SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
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BitVector Class Reference

This class implements vectors of bits and the operations needed to use them. More...

Inheritance diagram for BitVector:
Collaboration diagram for BitVector:

Public Member Functions

 BitVector (int length)
 Creates a new BitVector of length length with all its bits set to 0. More...
 BitVector (int[] vect, int length)
 Creates a new BitVector of length length using the data in vect. More...
 BitVector (int[] vect)
 Creates a new BitVector using the data in vect. More...
 BitVector (BitVector that)
 Creates a copy of the BitVector that. More...
Object clone ()
 Creates a copy of the BitVector. More...
boolean equals (BitVector that)
 Verifies if two BitVector’s have the same length and the same data. More...
int size ()
 Returns the length of the BitVector. More...
void enlarge (int size, boolean filling)
 Resizes the BitVector so that its length is equal to size. More...
void enlarge (int size)
 Resizes the BitVector so that its length is equal to size. More...
boolean getBool (int pos)
 Gives the value of the bit in position pos. More...
void setBool (int pos, boolean value)
 Sets the value of the bit in position pos. More...
int getInt (int pos)
 Returns an int containing all the bits in the interval \([\mathtt{pos} \times32, \mathtt{pos} \times32 + 31]\). More...
String toString ()
 Returns a string containing all the bits of the BitVector, starting with the highest order bit and finishing with the lowest order bit. More...
BitVector not ()
 Returns a BitVector which is the result of the not operator on the current BitVector. More...
BitVector selfNot ()
 Applies the not operator on the current BitVector and returns it. More...
BitVector xor (BitVector that)
 Returns a BitVector which is the result of the xor operator applied on this and that. More...
BitVector selfXor (BitVector that)
 Applies the xor operator on this with that. More...
BitVector and (BitVector that)
 Returns a BitVector which is the result of the and operator with both the this and that BitVector’s. More...
BitVector selfAnd (BitVector that)
 Applies the and operator on this with that. More...
BitVector or (BitVector that)
 Returns a BitVector which is the result of the or operator with both the this and that BitVector’s. More...
BitVector selfOr (BitVector that)
 Applies the or operator on this with that. More...
BitVector shift (int j)
 Returns a BitVector equal to the original with all the bits shifted j positions to the right if j is positive, and shifted j positions to the left if j is negative. More...
BitVector selfShift (int j)
 Shift all the bits of the current BitVector j positions to the right if j is positive, and j positions to the left if j is negative. More...
boolean scalarProduct (BitVector that)
 Returns the scalar product of two BitVector’s modulo 2. More...

Static Package Attributes

static final long serialVersionUID = -3448233092524725148L

Detailed Description

This class implements vectors of bits and the operations needed to use them.

The vectors can be of arbitrary length. The operations provided are all the binary operations available to the int and long primitive types in Java.

All bit operations are present in two forms: a normal form and a self form. The normal form returns a newly created object containing the result, while the self form puts the result in the calling object (this). The return value of the self form is the calling object itself. This is done to allow easier manipulation of the results, making it possible to chain operations.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BitVector() [1/4]

BitVector ( int  length)

Creates a new BitVector of length length with all its bits set to 0.

lengththe length of the BitVector

◆ BitVector() [2/4]

BitVector ( int []  vect,
int  length 

Creates a new BitVector of length length using the data in vect.

Component vect[0] makes the 32 lowest order bits, with vect[1] being the 32 next lowest order bits, and so on. The normal bit order is then used to fill the 32 bits (the first bit is the lowest order bit and the last bit is largest order bit). Note that the sign bit is used as the largest order bit.

vectthe bits data
lengththe length of the vector
IllegalArgumentExceptionwhen the length of vect is not compatible with the length provided

◆ BitVector() [3/4]

BitVector ( int []  vect)

Creates a new BitVector using the data in vect.

The length of the BitVector is always equals to 32 times the length of vect.

vectthe bits data

◆ BitVector() [4/4]

BitVector ( BitVector  that)

Creates a copy of the BitVector that.

thatthe BitVector to copy

Member Function Documentation

◆ and()

BitVector and ( BitVector  that)

Returns a BitVector which is the result of the and operator with both the this and that BitVector’s.

The and operator is equivalent to the & operator in Java. Only bits which are set to 1 in both this and that are set to 1 in the result, all the others are set to 0.

thatthe second operand to the and operator
the result of the and operation

◆ clone()

Object clone ( )

Creates a copy of the BitVector.

a deep copy of the BitVector

◆ enlarge() [1/2]

void enlarge ( int  size,
boolean  filling 

Resizes the BitVector so that its length is equal to size.

