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Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings (289)


  1. Frasson, C. Virtual Reality Intelligent Systems for Alzheimer. Keynote Speaker. The GENEDIS Conference, Heraklion, October 8-11, 2020.

  2. Ben Abdessalem, H., Ai, Y., Kibbanahalli Shivalingappa, M.S., and Frasson, C. Virtual Reality Zoo Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease Using Real-time Gesture Recognition. The GENEDIS Conference, Heraklion, October 8-11, 2020.

  3. Kibbanahalli Shivalingappa, M.S., Ben Abdessalem, H., and Frasson, C. Real-time Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning Towards Alzheimer’s Disease Applications. Second International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2020, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 12462, Heraklion, October 9-10, 2020.

  4. Ye, Q., Ben Abdessalem, H., and Boukadida, M. Hypocrates+: A Virtual Reality Medical Education Platform with Intelligent Real-time Help System. Second International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2020, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 12462, Heraklion, October 9-10, 2020.

  5.  Dakoure, C., Ben Abdessalem, H, Boukadida, M., Cuesta, Bruneau, M-A., Belleville, S., and Frasson, C. Virtual Savannah: An Effective Therapeutic and Relaxing Treatment for People with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Second International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2020, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 12462, Heraklion, October 9-10, 2020.

  6.  Kumar Jha, M., Ben Abdessalem, H, Boukadida, M., Byrns, A., Cuesta, Bruneau, M-A., Belleville, S., and Frasson, C. Immersive Orientation Game for Alzheimer’s Disease using Real-time Help System. Second International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2020, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 12462, Heraklion, October 9-10, 2020.

  7. Byrns, A., Ben Abdessalem, H.,Cuesta, M., Bruneau, M.A., Belleville, S., Frasson, C.  Adaptive Music Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease using Virtual Reality. ITS 2020, The 16th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Athens, Greece, June 8-12, 2020.

  8.  Jha, M.K., Boukadida, M., Ben Abdessalem, H., Byrns, A., Bruneau, M.A., Belleville, S., Frasson, C.  Improving Cognitive and Emotional State Using 3D Virtual Reality Orientation Game. ITS 2020, The 16th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Athens, Greece, June 8-12, 2020.

  9. Ben Abdessalem, H., Byrns, A., Cuesta, M., Manera, V., Robert, P., Bruneau, M.A., Belleville, S., Frasson, C. Application of Virtual Travel for Alzheimer’s Disease. SENSORNET 2020, the 9th International Conference on Sensor Networks, Valletta, Malta, 28-29 February 2020. Best paper award.

  10. Ben Abdessalem, H., Boukadida, M., Manera, V., Bruneau, M.A., Robert, P., Belleville, S., David, R., Frasson, C. Immersion en train therapeutique pour la relaxation de patients Alzheimer. CFP 2019, La 11eme Edition du Congres Francais de Psychiatrie, Poster, Nice, France 4-7 Decembre 2019.

  11. Frasson, C. New Advances in BRAIN Assessment and Learning. Keynote speaker. ITET 2019, International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology, Singapore, November 2019.

  12. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., & Frasson, C. (2019). Assessing Students' Clinical Reasoning using Gaze and EEG Features. The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Kingston, Jamaica, June 3-7, 2019.

  13. Ben Abdessalem, H., Chaouachi, M., Boukadida, M., Frasson, C.  Toward real-time system adaptation using eye tracking’s excitement. ITS 2019, The 15th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Kingston, Jamaica, June 3-7 2019

  14. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., & Frasson, C. (2019). Predicting Learners’ Performance using EEG and Eye Tracking Features. The 32nd International FLAIRS Conference, May 19-22, 2019, Florida, USA.

  15. Tato, A., Nkambou, A., Frasson, C. (2018). Predicting Emotions From Multimodal Users' Data. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP'18, July 8-11 2018). ACM New-York, NY, USA, 369-370.

  16. Doumbouya R., Benlamine, M.S., Dufresne, A., & Frasson, C. (2018). Game Scenes Evaluation and Player’s Dominant Emotion Prediction. The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2018. June 13-15 2018, Springer International publishing.

  17. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Exploring Students’ Eye Movements to Assess Learning Performance in a Serious Game. The World Conference on Educational Media and Technology International Conference, June 25-29, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  18. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. (2018). What Can Eye Movement Patterns Reveal about Students’ Performance? The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2018. June 13-15 2018, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences

  19.  Ben Abdessalem, H., Boukadida M., Frasson, C. Emotional state and behavior analysis in a virtual reality environment: a medical application. ITS 2018, The 14th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 13-15 2018, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

  20. Ben Abdessalem, H.  Analysis and Optimization of Brain Behavior in a Virtual Reality Environment. ITS 2018, The 14th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 13-15 2018, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  21. Boukadida M., Ben Abdessalem, H., Frasson, C. “Hypocrates”: Virtual Reality and Emotions Analysis towards a Personalized Learning. ITS 2018, The 14th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 13-15 2018, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  22. Ben Abdessalem, H., Boukadida M., Frasson, C., Virtual Reality Game Adaptation using Neurofeedback. Flairs 31, The Thirty First International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Florida, USA, May 21-23 2018, AAAI Press.
  23. Villata, S., Benlamine, M. S., Cabrio, E., Frasson, C., & Gandon, F  (2018).  Assessing persuasion in argumentation through emotion and mental states. The 31st Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference FLAIRS 2018. AAAI Press.

  24. Benlamine M.S., Doumbouya R., Frasson C., Dufresne A. (2017). Game Experience and Brain based Assessment of Motivational Goal Orientations in Video Games. The First International Conference on “Brain Function Assessment in Learning”, BFAL 2017. Springer International publishing.

  25.  Gu, G., Frasson, C. Virtual Sophrologist. First International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 10512, Patras, September 24-25, 2017.

  26. Ben Abdessalem, H., Frasson, C. Real Time Brain Assessment for Adaptive Virtual Reality Game. First International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 10512, Patras, September 24-25, 2017.

  27. Benlamine, S., Frasson, C. Game Experience and Brain Based Assessment of Motivational Goal Orientations in Video Games. First International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 10512, Patras, September 24-25, 2017.

  28.  Shahab, A, Frasson, C. Using Electroencephalograms to interpret and monitor the emotions. First International Conference on Brain Function Assessment in Learning, BFAL 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 10512, Patras, September 24-25, 2017.
  29.  Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., & Frasson, C. Assessing Learners’ Reasoning Using Eye Tracking and a Sequence Alignment Method. The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, August 7-10, 2017, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2017.

  30. Benlamine, M. S., Villata, S., Ghali, R., Frasson, C., Gandon, F. Persuasive Argumentation and Emotions: an Empirical Evaluation with Users, Proceedings of the Nineteenth international conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2017). Springer International Publishing. Vancouver, 14-19 July 2017.

  31. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., & Frasson, C. Tracking Students’ Analytical Reasoning Using Visual Scan Paths. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 3-7, 2017, Timisoara, Romania (Poster), 2017.

  32.  Ghali, R., Ben Abdessalem, H., Frasson, C. Improving Intuitive Reasoning through Assistance Strategies in a Virtual Reality Game, Full paper, Flairs 2017, the 30th International FLAIRS Conference, Marco Island, Florida, USA, 2017.

