SSJ  3.2.1
Stochastic Simulation in Java
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YListSeriesCollection Class Reference

This class extends umontreal.ssj.charts.XYListSeriesCollection. More...

Inheritance diagram for YListSeriesCollection:
Collaboration diagram for YListSeriesCollection:

Public Member Functions

 YListSeriesCollection (double[]... data)
 Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series. More...
 YListSeriesCollection (boolean flag, double[]... data)
 Similar to the constructor YListSeriesCollection(data) above, except that if flag is true, the points are \((j+1, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\) for each series; but if flag is false, the points are \(((j+1)/n, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\), where \(n\) is the number of points of each series in data. More...
 YListSeriesCollection (double[] data, int numPoints)
 Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and one data series. More...
 YListSeriesCollection (double h, double[] data, int numPoints)
 Similar to the constructor YListSeriesCollection(data, numPoints) above, but the points are \((hj, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j-1])\), for \(j=1,2,…, \mathtt{numPoints}\). More...
 YListSeriesCollection (double[][] data, int numPoints)
 Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from XYListSeriesCollection
 XYListSeriesCollection ()
 Creates a new XYListSeriesCollection instance with an empty dataset.
 XYListSeriesCollection (double[][]... data)
 Creates a new XYListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series. More...
 XYListSeriesCollection (double[][] data, int numPoints)
 Creates a new XYListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given points data. More...
 XYListSeriesCollection (DoubleArrayList... data)
 Creates a new XYListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data. More...
 XYListSeriesCollection (XYSeriesCollection data)
 Creates a new XYListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series. More...
int add (double[] x, double[] y)
 Adds a data series into the series collection. More...
int add (double[] x, double[] y, int numPoints)
 Adds a data series into the series collection. More...
int add (double[][] data)
 Adds a data series into the series collection. More...
int add (double[][] data, int numPoints)
 Adds data series into the series collection. More...
int add (DoubleArrayList data)
 Adds a data series into the series collection. More...
String getName (int series)
 Gets the current name of the selected series. More...
void setName (int series, String name)
 Sets the name of the selected series. More...
void enableAutoCompletion ()
 Enables the auto completion option. More...
void disableAutoCompletion ()
 Disables auto completion option. More...
String getMarksType (int series)
 Returns the mark type associated with the seriesth data series. More...
void setMarksType (int series, String marksType)
 Adds marks on the points of a data series. More...
String getDashPattern (int series)
 Returns the dash pattern associated with the seriesth data series. More...
void setDashPattern (int series, String dashPattern)
 Selects dash pattern for a data series. More...
String getPlotStyle (int series)
 Gets the current plot style for the selected series. More...
void setPlotStyle (int series, String plotStyle)
 Selects the plot style for a given series. More...
String toLatex (double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SSJXYSeriesCollection
double getX (int series, int index)
 Returns the \(x\)-value at the specified index in the specified series. More...
double getY (int series, int index)
 Returns the \(y\)-value at the specified index in the specified series. More...
XYDataset getSeriesCollection ()
 Returns the XYDataset object associated with the current object. More...
double [] getDomainBounds ()
 Returns domain ( \(x\)-coordinates) min and max values. More...
double [] getRangeBounds ()
 Returns range ( \(y\)-coordinates) min and max values. More...
String toString ()
 Returns in a String all data contained in the current object. More...
XYItemRenderer getRenderer ()
 Returns the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current object. More...
void setRenderer (XYItemRenderer renderer)
 Sets the XYItemRenderer object associated with the current variable. More...
Color getColor (int series)
 Gets the current plotting color of the selected series. More...
void setColor (int series, Color color)
 Sets a new plotting color to the series \(series\). More...
abstract String toLatex (double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
 Formats and returns a string containing a LaTeX-compatible source code which represents this data series collection. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SSJXYSeriesCollection
static String detectXColorClassic (Color color)
 Converts a java Color object into a friendly and readable LaTeX/xcolor string. More...
static Color getDefaultColor (int index)
 Gives the default color associated with a series. More...
static double max (double[] t)
static double min (double[] t)
- Protected Attributes inherited from XYListSeriesCollection
String [] marksType
String [] dashPattern
String [] plotStyle
- Protected Attributes inherited from SSJXYSeriesCollection
XYItemRenderer renderer
XYDataset seriesCollection

Detailed Description

This class extends umontreal.ssj.charts.XYListSeriesCollection.

The data is given as lists of \(y\)-coordinates. The \(x\)-coordinates are regularly spaced multiples of the indices of the data points.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ YListSeriesCollection() [1/5]

YListSeriesCollection ( double... []  data)

Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series.

The input vectors represent sets of plotting data. More specifically, each vector data represents a \(y\)-coordinates set. Position in the vector will form the \(x\)-coordinates. Indeed the value data \([j]\) corresponds to the point \((j+1, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\) on the chart.

dataseries of point sets.

◆ YListSeriesCollection() [2/5]

YListSeriesCollection ( boolean  flag,
double... []  data 

Similar to the constructor YListSeriesCollection(data) above, except that if flag is true, the points are \((j+1, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\) for each series; but if flag is false, the points are \(((j+1)/n, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\), where \(n\) is the number of points of each series in data.

flagto choose the step between \(x\)-coordinates
dataseries of point sets.

◆ YListSeriesCollection() [3/5]

YListSeriesCollection ( double []  data,
int  numPoints 

Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and one data series.

The vector data represents the \(y\)-coordinate of the points, and position in the vector represents the \(x\)-coordinate. However, only the first numPoints of data will be considered in the series. Thus the coordinates of the points are given by \((j, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j-1])\), for \(j=1,2,…, \mathtt{numPoints}\).

datapoint set.
numPointsNumber of points to plot

◆ YListSeriesCollection() [4/5]

YListSeriesCollection ( double  h,
double []  data,
int  numPoints 

Similar to the constructor YListSeriesCollection(data, numPoints) above, but the points are \((hj, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j-1])\), for \(j=1,2,…, \mathtt{numPoints}\).

hstep between \(x\)-coordinates
datapoint set.
numPointsNumber of points to plot

◆ YListSeriesCollection() [5/5]

YListSeriesCollection ( double  data[][],
int  numPoints 

Creates a new YListSeriesCollection instance with default parameters and given data series.

The matrix data represents a set of plotting data. More specifically, each row of data represents a \(y\)-coordinates set. Position in the vector will form the \(x\)-coordinates. Indeed, for each serie \(i\), the value data \([i][j]\) corresponds to the point \((j+1, \mbox{\texttt{data}}[j])\) on the chart. However, only the first numPoints of data will be considered for each series of points.

dataseries of point sets.
numPointsNumber of points to plot

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