Papers (co)authored by Alain Fournier
A. Fournier, M. Servant et M. Tournier.
Chimie 2, Livre 1 et 2.
CEC, Montreal, 1971.
Stochastic Modeling in Computer Graphics.
Ph.D. Thesis.
University of Texas at Dallas.
Etude du pouvoir thermoélectrique de mélanges de nitrates fondus.
M.Sc. Thesis. Chemistry. University of Montreal.
Bruno Mercier, Daniel Meneveaux , and Alain Fournier.
A Framework for Automatically Recovering Object Shape, Reflectance and
Light Sources from Calibrated Images.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Electronic version, 25 July 2006.
Francois Anton, Darka Mioc, and Alain Fournier.
Reconstructing 2D Images with Natural Neighbour Interpolation.
The Visual Computer,
vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 134-146, 2001.
Roger C. Tam and Alain Fournier.
Image Interpolation using Unions of Spheres.
The Visual Computer,
vol. 14, no. 8/9, pp. 401-414, 1998.
Vishwa Ranjan and Alain Fournier.
Creating Union of Spheres Models from Multiple Views.
Journal of Graphics Tools,
vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 21-39, 1997.
Paul Lalonde and Alain Fournier.
A Wavelet Representation of Reflectance Functions.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 329-336, October 1997.
Vishwa Ranjan and Alain Fournier.
Volume Models for Volumetric Data.
IEEE Computer,
vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 28-36, 1993.
Andrew Woo, Pierre Poulin, and Alain Fournier.
A Survey of Shadow Algorithms.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
vol. 10, no. 6, November 1990.
Alain Fournier and Donald Fussell.
On the Power of the Frame Buffer.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 103-128, 1988.
Alain Fournier and William T. Reeves.
Guest Editors' Introduction.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 165-166, July 1987.
Alain Fournier and Tom Milligan.
Frame Buffer Algorithms for Stochastic Models.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 40-6, October 1985.
Alain Fournier and Delfin Y. Montuno.
Triangulating Simple Polygons and Equivalent Problems.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 153-174, April 1984.
Alain Fournier, Don Fussell, and Loren Carpenter.
Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models.
Communication of the ACM,
vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 371-384, June 1982.
Alain Fournier and Z. Kedem.
Comments on the ALL Nearest-neighbor Problem for Convex Polygons.
Information Processing Letters,
vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 105-107, 1979.
Alain Fournier.
Comments on Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions.
Information Processing Letters,
vol. 8, no. 4, p. 173, 1979.
M. Abraham et Alain Fournier.
Etude expérimentale d'un phénomène de surfusion par la méthode des thermopiles.
Electrochimca Acta,
vol. 12, pp. 667-672, 1967.
Conference Proceedings
Roger Tam and Alain Fournier.
Shape Model and Threshold Extraction via Shape Gradients.
Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization.
pp. 481-489,
November 2001.
Marcelo Walter, Alain Fournier, and Daniel Meneveaux.
Integrating Shape and Pattern in Mammalian Models.
pp. 317-326,
August 2001.
Paul Lalonde and Alain Fournier.
Interactive Rendering of Wavelet Projected Light Fields.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 107-114,
June 1999.
Marcelo Walter, Alain Fournier, and Mark Reimers.
Clonal Mosaic Model for the Synthesis of Mammalian Coat Patterns.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 82-91,
June 1998.
Olek Veryovka, Alain Fournier, and John Buchanan.
Multi-scale Edge Analysis of Half-toned Images.
Proc. SPIE, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II.
January 1998.
Paul Lalonde and Alain Fournier.
Generating Reflected Directions from BRDF Data.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 293-300,
August 1997.
LiFeng Wang, David Botta, Chris Ellefson, and Alain Fournier.
Modelling the Garden of Perfect Brightness.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 365-369,
August 1997.
Marcelo Walter and Alain Fournier.
Growing and Animating Polygonal Models of Animals.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 151-158,
August 1997.
Paul Lalonde and Alain Fournier.
Filtered Local Shading in the Wavelet Domain.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.
pp. 163-174,
June 1997.
Joel DeYoung and Alain Fournier.
Properties of Tabulated Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 47-55,
May 1997.
Marcelo Walter and Alain Fournier.
Approximate Arc Length Parametrization.
Proc. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing.
pp. 143-150,
October 1996.
Joel DeYoung, Paul Lalonde, and Alain Fournier.
Acquiring and Using Realistic Reflectance Data in Computer Graphics Images.
Proc. Arkansas Computer Conference.
pp. 77-82,
March 1996.
Robert R. Lewis and Alain Fournier.
Light-Driven Global Illumination with a Wavelet Represention of Light Transport.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.
pp. 11-20,
June 1996.
Vishwa Ranjan and Alain Fournier.
Matching and Interpolation of Shapes using Unions of Circles.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 129-142,
August 1996.
Vishwa Ranjan and Alain Fournier.
Union of Spheres Model for Volumetric Data.
Proc. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry.
pp. C2-C3,
Alain Fournier.
From Local to Global Illumination and Back.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.
pp. 127-136,
June 1995.
Alain Fournier.
Separating Reflection Functions for Linear Radiosity.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.
pp. 296-305,
June 1995.
Pierre Poulin and Alain Fournier.
Painting Surface Characteristics.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.
June 1995.
Alain Fournier.
From the Look of Things.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 157-164,
May 1994.
Alain Fournier and John Buchanan.
Chebyshev Polynomials for Boxing and Intersections of Parametric Curves and Surfaces.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 127-142,
September 1994.
Alain Fournier, Atjeng S. Gunawan, and Chris Romanzin.
Common Illumination between Real and Computer Generated Scenes.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 254-262,
May 1993.
Alain Fournier and Pierre Poulin.