  33. Fu, Y. Frasson, C. Detecting Thermal Emotional Profile. 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, PhyCS2016, Lisbon, Portugal, July 27-28, 2016.

  34. Benlamine M.S., Chaouachi M., Frasson C., Dufresne A. Physiology-based recognition of Facial expressions using EEG and identification of the relevant sensors by emotion. The 3rd International Conference on physiological computing systems (PhyCs 2016): INSTICC / Springer, 2016.

  35. Benlamine M.S., Chaouachi M., Frasson C., Dufresne A.Predicting Spontaneous Facial Expressions from EEG. Poster in The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, June 6-7, 2016.

  36. Ben Khedher, A., & Frasson, C. Exploring Students’ Eye Movements to Assess Learning Performance in a Serious Game. The Educational Media and Technology International Conference, June 28-30, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp 1504-1511 (Full paper), 2016.

  37. Ben Khedher, A., Jraidi, I., & Frasson, C. Learners’ Performance Tracking using Eye Gaze Data. The 1st International Workshop on Supporting Dynamic Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes, ITS Conference, Zagreb, Croatia. (Short paper), June 6-7, 2016.

  38. Ben Khedher, A., & Frasson, C. (2016). AMNESIA, a dynamic environment for progressive assessment of cognitive functions. The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, June 6-10, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia, pp 545 (Young Research Track).

  39.  Ghali, R., Frasson, C., Ouellet, S., 2016. "Using Electroencephalogram to Track Learner’s Reasoning in Serious Games", ITS 2016, The 13th International Conference on Tutoring Systems, 6-10 June 2016, Zagreb, Croatia, June 6-7, 2016.

  40.  Ben Khedher, A., & Frasson, C. (2016). Recommending Regulation Strategies. The 28th International FLAIRS Conference, May 18-20, 2016, Hollywood, Florida, USA [Short Paper].

  41. Harley, J.M., Rowe, J. P., Lester, J. C., & Frasson, C. Designing story-centric games for player emotion: A theoretical perspective. Paper to be published in the proceedings of the eighth workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies. Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press, 2016.

  42.   Harley, J.M., Benlamine, S., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C., & Dufresne, A. Mission accomplished? Measuring gamers’ emotion and cognitive engagement during and after a narrative event. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Supporting Dynamic Cognitive, Affective, and Metacognitive Processes, part of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, June 2016.

  43. Harley, J.M., Rowe, J. P., Lester, J. C., & Frasson, C.. Designing story-centric games for player emotion: A theoretical perspective. Paper to be published in the proceedings of the eighth workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies. Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press. 

  44. Harley, J.M., Chaouachi, M., Benlamine, S., & Frasson, C. (in prep). Mission accomplished? A multicompontential, emotion-driven approach to game testing and development.

  45. Ghali, R., Ben Abdessalem, H., Frasson, C., 2017. Improving Intuitive Reasoning through Assistance Strategies in a Virtual Reality Game,  Flairs 2017, the 30th International FLAIRS Conference, Marco Island, Florida, USA

  46. Benlamine, M. S., Villata, S., Ghali, R., Frasson, C., Gandon, F., Cabrio, E., 2017. "Persuasive Argumentation and Emotions: an Empirical Evaluation with Users", Proceeding in International HCI 2017, the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, 14-19 July 2017

  47. Ghali, R., Frasson, C., Ouellet, S., 2016. "Using Electroencephalogram to Track Learner’s Reasoning in Serious Games", ITS 2016, The 13th International Conference on Tutoring Systems, 6-10 June, Zagreb, Croatia.

  48. Ghali, R., Ouellet, S., Frasson, C. LewiSpace: an educational Puzzle Game with a Multimodal Machine Learning Environment. KI 2015: the 38th German Conference on Artificial intelligence, short paper, Dresden, Germany, September 21-25, 2015. 

  49.  Benlamine, S., Chaouachi, M., Villata, S., Cabrio, E., Frasson, C., Gandon, F. Emotions in Argumentation: an Empirical Evaluation. IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, July 25-31, 2015

  50. Chaouachi, M., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Adapting to learners’ mental states with a real-time physiologically controlled tutoring system. UMAP 2015, The 23rd Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization, Dublin, June 29-July 3, 2015.

  51. Harley, J., Lajoie, S., Frasson, C., Hall, N. An Integrated Emotion-aware Framework for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. AIED 2015, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Madrid, June 22-26, 2015.

  52.  Benlamine, M.S., Bouslimi, S., Harley, J., Frasson, C., Dufresne, A. Toward Brain-based Gaming: Measuring engagement During Gameplay. EDMEDIA, World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Quebec, June 22-24, 2015.

  53. Chaouachi, M., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Adapting to Learners’ Mental States Using a Physiological Computing Approach. FLAIRS 2015, The 28th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, May 18-20, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 2015. 

  54. BenKheder, A., Frasson, C. Recommending Regulation Strategies. FLAIRS 2015, The 28th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, May 18-20, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 2015.

  55. Ghali, R., Frasson, C. Using Electrophysiological Features in Cognitive Tasks: An Empirical Study. 4th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT 2015). Best Paper Award. Florence, Italy, March 19-20, 2015.

  56. Frasson, C., Brosseau, Pierre-Olivier, Thi Hong Dung Tran. Virtual Environment for Monitoring Emotional Behaviour in Driving. The 12th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Honolulu, Hawaii. June 5-9, 2014.PDF 

  57. Ghali, R., Frasson, C. An Exploratory Study of Learners Brain States.Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Poster. The 12th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Honolulu, Hawaii. June 5-9, 2014.PDF

  58. Ghali, R., Frasson, C. A Study of Learner’s Mental Profile in Different Categories of Tasks. Workshop on Utilizing EEG Input in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2014WSEEG), The 12th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Honolulu, Hawaii. June 5-9, 2014.PDF

  59. Brosseau, Pierre-Olivier, Thi Hong Dung Tran, Frasson, C. Emotional Transitions in Driving. Workshop on Utilizing EEG Input in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2014WSEEG), The 12th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Honolulu, Hawaii. June 5-9, 2014.PDF

  60. Ghali, R., Chaouachi, M., Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Motivational Strategies to Support Engagement of Learners in Serious Games. ICAART 2014, Angers, France, March, 5-7, 2014.PDF

  61. Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C., A dynamic Multimodal Approach for Assessing learner's Interaction Experience. 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI2013). Sydney, Australia, December 9-13, 2013. Best Paper Award

  62. Derbali, L., Ghali, R., Frasson, C. Assessing motivational strategies in Serious Games using Hidden Markov Models. FLAIRS 2013, The 26th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, May 22-24, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, 2013.PDF

  63. Jraidi, I., Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C. Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012.PDF

  64. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C., dynamic Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious perception to Enhance learner's Reasoning Ability. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012. (short paper) (short paper).PDF

  65. Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience on Learner’s Motivation during Interactions with HeapMotiv. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012. (short paper).PDF

  66. Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C. Mental Worlkoad, Engagement and Emotions : an Exploratory Study for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012. (short paper) PDF

