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 Claude Frasson

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  • tel : (514) 343 7019
  • Local: 2363


  • Honorary Professor, University of Montreal
  • Associate Professor, University of Montreal
  • Former Director of  GRITI  (Inter-university Research Group in Intelligent Tutors, grouping seven universities in Quebec).
  • Director of the  HERON laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Operational Research University of Montreal.
  • Doctorat d'Etat (1981) Computer Science, University of Nice.
  • Main Research Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Brain Computer Interaction, Augmented Intelligence, Emotions, Brain-Based Self Regulation, Cognitive Fonctions, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Virtual Reality

    • Keynote Speaker at the following conferences
      • BDNS 2022: World Brain Disorder and Neuroscience Summit, Munich, October 2022.
      • GENEDIS 2022: World Congress Genetics, Geriatrics, and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research, Zakhintos, Greece, October 2022
      • Artificial Intelligence for Alzheimer Patients. World Journey on Alzheimer, Antibes, September 2022.
      • Education University of Hong Kong, January 2021.
      • GENEDIS 2020: World Congress Genetics, Geriatrics, and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research,  Heraklion, Greece, October 2020.
      • ITET 2019: International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology, Singapore, November 2019.
      • ITS2014 : International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Hawaii, June 2014.
      • ICAART 2014 : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Angers, March 2014.
      •  IC13, International Symposium on Smart learning for the Next Generation, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, November 2013.
      • TICE 2010 7ème Colloque Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, 6-8 Dec. 2010 Nancy.
      • NHIBE 2009 : New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, Santorini, August 2009.
      • The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems: Hammamet , Tunisia, March 16-19, 2008.
      • The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems: Hammamet , Tunisia, March 12-15, 2007.
      • TICE 2006 : Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, Oct. 2006 Toulouse.
      • SCSC 2003, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 2003.
      • Laval Virtuel, Laval, Avril 2000.
      • ICCE 2000: International Conference in Computing and Education, Taipe, November 2000.

     Our recent research interest is on Emotional Intelligence. Emotions play a major role in learning, behaviour, and memorization process. The center of emotions in the brain is the entry to memory and knowledge              retrieval. So, in focussing on this element of the brain we wish to develop ITS able to control and manage knowledge management and learning. The principle is to build ITS able to control our center of emotions and          strengthen human learning.

  • Since 1988 our research interest is related to Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) a domain which regroups Artificial Intelligence, Education, Pedagogy, Learning techniques, Knowledge Engineering, e-learning, and Neural techniques. Our ultime goal is to understand how our brain functions and produces knowledge, how this knowledge is stored, retrieved and deployed.
    The ITS  activity led to two important steps:
  • the creation of the ITS International Conference (1988), held now every year in the world,
  • the creation of the GRITI group, involving 7 universities in Quebec, grouped around the SAFARI project which produced about 70 graduate students and led to an international recognition in the field
  • Author or co-author of about 380 refeered publications.

    Our recent research interest is on Emotional Intelligence. Emotions play a major role in learning, behaviour, and memorization process. The center of emotions in the brain is the entry to memory and knowledge retrieval. So, in focussing on this element of the brain we wish to develop ITS able to control and manage knowledge management and learning. The principle is to build ITS able to control our center of emotions and strengthen human learning.

    Keynote GENEDIS 2020 
      Keynote GENEDIS 2020  Keynote Singapore

    Keynote SingaporeITS keynote
    Keynote Singapour    ITS 2018    Keynote ITS 2014


        Limbic System       Memory of emotions  



    Derbali      JAIHC   BFAL-2017BFAL-2020

Member of the Editorial Board of:

¨            Smart Learning Environments Journal

¨            Information Journal

¨            International Journal of Information and Education Technology


President of 15 International Conferences

Member of 81 Conferences Program Committee (Scientific Committee)




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