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Claude Frasson


Claude Frasson

The ITS Conference

In 1988 we created the International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) which was held in Montreal in June 1988, June 1992 and June !996. Then, the Conference was held every two years, in 1998 in San Antonio, Texas, in 2000 in Montreal, in 2002 in Biarritz and in 2004 in Maceio, Brazil. The next Conference is scheduled in 2006 in Taiwan.

A site was created to gather the successive main events of these conference and also to offer online a serie of excellent conferences provided at ITS by renowned invited speakers.

You can access to these conferences at   ITS on the topic: online seminars


President of International Conferences:

•  TICE 2004 (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Enseignements d'Ingénieurs et dans l'Industrie), Compiègne, November 2004

•  TICE 2002 Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Formations d'ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, Lyon, November 2002.

•  AUTONOMOUS AGENTS 2001, International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Montreal Canada (Local Chair), June 2001.

•  TICE'2000, Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Formations d'ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, Troy, November 2000.

•  ITS-2000, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal , June 2000.

•  NTCIF'98, Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les formations d'ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, Rouen, November 1998.

•  HCI-AERO-98, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Montréal, May 98 Co-President.

•  ITS-96, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal , June 96.

•  ITS-92, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montréal, June 1992.

•  ITS-88, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montréal, June 1988.

•  "Models, evaluation of databases" (ACM, INRIA), Tunisia , April 1981.



Member of the following Conferences Program Committee (scientific committee):

•  ITS 2004, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Maceio, Brasil..

•  CANIETI 2003, National Chamber of Electronic, Telecommunication and Information Technology Industry, Tijuana , Mexicol, Conference Speaker

•  MIM d'OR 2003, 2002, Multimedia International Market, Jury Member

•  SCSC 2003, Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Key Note

•  AUTONOMOUS AGENTS 2000, International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Barcelona , Spain .

•  CONTEXT 99, 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, Trento , Italy .

•  AAAI'99, Workshop on Reasoning in Context for AI Applications, Orlando , Florida .

•  ITS 1998, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, San Antonio , Texas .

•  ISPS 1997, and 1999, International Symposium on Systems Programming, Algiers .

•  CARI 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002, Conférence internationale Africaine sur la recherche en Informatique.

•  ICCE 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2001, International Conference on Computers in Education.

•  BIWIT 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Workshop on information technology.

•  CALISCE 1996, International conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering,

•  ICO 1993, Intelligence artificielle et science cognitive,

•  Journées EIAO de Cachan 1993, 1995 et 1997,

•  ACTI 1993, Acquisition de connaissances dans les STI,

•  Journées d'intelligence artificielle, Clermont-Ferrand, 93,

•  ICO 1990, 1991, Intelligence artificielle et science cognitive,

•  RIAO 1990, Computer aided information retrieval,

•  KMET 1990, Knowledge Management.