  67. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C. Cognitive priming: assessing the use of non-conscious perception to enhance learner's reasoning ability. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012. (short paper).PDF

  68. Abozeid, A., Abdelrazek, M., Frasson, C., Towards Social Mobile Blended Learning. The 11th International Conference On Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012). Chania, Greece. June 14-18, 2012. (poster).PDF

  69. Chaouachi, M., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C., Modeling Mental Workload Using EEG Features for Intelligent Systems. User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2011, Girona, Spain, July 2011.PDF

  70. Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Physiological Evaluation of Attention Getting Strategies during Serious Games Play. AIED'2011: 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, LNCS, Auckland, Australia, July 2011.PDF

  71. Derbali, L., Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C. Assessment of Learners’ Attention while Overcoming Errors and Obstacles: an Empirical Study. AIED'2011: 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, LNCS, Auckland, Australia, July 2011.PDF

  72. Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C., Automatic Detection of User’s Uncertainty in Problem Solving Task: A Multimodal Approach. The 24th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Palm Beach, FL, USA, May 18-20, 2011.PDF

  73. Derbali, L., Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C. A Theoretical and Empirical Approach in Assessing Motivational Factors: From Serious Games to an ITS. Short paper. The 24th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Palm Beach, FL, USA, May 18-20, 2011.PDF

  74. Ghali, R., Frasson, C. Agent émotionnel pour l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère. TICE 2010, 7ème Colloque Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, 2010 Nancy, Décembre 2010.PDF

  75. Trabelsi, A., Frasson, C. The Emotional Machine: a Machine Learning Approach to Online Prediction of User’s Emotion and Intensity. ICALT 2010: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia: July 5-7, 2010.PDF

  76. Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Prediction of Players' Motivational States using Electrophysiological Measures during Serious Game Play. ICALT 2010: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia: July 5-7, 2010.PDF

  77. Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C. Self-Esteem Conditioning for Learning Conditioning. ICALT 2010: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia: July 5-7, 2010.PDF

  78. Ghali, R., Frasson, C. Emotional Strategies for Vocabulary Learning. ICALT 2010: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia: July 5-7, 2010.PDF

  79. Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Subliminally Enhancing Self-Esteem: Impact on Learner Performance and Affective State. ITS 2010: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer Verlag, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 14-18, 2010.PDF

  80. Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C., Exploring the Relationship between Learners EEG mental Engagement and Affect, Short paper, ITS 2010: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer Verlag, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 14-18, 2010.PDF

  81. Chaffar, S., Frasson, C. Using Emotional Coping Strategies in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Short paper, ITS 2010: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer Verlag, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 14-18, 2010.PDF

  82. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C. Showing the Positive Influence of Subliminal Cues on Learner’s Performance and Intuition: an ERP Study. Short paper, ITS 2010: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 14-18, 2010.PDF

  83. Chaouachi, M., Chalfoun, P., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Affect and Mental Engagement: Towards Adaptability to Intelligent Systems. The 23th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Daytona Beach, FL, USA, May 19-21, 2010.PDF

  84. Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C. Enhancing Learner Self Esteem for Learning Improvement. Short paper. The 23th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Daytona Beach, FL, USA, May 19-21, 2010.PDF

  85. Jraidi, I., Heraz, A., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C. New Architecture of a Multi Agent System which Measures the Learner Brainwaves to Predict his Stress Level Variation. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, E-LEARN 2009, Vancouver, Canada, October 2009.PDF

  86. Chaouachi, M., Heraz, A., Jraidi, I., Frasson, C. Influence of Dominant Electrical Brainwaves on Learning Performance. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education. E-LEARN 2009, Vancouver, Canada, October 2009.PDF

  87. Chaffar, S., Derbali, L., Frasson, C.. Towards Emotional Regulation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. AACE World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education : E-LEARN 2009, Vancouver, Canada, October 2009.PDF

  88. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C., Optimal Affective Conditions for Subconscious Learning in a 3D Intelligent Tutoring System. Human Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, July 2009.PDF

  89. Blanchard, E. G., Roy, M., Lajoie, S. P., Frasson, C. An evaluation of sociocultural data for predicting attitudinal tendencies, AIED'2009: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, Brighton, UK, July 2009.PDF

  90. Heraz, A., Frasson, C., Predicting Learner Answers Correctness through Brainwaves Assesment and Emotional Dimensions, AIED'2009: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, Brighton, UK, July 2009.PDF

  91. Chaffar, S, Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Inducing Positive Emotional State in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. AIED'2009: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, Brighton, UK, July 2009.

  92. Heraz, A., Jraidi, I., Chaouachi, M., Frasson, C., Predicting Stress Level Variation from Learner Characteristics and Brainwaves, AIED'2009: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, Brighton, UK, July 2009. PDF

  93. Chaffar, S., Derbali, L., Frasson, C. Inducing positive emotional state in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Poster. AIED'2009: 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, IOS Press, Brighton, UK, July 2009

  94. Heraz, A., Frasson, C., Detecting Guessed and Random Learners Answers through their Brainwaves.Seventeenth International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. UMAP09, Springer Verlag LNCS, Trento, Italy, June 22-26, 2009. PDF

  95. Heraz, A., Frasson, C., How Do Emotional Stimuli Influence the Learner's Brain Activity? Tracking the brainwave frequency bands Amplitudes. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. ICAART, Jan 2009. Porto, Portugal.PDF

  96. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C., Subliminal Priming Enhances Learning and Performance in a Distant 3D Virtual Intelligent Tutoring System . AACE World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education: E-LEARN 2008, Las Vegas Nevada , USA , November 17-21 2008.PDF

  97. Benadada, K., Chaffar, S., Frasson, C. Using Tutorial Actions to Improve the Learner's Emotional State . AACE World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education : E-LEARN 2008, La Vegas Nevada , USA , November 17-21 2008.

  98. Chalfoun, P., Frasson, C., Positive emotional impact and increase in performance observed in a 3D subliminal teaching ITS . Workshop on Emotional and Cognitive Issues in ITS. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Montreal , Canada , June 2008. Springer Verlag LNCS 5091. (*)PDF

  99. Benadada, K., Chaffar, S., Frasson, C., Towards Selection of Tutorial Actions Using Physiological Data . Workshop on Emotional and Cognitive issues in ITS (WECIT'2008). International Conference of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS'2008), Montreal , Canada , June 2008, Springer Verlag LNCS 5091.

  100. Heraz, A., Frasson, C., Detecting the Affective Model of Interplay between Emotions and Learning by Measuring Learner's Brainwaves . Workshop on Emotional and Cognitive Issues in ITS. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Montréal , Canada, June 2008, Springer Verlag LNCS 5091.PDF

  101. Heraz, A., Daouda, T., Frasson, C., Decision Tree for Tracking Learner's Emotional State predicted from his electrical brain activity . International Conference of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS'2008), Montréal , Canada, June 2008. Springer Verlag LNCS 5091.PDF

  102. Menezes, I. Frasson, C. Using an Emotional Intelligent Agent to Reduce Resistance to Change. International Conference of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS'2008) short paper, Montréal, Canada, June 2008. Springer Verlag LNCS 5091.PDF

  103. Frasson, C., From eLearning to iLearning, Evolution of Needs and Means. Invited Speaker. The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems, Hammamet , Tunisia , March 16-19, 2008.

