SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
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DigitalSequence Class Referenceabstract

This abstract class describes methods specific to digital sequences. More...

Inheritance diagram for DigitalSequence:
Collaboration diagram for DigitalSequence:


class  DigitalNetIteratorShiftGenerators
class  DigitalNetIteratorShiftNoGray

Public Member Functions

abstract void extendSequence (int k)
 Increases the number of points to \(n = b^k\) from now on. More...
DigitalNet toNet ()
 Transforms this digital sequence into a digital net without changing the coordinates of the points. More...
DigitalNet toNetShiftCj ()
 Transforms this digital sequence into a digital net by adding one dimension and shifting all coordinates by one position. More...
PointSetIterator iteratorShift ()
 Similar to #iterator, except that the first coordinate of the points is \(i/n\), the second coordinate is obtained via the generating matrix \(\mathbf{C}_0\), the next one via \(\mathbf{C}_1\), and so on. More...
PointSetIterator iteratorShiftNoGray ()
 This iterator shifts all coordinates of each point one position to the right and sets the first coordinate of point \(i\) to \(i/n\), so that the points enumerated with this iterator have one more dimension. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DigitalNet
double getCoordinate (int i, int j)
PointSetIterator iterator ()
 DigitalNet ()
 Empty constructor.
double getCoordinateNoGray (int i, int j)
 Returns \(u_{i,j}\), the coordinate \(j\) of point \(i\), the points being enumerated in the standard order (no Gray code). More...
PointSetIterator iteratorNoGray ()
 This iterator does not use the Gray code. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2, RandomStream stream)
 Adds a random digital shift to all the points of the point set, using stream stream to generate the random numbers. More...
void addRandomShift (RandomStream stream)
 Same as addRandomShift(0, dim, stream), where dim is the dimension of the digital net. More...
void clearRandomShift ()
 Erases the current digital random shift, if any.
String toString ()
void leftMatrixScramble (RandomStream stream)
 Applies a linear scramble by multiplying each \(\mathbf{C}_j\) on the left by a \(w\times w\) nonsingular lower-triangular matrix \(\mathbf{M}_j\), as suggested by Matoušek [169]  and implemented by Hong and Hickernell [86] . More...
void leftMatrixScrambleDiag (RandomStream stream)
 Similar to leftMatrixScramble except that all the off-diagonal elements of the \(\mathbf{M}_j\) are 0. More...
void leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermut (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to leftMatrixScramble except that the diagonal elements of each matrix \(\mathbf{M}_j\) are chosen from a restricted set of the best integers as calculated by Faure [56] . More...
void leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermutDiag (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermut except that all off-diagonal elements are 0. More...
void leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermutAll (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermut except that the elements under the diagonal are also chosen from the same restricted set as the diagonal elements. More...
void iBinomialMatrixScramble (RandomStream stream)
 Applies the \(i\)-binomial matrix scramble proposed by Tezuka [217]  (see also [184] ). More...
void iBinomialMatrixScrambleFaurePermut (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to iBinomialMatrixScramble except that the diagonal elements of each matrix \(\mathbf{M}_j\) are chosen as in leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermut. More...
void iBinomialMatrixScrambleFaurePermutDiag (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to iBinomialMatrixScrambleFaurePermut except that all the off-diagonal elements are 0. More...
void iBinomialMatrixScrambleFaurePermutAll (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to iBinomialMatrixScrambleFaurePermut except that the elements under the diagonal are also chosen from the same restricted set as the diagonal elements. More...
void stripedMatrixScramble (RandomStream stream)
 Applies the striped matrix scramble proposed by Owen [184] . More...
void stripedMatrixScrambleFaurePermutAll (RandomStream stream, int sb)
 Similar to stripedMatrixScramble except that the elements on and under the diagonal of each matrix \(\mathbf{M}_j\) are chosen as in leftMatrixScrambleFaurePermut. More...
void rightMatrixScramble (RandomStream stream)
 Applies a linear scramble by multiplying each \(\mathbf{C}_j\) on the right by a single \(k\times k\) nonsingular upper-triangular matrix \(\mathbf{M}\), as suggested by Faure and Tezuka [56]  (see also [86] ). More...
void unrandomize ()
 Restores the original generator matrices and removes the random shift.
void resetGeneratorMatrices ()
 Restores the original generator matrices. More...
void eraseOriginalGeneratorMatrices ()
 Erases the original generator matrices and replaces them by the current ones. More...
void printGeneratorMatrices (int s)
 Prints the generator matrices in standard form for dimensions 1 to \(s\).
- Public Member Functions inherited from PointSet
int getDimension ()
 Returns the dimension (number of available coordinates) of the point set. More...
int getNumPoints ()
 Returns the number of points. More...
abstract double getCoordinate (int i, int j)
 Returns \(u_{i,j}\), the coordinate \(j\) of the point \(i\). More...
PointSetIterator iterator ()
 Constructs and returns a point set iterator. More...
void setStream (RandomStream stream)
 Sets the random stream used to generate random shifts to stream. More...
RandomStream getStream ()
 Returns the random stream used to generate random shifts. More...
void randomize (PointSetRandomization rand)
 Randomizes the point set using the given rand. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2, RandomStream stream)
 This method does nothing for this generic class. More...
void addRandomShift (RandomStream stream)
 This method does nothing for this generic class. More...
void addRandomShift (int d1, int d2)
 Similar to addRandomShift(d1, d2, stream), with the current random stream.
void addRandomShift ()
 Similar to addRandomShift(0, d2, stream) with the current random stream and d2 the dimension of the current random shift.
void clearRandomShift ()
 Erases the current random shift, if any.
void randomize (int fromDim, int toDim, RandomStream stream)
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift (fromDim, toDim, stream), which does nothing.
void randomize (RandomStream stream)
 By default, this method simply calls randomize(0, dim, stream).
void randomize (int d1, int d2)
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift(d1, d2).
void randomize ()
 By default, this method simply calls addRandomShift().
void unrandomize ()
 By default, this method simply calls clearRandomShift().
String toString ()
 Formats a string that contains information about the point set. More...
String formatPoints ()
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension of this object, respectively. More...
String formatPoints (int n, int d)
 Formats a string that displays the same information as returned by toString, together with the first \(d\) coordinates of the first \(n\) points. More...
String formatPoints (PointSetIterator iter)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(iter, n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension, respectively. More...
String formatPoints (PointSetIterator iter, int n, int d)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n, d), but prints the points by calling iter repeatedly. More...
String formatPointsBase (int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (int n, int d, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(n, d), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (PointSetIterator iter, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(iter), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsBase (PointSetIterator iter, int n, int d, int b)
 Similar to formatPoints(iter, n, d), but the points coordinates are printed in base \(b\). More...
String formatPointsNumbered ()
 Same as invoking formatPointsNumbered(n, d) with \(n\) and \(d\) equal to the number of points and the dimension, respectively. More...
String formatPointsNumbered (int n, int d)
 Same as invoking formatPoints(n,d), except that the points are numbered. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from DigitalNet
int intToDigitsGray (int b, int i, int numDigits, int[] bary, int[] gray)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DigitalNet
int b = 0
int numCols = 0
int numRows = 0
int outDigits = 0
int [][] genMat
int [][] digitalShift
double normFactor
double [] factor
- Protected Attributes inherited from PointSet
double EpsilonHalf = 1.0 / Num.TWOEXP[55]
int dim = 0
int numPoints = 0
int dimShift = 0
int capacityShift = 0
RandomStream shiftStream
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PointSet
static final int MAXBITS = 31