If the BitVector is enlarged, then the newly added bits are given the value 1 if filling is set to true and 0 otherwise.

sizethe new size of the BitVector
fillingthe state of the new bits

◆ enlarge() [2/2]

void enlarge ( int  size)

Resizes the BitVector so that its length is equal to size.

Any new bit added is set to 0.

sizethe new size of the BitVector

◆ equals()

boolean equals ( BitVector  that)

Verifies if two BitVector’s have the same length and the same data.

thatthe other BitVector to compare to
if the two BitVector’s are identiqual

◆ getBool()

boolean getBool ( int  pos)

Gives the value of the bit in position pos.

If the value is 1, returns true; otherwise, returns false.

posthe position of the checked bit
the value of the bit as a boolean
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif pos is outside the range of the BitVector

◆ getInt()

int getInt ( int  pos)

Returns an int containing all the bits in the interval \([\mathtt{pos} \times32, \mathtt{pos} \times32 + 31]\).

posthe selected position
the int at the specified position
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif pos is outside the range of the BitVector

◆ not()

BitVector not ( )

Returns a BitVector which is the result of the not operator on the current BitVector.

The not operator is equivalent to the ~ operator in Java and thus swap all bits (bits previously set to 0 become 1 and bits previously set to 1 become 0).

the effect of the not operator

◆ or()

BitVector or ( BitVector  that)

Returns a BitVector which is the result of the or operator with both the this and that BitVector’s.

The or operator is equivalent to the | operator in Java. Only bits which are set to 0 in both this and that are set to to 0 in the result, all the others are set to 1.

thatthe second operand to the or operator
the result of the or operation

◆ scalarProduct()

boolean scalarProduct ( BitVector  that)

Returns the scalar product of two BitVector’s modulo 2.

It returns true if there is an odd number of bits with a value of 1 in the result of the and operator applied on this and that, and returns false otherwise.

thatthe other BitVector with which to do the scalar product
the scalar product

◆ selfAnd()

BitVector selfAnd ( BitVector  that)

Applies the and operator on this with that.

Stores the result in this and returns it.

thatthe second operand to the and operator

◆ selfNot()

BitVector selfNot ( )

Applies the not operator on the current BitVector and returns it.

the BitVector itself

◆ selfOr()

BitVector selfOr ( BitVector  that)

Applies the or operator on this with that.

Stores the result in this and returns it.

thatthe second operand to the or operator

◆ selfShift()

BitVector selfShift ( int  j)

Shift all the bits of the current BitVector j positions to the right if j is positive, and j positions to the left if j is negative.

The new bits that appears to the left or to the rigth are set to 0. Returns this.

jthe size of the shift

◆ selfXor()

BitVector selfXor ( BitVector  that)

Applies the xor operator on this with that.

Stores the result in this and returns it.

thatthe second operand to the xor operator

◆ setBool()

void setBool ( int  pos,
boolean  value 

Sets the value of the bit in position pos.

If value is equal to true, sets it to 1; otherwise, sets it to 0.

posthe position of the bit to modify
valuethe new value of the bit as a boolean
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif pos is outside the range of the BitVector

◆ shift()

BitVector shift ( int  j)

Returns a BitVector equal to the original with all the bits shifted j positions to the right if j is positive, and shifted j positions to the left if j is negative.

The new bits that appears to the left or to the right are set to 0. If j is positive, this operation is equivalent to the >>> operator in Java, otherwise, it is equivalent to the << operator.

jthe size of the shift
the shifted BitVector

◆ size()

int size ( )

Returns the length of the BitVector.

the length of the BitVector

◆ toString()

String toString ( )

Returns a string containing all the bits of the BitVector, starting with the highest order bit and finishing with the lowest order bit.

The bits are grouped by groups of 8 bits for ease of reading.

all the bits of the BitVector

◆ xor()

BitVector xor ( BitVector  that)

Returns a BitVector which is the result of the xor operator applied on this and that.

The xor operator is equivalent to the ^ operator in Java. All bits which were set to 0 in one of the vector and to 1 in the other vector are set to 1. The others are set to 0. This is equivalent to the addition in modulo 2 arithmetic.

thatthe second operand to the xor operator
the result of the xor operation

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