  104. Lopes de Menezes, I, Frasson , C. Taking into Consideration Emotional Changes in Business. The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems, Hammamet , Tunisia , March 16-19, 2008.

  105. Heraz, A., Frasson, C., Predicting the Three Major Dimensions of the Learner's Emotions from Brainwaves . International Journal of Computer Science. 2007. Venice , Italy .PDF

  106. Zouaq, A., Nkambou, R., Frasson , C.: Building Domain Ontologies From Text For Educational Purposes. In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - “Creating new learning experiences on a global scale” , Crete , Greece , September 17-20, 2007.

  107. Blanchard, E., Frasson, C. Cross-cultural adaptation in eLearning. In T. Kidd and H. Song (Eds). Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems & Technology, Hershey , PA : Idea Group Publishing, Inc., 2007.
  108. Blanchard, E., Chalfoun,P., Frasson ,C., Towards advanced Learner Modeling: discussions on quasi real-time adaptation with physiological data. 7th IEEE conference on Advanced Learning Technologies : ICALT 2007, Niigata , Japan, July 2007. PDF

  109. Zouaq, A., Nkambou, R., Frasson , C., Using a Competence Model to Aggregate Learning Knowledge Objects.7th IEEE conference on Advanced Learning Technologies : ICALT 2007, Niigata , Japan, July 2007.PDF

  110. Chaffar, S., Frasson, C. Predicting the Learner's Emotional Reaction towards the Tutor's Intervention. 7th IEEE conference on Advanced Learning Technologies : ICALT 2007, Niigata , Japan, July 2007.PDF

  111. Heraz, A., Razaki, R., Frasson, C., Using machine learning to predict learner emotional state from brainwaves. 7th IEEE conference on Advanced Learning Technologies : ICALT 2007, Niigata , Japan, July 2007.PDF

  112. Zouaq, A., Nkambou, R., Frasson , C., Document Semantic Annotation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: a Concept Mapping Approach. The 20th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Key West, FL , USA , May 7-9, 2007.

  113. Frasson, C., The Evolution of E-Learning : From Instructivism to Emotional Intelligence. Invited Speaker. The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems : Hammamet , Tunisia, March 12-15, 2007.

  114. Chaffar, S., Frasson, C. Towards Emotion Prediction in e-Learning Systems. The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems : Hammamet , Tunisia, March 12-15, 2007.

  115. Dimitrova, R., Ho. A.T., Frasson, C., Aimeur, E. R-AI: A social Agent for Effective Teamwork. The International Conference on Computing & e-Systems : Hammamet , Tunisia, March 12-15, 2007.

  116. Zouaq, A., Nkambou, R., Frasson , C., The Knowledge Puzzle: An integrated Approach of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Knowledge Management. ICTAI, November 2006.PDF

  117. Frasson, C., Les frontières du cerveau rationnel dans l'information et la communication. Invited Speaker, TICE'2006, Toulouse, France, October 2006.

  118. Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. Faciliter la création d'environnements virtuels d'apprentissage s'inspirant des jeux vidéo. TICE'2006, Toulouse, France, October 2006.PDF

  119. Chaffar, S., Chalfoun,P., Frasson, C. La prédiction de la réaction émotionnelle dans un environnement d'évaluation en ligne. TICE'2006, Toulouse, France, October 2006.PDF

  120. Kiared, S., Abdel Razek M, Frasson C., The Pyramid Collaborative Filtering Method: Toward an Efficient E-Course . International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS ), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006. PDF

  121. Heraz, A., Frasson , C., Hidden Emotions in Iconic Faces. Workshop on Robots and Agents. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006.PDF

  122. Zouaq, A., Frasson , C., Nkambou, R. An Ontology-based Solution for Knowledge Management and eLearning Integration. Poster. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006.PDF

  123. Razaki, R., Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. On the Definition and Management of Cultural Group of e-Learners . Poster. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006.

  124. Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. Motivation and Evolutionary Pedagogical Agents. Workshop on Motivational and Affective Issues in ITS. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006. PDF

  125. Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. Easy Creation of Game-Like Virtual Learning Environments. Workshop on Teaching with Agents, Robots, and NLP. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006. PDF

  126. Chalfoun, P., Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. Predicting the Emotional Reaction of the Learner with a Machine Learning Technique . Workshop on Motivational and Affective Issues in ITS. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Jhongli , Taiwan , June 2006. PDF

  127. Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. Predicting Learner's Emotional Response in Intelligent Distance Learning Systems . The 19th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Melbourne , FL , USA , May 15-17, 2006.

  128. Blanchard, E., Razaki, R., Frasson , C. Cross-cultural Adaptation of e-Learning Contents: a Methodology . E-Learn Conference, 2005.

  129. Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. Making Intelligent Tutoring Systems culturally aware: The use of Hofstede's cultural dimensions . International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas , USA , June 2005.

  130. Benchetrit, O., Frasson , C., Learning by Visual Based Reasoning (VBR). International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas , USA , June 2005.

  131. Blanchard, E., Frasson, C. . Amélioration de la motivation par support à l'autonomie et prise en compte des cultures dans les systèmes de e-learning. In Samuel Pierre (Ed). Développement, Intégration et Évaluation des Technologies de Formation et d'Apprentissage, Polytechnic International Press, Montréal, Canada, pp. 293-330., June 2005.

  132. Abdel Razek M, Frasson C. Dominant-Model Approach for Web Information . International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas , USA , June 2005.

  133. Blanchard, E., Razaki, R., Frasson, C. . Cross-cultural adaptation of e-Learning: a methodology. International Conference on e-Learning (ELEARN 2005), Vancouver , Canada, 2005.

  134. Frasson , C., Chaffar, S., Abdel Razek M., Ochs M.. Using Machine-Learning Techniques to Recognize Emotions for On-Line Learning. The 18th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Clearwater , FL , USA , May 15-17, 2005.

  135. Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. The Emotional Conditions of Learning . The 18th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Clearwater , FL , USA , May 15-17, 2005.

  136. Rouane, K., Frasson ,C., Kaltenbach, M., SHASS: A New Electronic Annotation Support System Towards An Effective Knowledge Sharing in Digital Library. The 18th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, Clearwater , FL , USA , May 15-17, 2005.

  137. Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. Architecture pour des Systèmes Tuteurs Émotionnellement Intelligents. TICE'2004, France, October 2004.

  138. Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. Using an Emotional Intelligent Agent to Improve the Learner's Performance . Workshop on Emotional and Social Intelligence in Learning Environments. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Maceio , Brasil, September 2004.

  139. Chaffar, S., Frasson , C. Inducing Optimal Emotional state for learning in Intelligent Tutoring Systems . Proceedings of the Workshop on Emotional and Social Intelligence in Learning Environments, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Maceio, Brasil, 2004.

  140. Benchetrit, O., Frasson , C., Controlling Emotional conditions of Learning. Proceedings of the Workshop on Emotional and Social Intelligence in Learning Environments, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Maceio, Brasil, 2004.

