SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
Package umontreal.ssj.probdistmulti.norta

This package implements the correlation matching algorithms proposed in [13]  for the situation where one wants to use the NORTA method to fit a multivariate distribution with discrete marginals. More...


class  NI1
 Extends the class NortaInitDisc and implements the algorithm NI1. More...
class  NI2a
 Extends the class NortaInitDisc and implements the algorithm NI2a. More...
class  NI2b
 Extends the class NortaInitDisc and implements the algorithm NI2b. More...
class  NI3
 Extends the class NortaInitDisc and implements the algorithm NI3. More...
class  NortaInitDisc
 This abstract class defines the algorithms used for NORTA initialization when the marginal distributions are discrete. More...

Detailed Description

This package implements the correlation matching algorithms proposed in [13]  for the situation where one wants to use the NORTA method to fit a multivariate distribution with discrete marginals.

The four different algorithms discussed in [13]  are implemented in four subclasses of an abstract class named NortaInitDisc. This software makes use of the SSJ library [149] . An example of how to use it is given at the end of this document.

The NORTA method is an approach for modeling dependence in a finite-dimensional random vector \(X=(X_1,…,X_d)\) with given univariate marginals via normal copula that fits the rank or the linear correlation between each pair of coordinates of \(X\). The standard normal distribution function is applied to each coordinate of a vector \(Z=(Z_1,…,Z_d)\) of correlated standard normals to produce a vector \(U=(U_1,…,U_d)\) of correlated uniforms over \([0,1]\). Then \(X\) is obtained by applying the inverse of each marginal distribution function to each coordinate of \(U\). The fitting requires finding the correlation between the coordinates of each pair of \(Z\) that would yield the correlation between the coordinates of the corresponding pair of \(X\). The step of finding the correlation matrix of \(Z\), given the correlation matrix of \(X\) and the marginal distributions, constitutes the NORTA initialization step. In [13] , we present a detailed analysis of the NORTA method and root-finding problem when the marginal distributions are discrete.

With the NORTA method, we have the following representation:

\[ X_l=F_l^{-1}(\Phi(Z_l)), \quad l=1,…,d, \]

where \(\Phi\) is the standard normal distribution function and \(F_l^{-1}(u) = \inf\{x: F_l(x) \ge u\}\) for \(0\le u \le1\), which is the quantile function of the marginal distribution \(F_l, l=1,…,d\).

For the bivariate case ( \(d=2\)), we have a vector \(X=(X_1, X_2)\) and the two marginal distributions \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) with means and standard deviations \(\mu_{F_1}=E[F_1(X_1)]\), \(\mu_{F_2}=E[F_2(X_2)]\), \(\sigma_{F_1}=\mbox{Var}(F_1(X_1))^{1/2}\) and \(\sigma_{F_2}=\mbox{Var}(F_2(X_2))^{1/2}\), respectively. For this case, NORTA initialization is reduced to the problem of finding the correlation \(\rho_Z=\mbox{Corr}(Z_1,Z_2)\).

In this document, we present a set of Java classes for NORTA initialization in the bivariate case given the rank correlation and two discrete marginal distributions. We have:

\begin{align} \tag{r} r_X(\rho)=\mbox{Corr}(F_1(X_1),F_2(X_2))=\frac{g_r(\rho) -\mu_{F_1}\mu_{F_2} }{\sigma_{F_1}\sigma_{F_2}}, \end{align}


\begin{align} g_r(\rho) & = E \left[ F_1 (X_1) F_2 (X_2) \right]\nonumber \\ & = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F_1 \{ F_1^{-1} [ \Phi(x_1)]\} F_2\{ F_2^{-1}[\Phi(x_2)]\} \phi_{\rho}(x_1,x_2) dx_1 dx_2, \tag{gr} \end{align}

where \(\phi_{\rho}\) is the bivariate standard normal density. Then, for a given correlation \(r_X\), we use an algorithm of root-finder to find the corresponding correlation \(\rho_Z\) that verifies

\begin{align} \tag{fr} f_r(\rho_Z)=g_r(\rho_Z)-r_X\sigma_{F_1}\sigma_{F_2}-\mu_{F_1}\mu_{F_2}=0. \end{align}

When the marginal distributions are continuous, the root-finding problem is easy to solve when we use the rank correlation. We have an analytic solution for ( gr ) and the relation in ( r ) becomes:

\begin{align} r_X(\rho)=(6/\pi) \arcsin(\rho/2).\nonumber \end{align}


In this example, we consider two random variables \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) with negative binomial marginals, denoted by NegBin \((s,p)\). In our example, the parameters \((s,p)\) for \(X_1\) and \(X_2\), respectively, are: \(s_1=15.68\), \(p_1=0.3861\), \(s_2=60.21\) and \(p_2=0.6211\). We want to calculate the correlation \(\rho_Z\) for a target rank correlation \(r_X=0.43\). Since the negative binomial has an unbounded support, we set the upper bound points of each support at the quantile of order \(tr=1-10^{-6}\), so that the number of support points \(m_l=F_l^{-1}(1-10^{-6})+1\), for \(l=1,2\).

The Java program uses the class umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistributionInt of package probdist from SSJ, to specify the two discrete marginal distributions. Each of the four subclasses NI1, NI2a, NI2b and NI3 are called for each algorithm to compute the correlation \(\rho_Z\), so we can compare the results.

Example with correlated negative binomial distributions.  [Collision]

package probdistmulti.norta;
public class ExampleNortaInitDisc
public static void main (String[] args) {
final double rX = 0.43; // Target rank correlation rX
final double tr = 1.0 - 1.0e-6; // Quantile upper limit
// Define the two marginal distributions
DiscreteDistributionInt dist1 = new NegativeBinomialDist(15.68, 0.3861);
DiscreteDistributionInt dist2 = new NegativeBinomialDist(60.21, 0.6211);
NI1 ni1Obj = new NI1(rX, dist1, dist2, tr, 1.0e-4);
System.out.println("Result with method NI1: rho_Z = "
+ String.format("%.14g", ni1Obj.computeCorr()));
NI2a ni2aObj = new NI2a(rX, dist1, dist2, tr, 0.005, 1.0e-4);
System.out.println("Result with method NI2b: rho_Z = "
+ String.format("%.14g", ni2aObj.computeCorr()));
NI2b ni2bObj = new NI2b(rX, dist1, dist2, tr, 5, 1.0e-4);
System.out.println("Result with method NI2a: rho_Z = "
+ String.format("%.14g", ni2bObj.computeCorr()));
NI3 ni3Obj = new NI3(rX, dist1, dist2, tr, 1.0e-4);
System.out.println("Result with method NI3: rho_Z = "
+ String.format("%.14g", ni3Obj.computeCorr()));

Results of the program  [Collision]

Result with method NI1: rho_Z = 0.44691425135002
Result with method NI2b: rho_Z = 0.44685851640499
Result with method NI2a: rho_Z = 0.44683779468645
Result with method NI3: rho_Z = 0.44691432915086