Detailed Description

This abstract class describes methods specific to digital sequences.

Concrete classes must implement the extendSequence method that increases the number of points of the digital sequence. Calling the methods toNet or toNetShiftCj will transform the digital sequence into a digital net, which has a fixed number of points \(n\).

Member Function Documentation

◆ extendSequence()

abstract void extendSequence ( int  k)

Increases the number of points to \(n = b^k\) from now on.

kthere will be b^k points

◆ iteratorShift()

PointSetIterator iteratorShift ( )

Similar to #iterator, except that the first coordinate of the points is \(i/n\), the second coordinate is obtained via the generating matrix \(\mathbf{C}_0\), the next one via \(\mathbf{C}_1\), and so on.

Thus, this iterator shifts all coordinates of each point one position to the right and sets the first coordinate of point \(i\) to \(i/n\), so that the points enumerated with this iterator have one more dimension. A digital shift, if present, will have one more dimension also. This iterator uses the Gray code.

◆ iteratorShiftNoGray()

PointSetIterator iteratorShiftNoGray ( )

This iterator shifts all coordinates of each point one position to the right and sets the first coordinate of point \(i\) to \(i/n\), so that the points enumerated with this iterator have one more dimension.

This iterator does not use the Gray code; the points are enumerated in the order of their first coordinate before randomization. A digital shift, if present, will have one more dimension also.

◆ toNet()

DigitalNet toNet ( )

Transforms this digital sequence into a digital net without changing the coordinates of the points.

Returns the digital net.

◆ toNetShiftCj()

DigitalNet toNetShiftCj ( )

Transforms this digital sequence into a digital net by adding one dimension and shifting all coordinates by one position.

The first coordinate of point \(i\) is \(i/n\), where \(n\) is the total number of points. Thus if the coordinates of a point of the digital sequence were \((x_0, x_1, x_2, …, x_{s-1})\), then the coordinates of the point of the digital net will be \((i/n, x_0, x_1, …, x_{s-1})\). In other words, for the digital net, \(\mathbf{C}_0\) is the reflected identity and for \(j\ge1\), the \(\mathbf{C}_j\) used is the \(\mathbf{C}_{j-1}\) of the digital sequence. If the digital sequence uses a digital shift, then the digital net will include the digital shift with one more dimension also. Returns the digital net.

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