Image) is
returned. Notext is returned if only blanks or tabs are
left in the file or if Endfile is TRUE. Note that since the
Item:s are not copied, a call on InItem may cause Inimage
and thus overwrite of previously located items (in Image),
if they have not been copied by the program.
text procedure SimId(T);
name T; text T; ! Pos is used and updated, returns sub-
string of T.;
Locates and returns the subtext of the next SIMULA
identifier in T. Starting at T.Pos it skips any blanks or
tabs. If T.More still holds, an identifier is found if the
next character is a valid identifier starter according to
the Simula syntax. The value of SimId is a subtext
reference to the identifier found within T (or Notext if no
identifier was found). T.Pos is updated to past the