  141. Ochs M., Frasson , C., Optimal Emotional Conditions for Learning with an ITS . Proceedings of the Workshop on Emotional and Social Intelligence in Learning Environments, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Maceio, Brasil, 2004.

  142. Blanchard E, Frasson C. An Autonomy-Oriented System Design for Enhancement of Learner's Motivation in E-Learning, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Maceio , Brasil, 2004.

  143. Ochs M., Frasson C. Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring Systems . AAAI/FLAIRS-2004 The 17 th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, May 17-19, 2004, Miami Beach , FL , USA .

  144. Abdel Razek M, Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. A New Filtering Model towards an Intelligent Guide Agent .  AAAI/FLAIRS-2004 The 17th International FLAIRS Conference, AAAI Press, May 17-19, 2004, Miami Beach , FL , USA .

  145. Abdel Razek M, Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. Building an Effective Groupware System.  IEEE/ITCC 2004 International Conference on Information Technology, April 5 -7, 2004, Las Vegas , NV , USA .

  146. Abdel Razek M, Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. Dominant Meanings Classification Model for Web Information .  Published in Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems Book by IOS Press, 14 - 17 December 2003b Melbourne , Australia . ( HTML )

  147. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M.   " Granularity Degree Towards Adaptive Course Presentation On-line " .    International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2003), December 2003, Hong Kong .  

  148. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M.   " Web Course Self-Adaptation " . The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2003), October 13-17, 2003 Halifax , Canada .

  149. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. " An Intelligent Agent for Automatically Course Adaptation ". Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag 2003, 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2003). October 2003 Maebashi City , Japan.                                                                                     

  150. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. " Using Adaptability to Create an Automatically Adaptive Course Presentation on the Web " . IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2003). July 2003, Athens , Greece .

  151. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M.  " A Context-Based Information Agent for Supporting Intelligent Distance Learning Environment " . The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference,WWW2003: May 2003, Budapest , Hungary .

  152. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M. " Reuse Web Information for Building Flexible Domain Knowledge " . Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag 2003, the Sixteenth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'2003), June 2003 Halifax, Canada. (*)

  153. Abdel Razek M., Frasson C., Kaltenbach M.  " A Context-based Information Agent for Supporting Education on  the Web " . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 2003, The 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2003), May 18-22, 2003 Montreal, Canada.  

  154. Blanchard, E., Frasson , C. " Une architecture multi-agents pour des sessions d'apprentissage collaboratif ". International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Lyon , November 2002.

  155. Aka, M., Frasson , C., "A New Approach on Flight Training : ASIMIL", International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Lyon , November 2002.

  156. Khalid Rouane, Frasson ,C., and Kaltenbach, M., " Advanced Annotation and External Representation in LKC System ". International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Lyon , November 2002.

  157. Abdel-Razek M., Frasson ,C., Kaltenbach, M. " Using a Machine Learning Approach To Support an Intelligent Cooperative Multi-Agent System ". International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Lyon , November 2002.

  158. Rouane, K, Frasson , C., and Kaltenbach, M, "LKC: Learning by knowledge Construction". International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz , Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag no 2363, June 2002. (*)

  159. Razek M., Frasson , C., Kaltenbach M. A Confidence Agent: Toward More Effective Intelligent Distance Learning Environments. ICMLA'02: Las Vegas , USA , June 24-27, 2002.

  160. Khalid Rouane, Claude Frasson and Marc Kaltenbach , "LKC: Learning by Knowledge Construction" International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  161. Aka, M., Frasson ,C., "Asimil : overview and implementation". International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  162. Abdelrazek, M., Frasson ,C., Kaltenbach, M."Towards more cooperative intelligent distance learning environments" Workshop on agents , International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz , Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  163. Aka, M., Frasson ,C., "A flight training system using case based reasoning". Workshop on Simulation Based Training, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  164. Faivre, J., Nkambou, R., Frasson , C. "Integrative adaptive emotional agents in ITS". Workshop on agents , International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  165. Blanchard, E.,. Frasson ,C., "Designing a multi-agent architecture based on clustering for collaborative learning sessions". Workshop on agents, International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, June 2002.

  166. Frasson , C., "The role of Emotional Agents in Intelligent Tutoring Systems ". Invited speaker, International Conference in Computing and Education, Taipe, November 2000.

  167. Aimeur, E., Frasson ,C., "Reference Model or Evaluating Intelligent Tutoring Systems". International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Troyes , November 2000.

  168. Boukheroua, El Bachir, Gardouh, El Bachir, Frasson , C., Système de gestion des intérêts d'une communauté au moyen d'un agent intelligent appellé DOC". International Conference in New technology of Information and Communication, Troyes , November 2000.

  169. Thibodeau , MA , Bélanger, S, Frasson , C., "WHITE RABBIT - Matchmaking of User Profiles Based on Discussion Analysis". International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal , June 2000, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag nº 1839.

  170. Zouaq, A, Frasson , C., Rouane, K.,"The explanation agent". International Conference in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal , June 2000, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag nº 1839.

  171. Guo, R., Frasson , C., Kaltenbach, M., Gecsei, J., "Visual Navigation for the Curriculum Based Learning Process". Edmedia International Conference, Montreal , June 2000.

  172. Frasson , C., "Réalité virtuelle et médecine". Laval Virtuel, Conférence invitée, Laval, Avril 2000.

  173. Guo, R., Kaltenbach, M., Frasson , C., Gecsei, J. "Visual Navigation for the Curriculum Based Learning Process", International Conference on Computing in Education , November 1999, Chiba , Japan .

  174. Guo, R., Kaltenbach, M., Frasson , C. "Incremental Organization of Tutoring Activities"`, 5th Conference on Computer Aided Engineering Education , September 1999, Sofia , Bulgaria .

  175. Abou-Jaoude, S., Frasson , C. "Integrating a Believable Layer into Traditional ITS", AIED'99: 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education , Le Mans , France , July 1999.

  176. Abou-Jaoude, S., Frasson , C. Charra, O., Troncy, R. "On the Application of a Believable Layer in ITS", Workshop on Synthetic Agents, AIED'99: 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education , pp. 1-9, Le Mans, France, July 1999.

  177. Shiri, M., Aïmeur, E. & Frasson , C. "Case-Based Student Modelling : An accessible Solution Model", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  178. Nkambou, R., Isabelle, C. & Frasson , C. "Supporting some Pedagogical Issues in a Web-Based Distance Learning Environment", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  179. Guo, R., Kaltenbach, M., Frasson C. & Gecsei, J. "Visual Manipulation for Development of Curriculum", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  180. Abou-Jaoude, S., Frasson , C. "An Agent for Selecting Learning Strategy", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  181. Tadié, S., Frasson , C. & Lefebvre B. "Un modèle de représentation de tâches coopératives permettant la génération d'explications dans les environnements distribués d'enseignement : MONACO_T", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  182. Piché, P., Frasson , C. & Aïmeur, E. "Amélioration de la formation au moyen d'un agent perturbateur dans un système tutoriel intelligent", NTICF'98, Conference internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de la formation , Rouen, November 1998.