A Ray Tracing Accelerator Based on a Hierarchy of 1D Sorted Lists.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 53-61,
May 1993.
Mikio Shinya and Alain Fournier.
Stochastic Motion under the Influence of Wind.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 119-128,
September 1992.
Pierre Poulin and Alain Fournier.
Lights from Highlights and Shadows.
Proc. Western Computer Graphics Symposium.
pp. 141-145,
April 1992.
Pierre Poulin and Alain Fournier.
Lights from Highlights and Shadows.
Proc. Symposium of 3D Interactive Graphics.
March 1992.
Alain Fournier.
Normal Distribution Functions and Multiple Surfaces.
Proc. Graphics Interface, Workshop on Local Illumination.
pp. 45-52,
May 1992.
Alain Fournier.
The Natural Look.
pp. 426.1-426.10,
September 1991.
Alain Fournier and John Buchanan.
Chebyshev polynomials for curve drawing, boxing and intersections.
Proc. Western Computer Graphics Symposium.
pp. 26-28,
April 1991.
Maria Raso and Alain Fournier.
A Piecewise Polynomial Approach to Shading Using Spectral Distributions.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 40-46,
June 1991.
John Buchanan and Alain Fournier.
Drawing Parametric Curves using Chebyshev Polynomials.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 16-23,
June 1991.
George Drettakis, Eugene Fiume, and Alain Fournier.
Tightly-coupled Multiprocessing for a Global Illumination Algorithm.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 387-398,
September 1990.
Pierre Poulin and Alain Fournier.
A Model for Anisotropic Reflection.
pp. 273-282,
August 1990.
Alain Fournier.
The Modelling of Natural Phenomena.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 191-202,
June 1989.
Eugene Fiume and Alain Fournier.
Constant-time Filtering with Space-variant Kernels.
pp. 229-238,
August 1988.
Eugene Fiume and Alain Fournier.
The Visible Surface Problem under Abstract Graphic Models.
Proc. Nato Advanced Study Institute on the Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics and CAD.
pp. 575-586,
July 1988.
Avi Naiman and Alain Fournier.
Rectangular Convolution for Fast Filtering of Characters.
pp. 233-242,
July 1987.
Tom Nadas and Alain Fournier.
GRAPE: An Environment to Build Display Processes.
pp. 75-84,
July 1987.
Eugene Fiume, Alain Fournier, and V. Canale.
Conformal Texture Mapping.
Proc. Eurographics.
pp. 53-64,
Alain Fournier and William T. Reeves.
A Simple Model of Ocean Waves.
pp. 75-84,
August 1986.
Peter Schoeler and Alain Fournier.
Profiling Graphic Display Systems.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 49-55,
May 1986.
Alain Fournier and David A. Grindal.
The Stochastic Modelling of Trees.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 164-172,
May 1986.
Alain Fournier and Tom Milligan.
Frame Buffer Algorithms for Stochastic Models.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 9-16,
May 1985.
Alain Fournier and Brian A. Barsky.
Geometric Continuity with Interpolating Bezier Curves.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 337-341,
May 1985.
Alain Fournier.
Primitives in Computer Graphics.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 51-52,
May 1984.
Eugene Fiume and Alain Fournier.
A Programme for the Development of a Mathematical Theory of Computer Graphics.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 251-256,
May 1984.
John Amanatides and Alain Fournier.
Ray Casting using Divide and Conquer in Screen Space.
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Engineering and Computer Graphics.
pp. 290-296,
August 1984.
Timothy S. Piper and Alain Fournier.
A Hardware Stochastic Interpolator for Raster Displays.
pp. 83-92,
July 1984.
Eugene Fiume, Alain Fournier, and Larry Rudolph.
A Parallel Scan Conversion Algorithm with Anti-aliasing for a General-purpose Ultracomputer.
pp. 141-149,
July 1983.
Eugene Fiume, Alain Fournier, and Larry Rudolph.
A Parallel Scan Conversion Algorithm with Anti-aliasing for a General-purpose Ultracomputer: Preliminary Report.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 11-21,
May 1983.
Delfin Montuno and Alain Fournier.
XY Polygon, XY Convex Polygon and VLSI Layout.
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.
pp. 354-357,
October 1983.
Brian A. Barsky and Alain Fournier.
Computational Techniques for Parametric Curves and Surfaces.
Proc. Graphics Interface.
pp. 57-71,
May 1982.
William Buxton, Steve Hull, and Alain Fournier.
On Contextually Adaptive Timbres.
Proc. International Computer Music Conference.
November 1981.
Alain Fournier.
A Proposal for a Four-dimensional Graphics System.
Proc. Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference
(to become Graphics Interface).
pp. 371-375,
June 1981.
Alain Fournier and Don Fussell.
Stochastic Modeling in Computer Graphics.
pp. 108,
July 1980.
(abstract, paper selected for publication in Communications of the ACM)
Technical Reports
Roger Tam and Alain Fournier.
Determination of Intensity Thresholds via Shape Gradients.
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
August 2000.
Vishwa Ranjan and Alain Fournier.
Shape Transformations Using Union of Spheres.
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
Robert R. Lewis and Alain Fournier.
Light-Driven Global Illumination with a Wavelet Represention of Light Transport.
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
Alain Fournier.
Illumination Problems in Computer Augmented Reality.
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
Alain Fournier.
Filtering Normal Maps and Creating Multiple Surfaces.
Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
Alain Fournier, Eugene Fiume, Marc Ouellette, and Chuan Chee.
FIAT LUX: Light-driven global illumination.
DGP Technical Memo, Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto.
Alain Fournier and Eugene Fiume.
The Complexity of Abstract Ray Tracing.
DGP Technical Memo, Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto.
If you find any missing reference or typos, please send your corrections
to Pierre Poulin at