SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
Public Member Functions | List of all members
HistogramOnly Class Reference

This class is similar to TallyHistogram, except that it does not maintain the min, max, average, and variance of the observations. More...

Inheritance diagram for HistogramOnly:
Collaboration diagram for HistogramOnly:

Public Member Functions

 HistogramOnly (double a, double b, int s)
 Constructs a HistogramOnly statistical probe. More...
 HistogramOnly (String name, double a, double b, int s)
 Constructs a new HistogramOnly statistical probe with name name. More...
void init ()
void add (double x)
 Gives a new observation \(x\) to the statistical collectors. More...
double sum ()
double average ()
double variance ()
HistogramOnly clone ()
 Clones this object and the array which stores the counters.
String toString ()
 Returns the bin counters as a String.
String report ()
String shortReport ()
String shortReportHeader ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TallyHistogram
 TallyHistogram (double a, double b, int numBins)
 Constructs a TallyHistogram statistical probe. More...
 TallyHistogram (String name, double a, double b, int numBins)
 Constructs a new TallyHistogram statistical probe with name name. More...
void init (double a, double b, int numBins)
 Initializes this object. More...
void init ()
 Initializes all the counters and accumulators, including those of the Tally object.
void fillFromArray (double[] obs, int numObs)
 Fills this object from the first numObs observations in array obs.
void fillFromArray (double[] obs)
 Fills this object from the entire array obs.
void fillFromTallyStore (TallyStore ts)
 Fills this object from the observations in a TallyStore object.
void add (double x)
 Gives a new observation \(x\) to the statistical probe. More...
TallyHistogram trimHistogram ()
 Remove empty bins in the tails (left and right), without changing the bin size. More...
TallyHistogram addHistograms (TallyHistogram other)
 Merges this histogram with the other histogram, by adding the bin counts of the two histograms. More...
TallyHistogram aggregateBins (int g)
 Merges bins by groups of size \(g\). More...
int [] getCounters ()
 Returns the array of bin counters. More...
int getNumBins ()
 Returns the number of bins \(s\). More...
double getA ()
 Returns the left boundary \(a\) of the interval \([a,b]\). More...
double getB ()
 Returns the right boundary \(b\) of the interval \([a,b]\). More...
double getH ()
 Returns the width \(h\) of the bins. More...
TallyHistogram clone ()
 Clones this object and the array that stores the counters.
String toString ()
 Returns the bin counters as a String.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Tally
 Tally ()
 Constructs a new unnamed Tally statistical probe.
 Tally (String name)
 Constructs a new Tally statistical probe with name name. More...
void setName (String name)
 Set the name of this Tally to name. More...
void init ()
void add (double x)
 Gives a new observation x to the statistical collector. More...
int numberObs ()
 Returns the number of observations given to this probe since its last initialization. More...
double sum ()
double average ()
 Returns the average value of the observations since the last initialization.
double variance ()
 Returns the sample variance of the observations since the last initialization. More...
double standardDeviation ()
 Returns the sample standard deviation of the observations since the last initialization. More...
void confidenceIntervalNormal (double level, double[] centerAndRadius)
 Computes a confidence interval on the mean. More...
void confidenceIntervalStudent (double level, double[] centerAndRadius)
 Computes a confidence interval on the mean. More...
String formatCINormal (double level, int d)
 Similar to confidenceIntervalNormal. More...
String formatCINormal (double level)
 Equivalent to formatCINormal (level, 3). More...
String formatCIStudent (double level, int d)
 Similar to confidenceIntervalStudent. More...
String formatCIStudent (double level)
 Equivalent to formatCIStudent (level, 3). More...
void confidenceIntervalVarianceChi2 (double level, double[] interval)
 Computes a confidence interval on the variance. More...
String formatCIVarianceChi2 (double level, int d)
 Similar to confidenceIntervalVarianceChi2. More...
String report ()
 Returns a formatted string that contains a report on this probe. More...
String report (double level, int d)
 Returns a formatted string that contains a report on this probe with a confidence interval level level using \(d\) fractional decimal digits. More...
String shortReportHeader ()
String shortReport ()
 Formats and returns a short statistical report for this tally. More...
String reportAndCIStudent (double level, int d)
 Returns a formatted string that contains a report on this probe (as in report ), followed by a confidence interval (as in formatCIStudent ), using \(d\) fractional decimal digits. More...
String reportAndCIStudent (double level)
 Same as reportAndCIStudent(level, 3). More...
double getConfidenceLevel ()
 Returns the level of confidence for the intervals on the mean displayed in reports. More...
void setConfidenceLevel (double level)
 Sets the level of confidence for the intervals on the mean displayed in reports. More...
void setConfidenceIntervalNone ()
 Indicates that no confidence interval needs to be printed in reports formatted by report, and shortReport. More...
void setConfidenceIntervalNormal ()
 Indicates that a confidence interval on the true mean, based on the central limit theorem, needs to be included in reports formatted by report and shortReport. More...
void setConfidenceIntervalStudent ()
 Indicates that a confidence interval on the true mean, based on the normality assumption, needs to be included in reports formatted by report and shortReport. More...
void setShowNumberObs (boolean showNumObs)
 Determines if the number of observations must be displayed in reports. More...
Tally clone ()
 Clones this object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from StatProbe
abstract void init ()
 Initializes the statistical collector.
void setName (String name)
 Sets the name of this statistical collector to name.
String getName ()
 Returns the name associated with this probe, or null if no name was specified upon construction. More...
double min ()
 Returns the smallest value taken by the variable since the last initialization of this probe. More...
double max ()
 Returns the largest value taken by the variable since the last initialization of this probe. More...
double sum ()
 Returns the sum cumulated so far for this probe. More...
abstract double average ()
 Returns the average for this collector. More...
abstract String report ()
 Returns a string containing a report for this statistical collector. More...
abstract String shortReport ()
 Formats and returns a short, one-line report about this statistical probe. More...
abstract String shortReportHeader ()
 Returns a string containing the name of the values returned in the report strings. More...
boolean isBroadcasting ()
 Determines if this statistical probe is broadcasting observations to registered observers. More...
void setBroadcasting (boolean b)
 Instructs the probe to turn its broadcasting ON or OFF. More...
boolean isCollecting ()
 Determines if this statistical probe is collecting values. More...
void setCollecting (boolean b)
 Turns ON or OFF the collection of statistical observations. More...
void addObservationListener (ObservationListener l)
 Adds the observation listener l to the list of observers of this statistical probe. More...
void removeObservationListener (ObservationListener l)
 Removes the observation listener l from the list of observers of this statistical probe. More...
void clearObservationListeners ()
 Removes all observation listeners from the list of observers of this statistical probe.
void notifyListeners (double x)
 Notifies the observation x to all registered observers if broadcasting is ON. More...
StatProbe clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from StatProbe
static String report (String globalName, StatProbe[] probes)
 Formats short reports for each statistical probe in the array probes while aligning the probes’ names. More...
static String report (String globalName, Iterable<? extends StatProbe > probes)
 Equivalent to #report(String,StatProbe[]), except that probes is an Iterable object instead of an array. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TallyHistogram
int numBins
int [] count
int leftCount
int rightCount
double m_h
double m_a
double m_b
- Protected Attributes inherited from Tally
int numObs
CIType confidenceInterval = CIType.CI_NONE
double level = 0.95
int digits = 3
- Protected Attributes inherited from StatProbe
String name
double maxValue
double minValue
double sumValue
boolean collect = true
boolean broadcast = false
boolean showNobs = true

