V. 2.6.

Interface Distribution

All Known Implementing Classes:
AndersonDarlingDist, AndersonDarlingDistQuick, BernoulliDist, BetaDist, BetaSymmetricalDist, BinomialDist, CauchyDist, ChiDist, ChiSquareDist, ChiSquareDistQuick, ChiSquareNoncentralDist, ConstantDist, ConstantIntDist, ContinuousDistribution, CramerVonMisesDist, DiscreteDistribution, DiscreteDistributionInt, EmpiricalDist, ErlangDist, ExponentialDist, ExponentialDistFromMean, ExtremeValueDist, FatigueLifeDist, FisherFDist, FoldedNormalDist, FrechetDist, GammaDist, GammaDistFromMoments, GeometricDist, GumbelDist, HalfNormalDist, HyperbolicSecantDist, HypergeometricDist, HypoExponentialDist, HypoExponentialDistEqual, HypoExponentialDistQuick, InverseDistFromDensity, InverseGammaDist, InverseGaussianDist, JohnsonSBDist, JohnsonSLDist, JohnsonSUDist, KolmogorovSmirnovDist, KolmogorovSmirnovDistQuick, KolmogorovSmirnovPlusDist, LaplaceDist, LogarithmicDist, LogisticDist, LoglogisticDist, LognormalDist, LognormalDistFromMoments, NakagamiDist, NegativeBinomialDist, NormalDist, NormalDistQuick, NormalInverseGaussianDist, ParetoDist, PascalDist, Pearson5Dist, Pearson6Dist, PiecewiseLinearEmpiricalDist, PoissonDist, PowerDist, RayleighDist, StudentDist, StudentDistQuick, TriangularDist, TruncatedDist, UniformDist, UniformIntDist, WatsonGDist, WatsonUDist, WeibullDist

public interface Distribution

This interface should be implemented by all classes supporting discrete and continuous distributions. It specifies the signature of methods that compute the distribution function F(x), the complementary distribution function bar(F)(x), and the inverse distribution function F-1(u). It also specifies the signature of methods that returns the mean, the variance and the standard deviation.

Method Summary
 double barF(double x)
          Returns bar(F)(x) = 1 - F(x).
 double cdf(double x)
          Returns the distribution function F(x).
 double getMean()
          Returns the mean of the distribution function.
 double[] getParams()
          Returns the parameters of the distribution function in the same order as in the constructors.
 double getStandardDeviation()
          Returns the standard deviation of the distribution function.
 double getVariance()
          Returns the variance of the distribution function.
 double inverseF(double u)
          Returns the inverse distribution function F-1(u), defined in.

Method Detail


double cdf(double x)
Returns the distribution function F(x).

x - value at which the distribution function is evaluated
distribution function evaluated at x


double barF(double x)
Returns bar(F)(x) = 1 - F(x).

x - value at which the complementary distribution function is evaluated
complementary distribution function evaluated at x


double inverseF(double u)
Returns the inverse distribution function F-1(u), defined in.

u - value in the interval (0, 1) for which the inverse distribution function is evaluated
the inverse distribution function evaluated at u


double getMean()
Returns the mean of the distribution function.


double getVariance()
Returns the variance of the distribution function.


double getStandardDeviation()
Returns the standard deviation of the distribution function.


double[] getParams()
Returns the parameters of the distribution function in the same order as in the constructors.

V. 2.6.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.