SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
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SSJXYSeriesCollection Class Referenceabstract

Stores data used in a XYChart. More...

Inheritance diagram for SSJXYSeriesCollection:
Collaboration diagram for SSJXYSeriesCollection:

Public Member Functions

Data control methods
double getX (int series, int index)
 Returns the \(x\)-value at the specified index in the specified series. More...
double getY (int series, int index)
 Returns the \(y\)-value at the specified index in the specified series. More...
XYDataset getSeriesCollection ()
 Returns the XYDataset object associated with the current object. More...
double [] getDomainBounds ()
 Returns domain ( \(x\)-coordinates) min and max values. More...
double [] getRangeBounds ()
 Returns range ( \(y\)-coordinates) min and max values. More...
String toString ()
 Returns in a String all data contained in the current object. More...

Protected Attributes

XYItemRenderer renderer
XYDataset seriesCollection

Rendering methods

XYItemRenderer getRenderer ()
 Returns the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current object. More...
void setRenderer (XYItemRenderer renderer)
 Sets the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current variable. More...
Color getColor (int series)
 Gets the current plotting color of the selected series. More...
void setColor (int series, Color color)
 Sets a new plotting color to the series \(series\). More...
abstract String toLatex (double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
 Formats and returns a string containing a LaTeX-compatible source code which represents this data series collection. More...
static String detectXColorClassic (Color color)
 Converts a java Color object into a friendly and readable LaTeX/xcolor string. More...
static Color getDefaultColor (int index)
 Gives the default color associated with a series. More...
static double max (double[] t)
static double min (double[] t)

Detailed Description

Stores data used in a XYChart.

This class provides tools to manage data sets and rendering options, and modify plot color, plot style, and marks on points for each series.

Member Function Documentation

◆ detectXColorClassic()

static String detectXColorClassic ( Color  color)

Converts a java Color object into a friendly and readable LaTeX/xcolor string.

colorin color.
friendly color with string format as possible, null otherwise.

◆ getColor()

Color getColor ( int  series)

Gets the current plotting color of the selected series.

current plotting color.

◆ getDefaultColor()

static Color getDefaultColor ( int  index)

Gives the default color associated with a series.

indexIndex of the series in the XYDataset object.
default color object.

◆ getDomainBounds()

double [] getDomainBounds ( )

Returns domain ( \(x\)-coordinates) min and max values.

domain min and max values.

◆ getRangeBounds()

double [] getRangeBounds ( )

Returns range ( \(y\)-coordinates) min and max values.

range min and max values.

◆ getRenderer()

XYItemRenderer getRenderer ( )

Returns the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current object.

XYItemRenderer object associated with the current variable.

◆ getSeriesCollection()

XYDataset getSeriesCollection ( )

Returns the XYDataset object associated with the current object.

XYDataset object associated with the current variable.

◆ getX()

double getX ( int  series,
int  index 

Returns the \(x\)-value at the specified index in the specified series.

seriesrequired series value.
indexvalue’s index.
\(x\)-value at the specified index in the specified series.

◆ getY()

double getY ( int  series,
int  index 

Returns the \(y\)-value at the specified index in the specified series.

seriesrequired series value.
indexvalue’s index.
\(y\)-value at the specified index in the specified series.

◆ setColor()

void setColor ( int  series,
Color  color 

Sets a new plotting color to the series \(series\).

seriesseries index.
colorplotting color.

◆ setRenderer()

void setRenderer ( XYItemRenderer  renderer)

Sets the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current variable.

This object determines the chart JFreeChart look, produced by method view in class umontreal.ssj.charts.XYChart.

renderernew XYItemRenderer object.

◆ toLatex()

abstract String toLatex ( double  XScale,
double  YScale,
double  XShift,
double  YShift,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax 

Formats and returns a string containing a LaTeX-compatible source code which represents this data series collection.

The original datasets are shifted and scaled with the XShift, YShift, XScale and YScale parameters. xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax represent the chart bounds.

XScaleDomain original data scale.
YScaleRange original data scale.
XShiftDomain original data shift value.
YShiftRange original data shift value.
xminDomain min bound.
xmaxDomain nax bound.
yminRange min bound.
ymaxRange nax bound.
TikZ code.

◆ toString()

String toString ( )

Returns in a String all data contained in the current object.

All data contained in the current object as a String.

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