SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
Public Member Functions | List of all members

Represents a constant discrete distribution taking a single real value with probability 1. More...

Inheritance diagram for ConstantDist:
Collaboration diagram for ConstantDist:

Public Member Functions

 ConstantDist (double c)
 Constructs a new constant distribution with probability 1 at c.
double getMean ()
 Returns the mean \(E[X] = c\). More...
double getVariance ()
 Returns the variance \(\mbox{Var}[X] = 0\). More...
double getStandardDeviation ()
 Returns the standard deviation = 0. More...
double inverseF (double u)
 Returns the inverse distribution function \(c = F^{-1}(u)\). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DiscreteDistribution
 DiscreteDistribution (double[] values, double[] prob, int n)
 Constructs a discrete distribution over the \(n\) values contained in array values, with probabilities given in array prob. More...
 DiscreteDistribution (int[] values, double[] prob, int n)
 Similar to DiscreteDistribution(double[], double[], int).
double cdf (double x)
double barF (double x)
double inverseF (double u)
double getMean ()
 Computes the mean \(E[X] = \sum_i^{} p_i x_i\) of the distribution.
double getVariance ()
 Computes the variance \(\mbox{Var}[X] = \sum_i^{} p_i (x_i - E[X])^2\) of the distribution.
double getStandardDeviation ()
 Computes the standard deviation of the distribution.
double [] getParams ()
 Returns a table containing the parameters of the current distribution. More...
int getN ()
 Returns the number of possible values \(x_i\).
double prob (int i)
 Returns \(p_i\), the probability of the \(i\)-th value, for. More...
double getValue (int i)
 Returns the \(i\)-th value \(x_i\), for \(0\le i<n\).
double getXinf ()
 Returns the lower limit \(x_0\) of the support of the distribution. More...
double getXsup ()
 Returns the upper limit \(x_{n-1}\) of the support of the distribution. More...
String toString ()
 Returns a String containing information about the current distribution.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from DiscreteDistribution
double cdf [] = null
double pr [] = null
int xmin = 0
int xmax = 0
int xmed = 0
int nVal
double sortedVal []
double supportA = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
double supportB = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY

Detailed Description

Represents a constant discrete distribution taking a single real value with probability 1.

Its mass function is

\[ p(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1, & \qquad\mbox{for } x = c, \\ 0, & \qquad\mbox{elsewhere. } \end{array}\right. \tag{fcons} \]

Its distribution function is

\[ F(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 0, & \qquad\mbox{ for } x < c \\ 1, & \qquad\mbox{ for } x \ge c. \end{array}\right. \tag{cdfcons} \]

Member Function Documentation

◆ getMean()

double getMean ( )

Returns the mean \(E[X] = c\).


Implements Distribution.

◆ getStandardDeviation()

double getStandardDeviation ( )

Returns the standard deviation = 0.


Implements Distribution.

◆ getVariance()

double getVariance ( )

Returns the variance \(\mbox{Var}[X] = 0\).


Implements Distribution.

◆ inverseF()

double inverseF ( double  u)

Returns the inverse distribution function \(c = F^{-1}(u)\).


Implements Distribution.

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