SSJ  3.2.1
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ContainerPointSet Class Referenceabstract

This acts as a generic base class for all container classes that contain a point set and apply some kind of transformation to the coordinates to define a new point set. More...

Inheritance diagram for ContainerPointSet:
Collaboration diagram for ContainerPointSet:


class  ContainerPointSetIterator

Public Member Functions

PointSet getOriginalPointSet ()
 Returns the (untransformed) point set inside this container. More...
int getDimension ()
 Returns the dimension of the contained point set. More...
int getNumPoints ()
 Returns the number of points of the contained point set. More...
double getCoordinate (int i, int j)
PointSetIterator iterator ()
void randomize (PointSetRandomization rand)
 Randomizes the contained point set using rand. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2, RandomStream stream)
 Calls addRandomShift(d1, d2, stream) of the contained point set. More...
void addRandomShift (RandomStream stream)
 Calls addRandomShift(stream) of the contained point set. More...
void clearRandomShift ()
 Calls clearRandomShift() of the contained point set.
String toString ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PointSet
int getDimension ()
 Returns the dimension (number of available coordinates) of the point set. More...
int getNumPoints ()
 Returns the number of points. More...
abstract double getCoordinate (int i, int j)
 Returns \(u_{i,j}\), the coordinate \(j\) of the point \(i\). More...
PointSetIterator iterator ()
 Constructs and returns a point set iterator. More...
void setStream (RandomStream stream)
 Sets the random stream used to generate random shifts to stream. More...
RandomStream getStream ()
 Returns the random stream used to generate random shifts. More...
void randomize (PointSetRandomization rand)
 Randomizes the point set using the given rand. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2, RandomStream stream)
 This method does nothing for this generic class. More...
void addRandomShift (RandomStream stream)
 This method does nothing for this generic class. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2)
 Similar to addRandomShift(d1, d2, stream), with the current random stream.
void addRandomShift ()
 Similar to addRandomShift(0, d2, stream) with the current random stream and d2 the dimension of the current random shift.
void clearRandomShift ()
 Erases the current random shift, if any.
void randomize (int fromDim, int toDim, RandomStream stream)
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift (fromDim, toDim, stream), which does nothing.
void randomize (RandomStream stream)
 By default, this method simply calls randomize(0, dim, stream).
void randomize (int d1, int d2)
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift(d1, d2).
void randomize ()
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift().
void unrandomize ()
 By default, this method simply calls clearRandomShift().
String toString ()
 Formats a string that contains information about the point set. More...
String formatPoints ()
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension of this object, respectively. More...
String formatPoints (int n, int d)
 Formats a string that displays the same information as returned by toString, together with the first \(d\) coordinates of the first \(n\) points. More...
String formatPoints (PointSetIterator iter)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(iter, n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension, respectively. More...
String formatPoints (PointSetIterator iter, int n, int d)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n, d), but prints the points by calling iter repeatedly. More...
String formatPointsBase (int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (int n, int d, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(n, d), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (PointSetIterator iter, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(iter), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (PointSetIterator iter, int n, int d, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(iter, n, d), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsNumbered ()
 Same as invoking formatPointsNumbered(n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension, respectively. More...
String formatPointsNumbered (int n, int d)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n,d), except that the points are numbered. More...

Protected Member Functions

void init (PointSet p0)
 Initializes the container point set which will contain point set P0. More...

Protected Attributes

PointSet P
- Protected Attributes inherited from PointSet
double EpsilonHalf = 1.0 / Num.TWOEXP[55]
int dim = 0
int numPoints = 0
int dimShift = 0
int capacityShift = 0
RandomStream shiftStream

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PointSet
static final int MAXBITS = 31

Detailed Description

This acts as a generic base class for all container classes that contain a point set and apply some kind of transformation to the coordinates to define a new point set.

One example of such transformation is the antithetic map, applied by the container class AntitheticPointSet, where each output coordinate \(u_{i,j}\) is transformed into \(1-u_{i,j}\). Another example is RandShiftedPointSet.

The class implements a specialized type of iterator for container point sets. This type of iterator contains itself an iterator for the contained point set and uses it to access the points and coordinates internally, instead of maintaining itself indices for the current point and current coordinate.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRandomShift() [1/2]

void addRandomShift ( int  d1,
int  d2,
RandomStream  stream 

Calls addRandomShift(d1, d2, stream) of the contained point set.

d1lower dimension of the random shift
d2upper dimension of the random shift
streamthe random stream

◆ addRandomShift() [2/2]

void addRandomShift ( RandomStream  stream)

Calls addRandomShift(stream) of the contained point set.

streamthe random stream

◆ getDimension()

int getDimension ( )

Returns the dimension of the contained point set.

the dimension of the contained point set

◆ getNumPoints()

int getNumPoints ( )

Returns the number of points of the contained point set.

the number of points of the contained point set

◆ getOriginalPointSet()

PointSet getOriginalPointSet ( )

Returns the (untransformed) point set inside this container.

the point set inside this container

◆ init()

void init ( PointSet  p0)

Initializes the container point set which will contain point set P0.

This method must be called by the constructor of any class inheriting from ContainerPointSet.

P0contained point set

◆ randomize()

void randomize ( PointSetRandomization  rand)

Randomizes the contained point set using rand.

randPointSetRandomization to use

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