Detailed Description

This class is similar to TallyHistogram, except that it does not maintain the min, max, average, and variance of the observations.

Only the counters for the histogram are maintained. Also it does not maintain counters for virtual bins on the left and on the right to count the observations that fall outside \([a,b]\). The methods that are supposed to return these values return an error message instead. The only advantage of not maintaining these counters and values is to increase speed (slightly). We define this class as an extension of TallyHistogram to avoid duplicating code.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HistogramOnly() [1/2]

HistogramOnly ( double  a,
double  b,
int  s 

Constructs a HistogramOnly statistical probe.

Divide the interval

\([a,b]\) into \(s\) bins of equal width and initializes a counter to 0 for each bin. Whenever an observation falls into a bin, the bin counter is increased by 1. There are two extra bins (and counters) that count the number of observations \(x\) that fall outside the interval \([a,b]\): one for those \(x< a\), and the other for those \(x > b\).

aleft boundary of interval
bright boundary of interval
snumber of bins

◆ HistogramOnly() [2/2]

HistogramOnly ( String  name,
double  a,
double  b,
int  s 

Constructs a new HistogramOnly statistical probe with name name.

namethe name of the tally.
aleft boundary of interval
bright boundary of interval
snumber of bins

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

void add ( double  x)

Gives a new observation \(x\) to the statistical collectors.

Increases by 1 the bin counter in which value \(x\) falls.

xobservation value

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