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xwmhints - part of Simula to Xlib interface
class XWMHints;
refer to a Xlib manual to understand the meaning of the
following paramters. XWMHint objects are used as parameters
to calls to operation in X_Window: SetWMHints
integer window_group; ! id of related window group;
integer icon_mask; ! icon mask bitmap;
integer icon_y, icon_x; ! initial position of icon;
integer icon_window; ! window to be used as icon;
integer icon_pixmap; ! pixmap to be used as icon;
integer initial_state; ! ??;
boolean input; ! does this application rely on the WM to
get KB input?;
integer flags; ! marks which fields in this structure are
This structure may be extended in the future. The
attributes 'Flags' can be set to one of, or a sum of, the
following constants:
InputHint StateHint IconPixmapHint IconWindowHint
IconPositionHint IconMaskHint WindowGroupHint
(or simply 'AllHints' for the sum of all of them).