  183. Frasson , C. "Using cognitive Agents for Building Pedagogical Strategies in a Multistrategic Intelligent Tutoring System", Deuxième journée Acteurs, Agents et Apprentissage , Bayonne, September 1998.

  184. Shiri A. M. E., Aïmeur E. & Frasson C . " SARA: A Case-Based Student Modelling System " , Fourth European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, EWCBR'98 , September 1998.

  185. Dufort, H., Aïmeur, E., Frasson , C., Lalonde, M. "Curriculum Evaluation: A Case Study", ITS-98 Conference , Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 106-115, August 1998.

  186. Tadié, S., Rossignol, J-Y., Frasson , C. & Lefebvre, B. "An Interactive Graphical Tool for Efficient Cooperative Task Acquisition Based on Monaco-T Model", ITS-98 Conference , Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 206-215, August 1998.

  187. Frasson , C., Martin, L., Gouardères, G. & Aïmeur, E., "LANCA : a distance Learning Architecture based on Networked Cognitive Agents", ITS-98 Conference , Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 596-604, August 1998. (*)

  188. Mengelle, T., De Lean, C. & Frasson , C. "Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Agents : Actors", ITS-98 Conference , Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 284-293, August 1998.

  189. Shiri, M., Aïmeur, E. & Frasson , C. "Student Modelling by Cased Based Reasoning", ITS-98 Conference, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 394-403, August 1998.

  190. Abou-Jaoude, S., Frasson , C. "Emotion Computing in Competitive Learning Environments", Wokshop II: Pedagogical Agents, ITS-98 Conference, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 33-39, August 1998.

  191. Gouardères, G., Frasson , C. "On effectiveness of distance learning using Lanca", Wokshop II: Pedagogical Agents, ITS-98 Conference, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , San Antonio, Texas, pp. 8-13, August 1998.

  192. Aïmeur, E., Frasson , C. "Un modèle de formation et d'évaluation formative en aéronautique", HCI-Aéro'98 Conference , May 1998.

  193. Lê, T.H., Gauthier, G. & Frasson , C. "The Process of Planning for an Intelligent Tutoring System", 4 th World Congress on Expert Systems , Mexico, pp. 707-714, March 1998.

  194. Tadie, S., Lefebvre, B. & Frasson , C. "Teaching Cooperative Tasks Using the Web", Webnet Conference , Toronto , November 1997.

  195. Aïmeur E, Dufort H. & Frasson C . "Profiting from conflicts in intelligent tutoring systems". In IJCAI 1997, Workshop on Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue Systems , Japan , pp. 1-7, August 1997.

  196. Aïmeur, E., Dufort, H., Leibu, D. & Frasson , C. "Some Justifications For the Learning by Disturbing Strategy ", AI-ED 97, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education , Japan, August,
    pp. 119-126, August 1997.

  197. Frasson , C., Mengelle, T. & Aïmeur, E. "Using Pedagogical Agents In a Multistrategic Intelligent Tutoring System", Workshop on Pedagogical agents in AI-ED 97 , World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education , Japan, pp. 40-47, August 1997. (*)

  198. Mengelle, T., Leibu, D., Frasson , C. & Aïmeur, E. "Processus d'instruction d'acteurs pédagogiques", Colloque Cinquièmes journées EIAO de Cachan , pp. 251-262, Hermès, France, May, 1997.

  199. Frasson , C., Aïmeur, E. "SAFARI: a University-Industry Cooperative Project", International Conference on Success and Pitfall of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World Application , Bankok, Thailand, Edited by D. Batanov & P. Brezillon, pp. 225-253, October 1996.

  200. Frasson , C., Nkambou, R. & Gauthier, G. "Utilisation d'un client WWW comme interface avec un système tutoriel intelligent", CARI-96 , 3ème colloque africain sur le recherche en informatique, Gabon, Afrique. Edition ORSTOM (Paris), pp. 765-774, October 1996.

  201. Kabbaj, A., Frasson , C. "An overview of SYNERGY : a conceptual graphs activation language", ICCS'96, 4th International Conference on Conceptual Structures , Sydney , Australia , August, 1996.

  202. Nkambou, R., Gauthier, G. & Frasson , C. "CREAM-Tools : An Authoring Environment for Curriculum and Course Building in an intelligent Tutoring System", CALISCE'96 , 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science Engineering , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1108, pp. 186-194, Springer Verlag, Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain, July 1996.

  203. Frasson , C. "Some characteristics of instructional design for industrial training", Invited paper, CALISCE'96 , 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science Engineering, Donostia , San Sebastian, Spain, July 1996.

  204. Mengelle, T., Frasson , C. "A Multi-Agent Architecture for an ITS with Multiple Strategies", CALISCE'96 , 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science Engineering , pp. 29-31, Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain, July 1996.

  205. Kabbaj, A., Rouane, K. & Frasson , C. " The use of a semantic network activation language in an ITS project ", ITS'96 Conference , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 1086, Springer Verlag, pp. 279-287, Montréal, June 1996.

  206. Tadié G., S., Frasson , C. & Lefebvre, B. "Coopération entre agents conseillers pour la génération d'explications dans un environnement coopératif", Journées Explications'96, AFCET-INRIA , Antibes, France, pp. 49-61, June 1996.

  207. Tadié, S.G, Lefebvre, B. & Frasson , C. " MONACO_T: Un MOdèle à NAture COopérative pour la représentation des Tâches coopératives dans un STI ", ITS'96 Conference , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 1086, Springer Verlag, pp. 215-224, Montréal, June 1996.

  208. Frasson , C., Mengelle, T., Aïmeur, E. & Gouardères, G. " An Actor-based Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring Systems ", ITS'96 Conference , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 1086, Springer Verlag, pp. 57-65, Montréal, June 1996.

  209. Nkambou, R., Frasson , M.C. & Frasson , C. "Generating Courses in an Intelligent Tutoring System", IEA_AIE'96 , The Ninth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems , ACROS Fukuoka, Tenjin Chu-ku Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 261-266, Gordon and Breach Science, New York, June, 1996. (*)

  210. Nkambou, R., Gauthier, G. & Frasson , C., "Supporting Metacognition in ICAI Systems", 13 th International conference on Technology and Education , New Orleans, pp. 520-523, May 1996.

  211. Nkambou, R., Gauthier, G., Frasson , C., Aïmeur, E. "PSS_Tutor : Un Système Intelligent pour l'enseignement des stratégies de résolution de problèmes", MCSEA'96 : Fourth Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence , Algiers - Algeria, pp. 291-304, April 1996.

  212. Nkambou, R., Gauthier,G. & Frasson , C. "Integrating Expert System in authoring Systems for Courses building", Expersys'95, The Seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Applications , San Francisco, pp. 475-480, November 1995.

  213. Nkambou, R., Quirion, L., Frasson , C. & Kaltenbach, M. "Using Multimedia In Learning About Processes; DEGREE: A Simulation-Based Authoring System For Multimedia Demonstration Building ", MMM'95, The International Conference on Multi-Media Modelling , pp. 365-378, November 1995.

  214. Aïmeur, E., Frasson , C. & Alexe, C. "Towards New Learning Strategies In Intelligent Tutoring Systems", Brazilian Conference of Artificial Intelligence SBIA'95 , Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence, No 991, pp. 121-130, Springer Verlag, October 1995.

  215. Aïmeur, E., Frasson , C. "Eliciting The Learning Context In co-Operative Tutoring Systems", IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modeling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning , Montreal, pp. 1-11, August 1995.

  216. Kabbaj, A., Frasson , C. "CAL Language : when education influence the design of an AI language", AI-ED'95, 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education , Washington, pp. 343-350, August 1995.

  217. Kabbaj, A., Frasson , C. "A general model of behavior for CG theory", ICCS'95, International Conference on Conceptual Structure , Santa Cruz , August 1995.

  218. 21.    Millet, S., Gouarderes, G., Frasson, C. "Adapting CASE tool to produce vocational training systems (Agriculture)", 6th World International Conference on Computers in Education, IFIP, North Holland Publishers, Birmingham, July 1995.

  219. Nkambou, R., Quirion, L., Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M. "A Simulation-based Authoring System for Multimedia Demonstration Design", IWHD'95 Conference, Montpellier, June 1995.

  220.  Djamen, J.-Y., Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M. "Deriving Compiled States from a Physical System Functioning Description", FLAIRS'95, Melbourne Beach, Florida, April 1995.

  221. Aïmeur, E., Frasson, C. "Application d'une méthode d'explicitation dans un environnement de système tutoriel coopératif", 4 ièmes Journées EIAO de Cachan, dans D. Guin, J.-F. Nicaud et D. Py (Eds.), Environnements interactifs d’apprentissage avec ordinateur, Tome 2, Éditions Eyrolles, pp 197-208, March 1995 

  222. Nkambou, R., Gauthier, G., Frasson, C. & Seffah, A. "Une architecture de STI avec une composante Curriculum explicite", 4 ièmes Journées EIAO de Cachan, Paris, March 1995.

  223.  Djamen, J-Y, Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M. & Kabbaj, A. "Vers une architecture de STI facilitant l'analyse du raisonnement", 2e Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'94), Ouagadougou,  October 1994.

  224. Kengne, A., Frasson, C. & Paquette, G. "Graphes et manipulation graphique des connaissances dans un environnement de construction de cours", 2e Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'94), Ouagadougou,  October 1994.

  225.  Djamen, J-Y, Frasson, C. & Kaltenbach, M. "PIF_g. Graphes de connaissances de l'Apprenant dans un STI", 2e Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'94), Ouagadougou,  October 1994.

  226. Paquette, G., Crevier, F., Aubin, C., Frasson, C. "Design of a Knowledge Based Didactic Engineering Workbench", CALISCE 94, International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering, Paris, September 94.

  227. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M. & Djamen, J-Y. "A Conceptual and contextual object-oriented logic programming: The PROLOG++ language", Second International Conference on Conceptual Structure (ICCS'94), 16-20 August 1994

  228. Frasson, C, Gauthier, G. "A Gradual Software Environment for Developing Tutoring Systems", ICSRIC '94, AI Symposium, National Research Council, Baden-Baden, August 1994.

  229. Gecsei, J., Frasson, C. "SAFARI: an Environment for Creating Tutoring Systems in Industrial Training, EdMedia, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, 25-30 June 1994.

  230. Gecsei, J., Frasson, C. "A Modular Authoring Environment for Professional Training", Mipro'94, Zagreb, Croatia, May 1994.

  231. Levesque, S., Frasson, C., Gecsei, J. "Perspectives multi-agents des systèmes tutoriels intelligents", Conférence en Intelligence artificielle distribuée et systèmes multi-agents, AFCET, Grenoble, May 1994.

  232. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Towards a tutor for knowledge representation", International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan, December 1993.

  233. Djamen, J-Y., Frasson, C. & Kaltenbach, M. "Vers une acquisition incrémentale des connaissances dans un STI", Journées ACTI'93 (Acquisition des Connaissances dans les Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents), AFCET, AFIA, Limoges, November 1993.

  234. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Représentation et acquisition des connaissances dans les systèmes tutoriels intelligents"Journées ACTI'93 (Acquisition des Connaissances dans les Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents), AFCET, AFIA, Limoges, November 1993.

  235. Kjiri, L., Kengne, A., Frasson, C., Paquette, G. "Architecture d'un système d'aide à la conception de cours", Journées ACTI'93 (Acquisition des Connaissances dans les Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents), AFCET, AFIA, Limoges, November 1993.

  236. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Acquisition des connaissances dans le système SRMC", Journées ACTI'93 (Acquisition des Connaissances dans les systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents), AFCET, AFIA, Limoges, November 1993.

  237. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "An incremental model of memory formation for a  multi-strategy learning environment", ICCS, Québec, August 1993.

  238. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Dynamic integration of knowledge in memory", ICCI, Toronto, August 1993.

  239. Djamen, J.-Y., Kaltenbach, M. & Frasson, C. "An Interactive Planning and learning System", International Conference in Artificial Intelligence and Education, AI-ED-93, Edinburgh, August 1993. 

  240. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Operational and Logical components of a Knowledge Manipulation System", International Conference in Artificial Intelligence and Education, AI-ED-93, Edinburgh, August 1993.

  241. Frasson, C. "Systèmes tutoriels intelligents: réalités et perspectives", Congrès AFCET'93, Paris, June 1993.

  242. Kjiri, L., Frasson, C. "Modèle Etudiant et Modèle Enseignant-Auteur: similarités et différences", Informatique et sciences cognitives, ICO-93, Montréal, May 1993.

  243. Kabbaj, A., Frasson, C. "Un algorithme de formation dynamique de la mémoire", Informatique et Sciences Cognitives, ICO-93, Montréal, May 1993.

  244. Frasson, C. "État et perspectives du développement des systèmes multimédia", Magrebian Information Processing Society, Journée de synthèse, Rabat, February 1993.

  245. Djamen, J.-Y., Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M. & Gecsei, J. "The PIF System or Solving a Problem from a Multiple Perspective", Expersys 1992, Paris, October 1992.

  246. Ramazani, D., Frasson, C. "Using an extended object oriented model for contextual student modelling", 6th International Conference on Systems research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, August 1992.

  247. Frasson, C., Kaltenbach, M., Gecsei, J. & Djamen, J.-Y. "PIF: an iconic intention-driven ITS environnement", second international conference ITS-92, ACM, AFCET, IEEE, Springer-Verlag, vol 608, Montréal, June 1992.

  248. Frasson, C., Ramazani, D. "Prédiction du niveau d’acquisition des connaissances dans la modélisation de l’étudiant", second international conference ITS-92, ACM, AFCET, IEEE, Springer-Verlag, vol 608, Montréal, June 1992.

  249. Kaltenbach, M., Frasson, C. "Gentler hypertext transitions by way of rubber sheet layouts", Hypertext 91, ACM, Cancun, December 1991.

  250. Frasson, C. "Evolution des systèmes experts en vue de systèmes tutoriels intelligents", Expersys 1991, Paris, October 1991.

  251. Frasson, C. "From expert systems to intelligent tutoring systems". Advanced models of cognition for medical training and practice, NATO advanced scientific workshop, Italy, June 1991.

  252. Frasson, C., Jourdan de La Passardière, B. "A student Model Based on Learning Context", International conference on Advanced Research on Computers in Education, IFIP, Tokyo, July 1990.

  253. Farand, L., Patel, V., Leprohon, J., Frasson, C. "A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition for ITS in Medicine" International conference on Advanced Research on Computers in Education, IFIP, Tokyo, July 1990.

  254. Imbeau, G., Gauthier, G., Frasson, C. "Wordtutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Word Processing", 3rd International Conference on Computer-Assisted Learning (ICCAL'90), Hagen, June 1990.

  255. Farand, L., Frasson, C.  "Un modèle de connaissances orienté-objet pour l'enseignement de la prise de décision médicale", 7éme congrés Reconnaissances des formes et Intelligence Artificielle, AFCET, Paris, novembre 1989.

  256. Bengio, S., Frasson, C. & Gecsei, J.  "Integrating traditional and intelligent computerized tutoring systems", Fourth international symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Cesme, Turkey, octobre 1989.

  257. Bengio, S., Frasson, C. mai 1989 "Utilisation de systèmes d'EAO dans les systèmes d'EIAO", 6ème Symposium canadien sur la technologie pédagogique, Conseil National de Recherche du Canada, Halifax.

  258. Frasson, C., Jourdan de la Passardière, B. mai 1989 "Modélisation de l'étudiant: une approche contextuelle", 6ème Symposium canadien sur la technologie pédagogique, Conseil National de Recherche du Canada, Halifax.

  259. Imbeau, G., Frasson, C., Gauthier, G., juin 1988, "A multi-expert system for large scale intelligent tutoring", ITS-88-ACM, CSCSI, AFCET, BCS, International Conf. 7 pages.

  260. Desai, B., Frasson, C., Vaucher, J., décembre 1987, "AI Application in Office Information System Interfaces", International Symposium on Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems, Kharagpur.

  261. Desai, B., Frasson, C., Vaucher, J., novembre 1987, "Integrated Intelligent Interfaces for Office Information Systems", Conference Compint '87, Montech '87, Montréal.

  262. Desai, B., Frasson, C., Vaucher, J., août 1987, "Intelligent Interfaces for Office Information Systems", IFIP WG 8.4, Workshop on Office Knowledge, Representation, Management and Utilization, Toronto.

  263. Frasson, C., Gecsei, J., Imbeau, G., juin 1987, "Design of Intelligent Tutors Using an Expert System Shell". Canadian Media Association Congress, Saskatoon.

  264. Cook, P., Ellis, C., Desai, B., Frasson, C., Mylopoulos, J., Naffah, N. juin 1987, "Artificial Intelligence in Office Information Systems", AFIPS, vol. 56, National Computer Conference, Chicago, pp. 49-52.

  265. Fayes, A., Frasson, C., mars 1987, "L'évolution des besoins et des outils informatiques en Afrique", Information tools and technologies, ACDI Conference, Dakar.

  266. Frasson, C., Lustman, F., septembre 1986, "Computer Project Management Assisted by an Expert System", First International Conference on Economics and Artificial Intelligence, AFCET, IFAC. 

  267. Frasson, C., juillet 1986, "Evolution de la manipulation dans les bases de données", Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data, Tenth International CODATA Conference, NSERC, Ottawa.

  268. Frasson, C., Lustman, F., Pizem, S., Tsiang, D., juin 1986, "Système Expert pour la conduite de projets informatiques", AFCET, CESTA, Information-Communication 86, Paris.

  269. Frasson, C., Erradi, M., mai 1986, "Principles of an Icon-based Command Language", ACM SIGMOD International Conference, Washington.

  270. Erradi, M., Frasson, C., avril 1986, "Interaction with IBS:  an Iconic Based System", Computer Graphics International Conference, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo.

  271. Frasson, C., avril 1986, "AI in Office Automation Panel", ACM Computer Science Conference, Cincinnati.
  272. Frasson, C., Erradi, M., septembre 1985, "Direct Manipulation of Medical Icons" 38th Conference for Engineering in Medecine and Biology, Chicago, Sept. 30  Oct. 2, 1985.

  273. Frasson, C., août 1985, "The Evolution of End-user Computing", IEEE International Symposium on New Directions in Computing, Trondheim (Norway), août 12-14, 1985.

  274. Erradi, M., Frasson, C., juin 1985, "Iconic Manipulation in Forth", 1985 Rochester Fourth Conference, New-York.

  275. Frasson, C., juin 1985, "Performance Administration Using an Expert System Approach", International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis,AFCET, ACM-SIGMETRICS, North-Holland, Sophia Antipolis (France) 5-7 juin 1985.

  276. Frasson, C., juin 1985, "Le nouvel environnement de la programmation", CIPS, Montréal, 3-5 juin.

  277. Frasson, C., Erradi, M., mai 1985, "Graphics Interaction in Databases", Graphics Interface, IEEE, Montréal, 27-30 mai 1985.

  278. Frasson, C., septembre 1982, "Systèmes rétroactifs pour l'utilisation des bases de données", Santiago de Compostela, Segundo Simposio Espanol de Informatica Repartida, Universidad de Santiago, INRIA, CINE, 13 pages.

  279. Frasson, C., mai 1982, "A Dependency  Principle in Data Base Systems", Trends and Applications 1982, Advances in Information Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, pp. 27-31.

  280. Frasson, C., septembre 1981, "Sécurité et confidentialité dans les systèmes de gestion de bases de données", Paris, Convention informatique,  pp. 130-135.

  281. Frasson, C., octobre 1979, "The Selection of Data Base Technology in Developing nations", Rio de Janeiro (Brésil), 5ème International Conference on Very Large Data Base, ACM, SIGBDP, SIGMOD.

  282. Frasson, C., septembre 1979, "Etude et réalisation d'un système d'information pour le traitement du cancer", Paris, Convention informatique, pp. 130-135.

  283. Frasson, C., juillet 1979, "Utilisation de bases de données en recherche médicale", Ecole Internationale d'été de l'AFCET,   Monastir (Tunisie), pp. 353-361.

  284. Frasson, C., juin  1979, "Evaluation des requêtes par analyse des accès dans le système Socrate", Institut de Programmation, Colloque sur les bases de données, modèles, mise en oeuvre, évaluation, Chapitre français de l'ACM, EDF, IRIA, 15 pages.

  285. Frasson, C., juin 1978, "A generalized translator for a two-level data base system".  Fast, Milano (Italy), International conference on data base management system, ACM.

  286. Frasson, C., juin 1978, "Generalized translation in a data base system", Las Vegas, 15ème Design Automation Conference, ACM-IEEE.

  287. Frasson, C., juillet 1977, "Système de bases de données à deux niveaux", Ecole Internationale d'été de l'AFCET, Montréal.

  288. Frasson, C., octobre 1975, "A system to increase data independence in a hierarchical structure", Dortmund GI 5 Jahrestagung.  Lecture notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Communication également présentée en français à l'école d'été de l'AFCET, Rabat, juillet 1975.

  289. Frasson, C., mars 1973, "Simulation of input-output units", Harvard University, Workshop on virtual computer system, ACM SIGARCH-SIGOPS.