IFT 6150
Digital Image Processing

Hours & Local

Type Day Hours Local
CourseTuesday16h30-18h30 PAA-1207
Practical WorksWednesday16h30-18h30 PAA-1411/1340

Introduction & Program
Program   (pdf) (ps)
Planning   (html)
Reference Book   (html)
Demonstrator   (html)

IFT6150 Course Presentation (7 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)

Introduction to Image Processing (19 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Quantization ]

Fourier Transform (25 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Fourier serie ] [Convolution ] [Fourier ]

Discrete Fourier Transform (24 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[DFT ] [2D DFT ]
[Reconstruction ] [Aliasing ]

Hadamard, Hough and Hotelling Transforms (10 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Hough ]

Image Enhancement by Point Operation (21 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Histogram ]

Spatial Filtering (28 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Spatial Filtering ]

Spatial Frequency Filtering (17 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[DFT Filtering ]

Deconvolution and Restoration Techniques (17 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)

Geometrical Correction and Tomography (20 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Interpolation ] [Tomography ]

Binary Images and Morphological Filters (32 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Morphology ] [Thinning ]

Image Segmentation (26 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Quadtree ] [Snake ] [Markov ]

Textures & Color Image Processing (23 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Colorimetry ] [Color Conversion ]
[Filtering & Color ] [Texture ]

Image Compression (18 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Huffman [DCT ]
[Fractal ] [Fractal Coder ] [Fractal Decoder ]

Pattern Recognition (15 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)
[Fourier Descriptor ] [K-means ] [K-ppv ]

Movement Detection (11 pages)
(pdf) (pdf_) (pdf2x) (ps2x) (html)


Additional Notes
Fourier Transform     (pdf)
Fourier Transform (Properties) (pdf)
Fourier Transform (demo)     (html)
Animated Course     (html)

Practical Works
Advices for the Practical Works   (pdf) (html)
(New) Login   (html)
Remise Command   (html)
Working at home   (html)

Practical Work 1     (pdf) (ps) (html) (prog1) (compl) (login ) (login ) (login)
Practical Work 2     (pdf) (ps) (html) (prog2)
Practical Work 3     (pdf) (ps) (html) (prog3) (Haar Wavelet)
Practical Work 4     (pdf) (ps) (html) (prog4)
Practical Work 5     (pdf) (ps) (html) (prog5) (compl) (mpg)

-- Archives --

Visual Perception ..................................  (html) (prog)
Histogram Egalisation & Hotelling .......  (html) (prog)
Median & Low-Pass Filter ....................  (html) (prog)
Marr Hildreth & Cany Edge Detector ..  (html) (prog)
Tomography II ...................................... (html) (prog)
Texture Segmentation ..........................  (html) (prog)

Applied Project
Advices for the Applied Project   (ps) (pdf)
Articles & Interesting Docs.

Final A23 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A22 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A21 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final H20   ()  (html)
Final A19 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A18 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A17 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A16 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A15 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A14 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A13 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A12 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A11 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A10 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A08 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A07 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A06 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A05 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A04 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A03 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A02 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A01 (correction)   (pdf) (html)
Final A00 (correction)   (pdf) (html)

Grades IFT6150

Statistics IFT6150 A23   (pdf)
Statistics IFT6150 A22   (pdf)
Statistics IFT6150 A21   (pdf)

[ A20 ] [ A19 ] [ A18 ] [ A17 ] [ A16 ]
[ A15 ] [ A14 ] [ A13 ] [ A12 ] [ A11 ]
[ A10 ] [ A08 ] [ A07 ] [ A06 ] [ A05 ]
[ A04 ] [ A03 ] [ A02 ] [ A01 ] [ A00 ]

Technical advices
DIRO Technical Advices

Useful Docs
On-line Computer Vision/Image Processing Books   (html)
Image Processing On Line (html)

DIRO Linux account & Password   (html) (html)
DIRO account access remotely   (html)
Linux on Windows with WSL (Subsystem Linux)   (html)
Linux Terminal Emulator & Connexion on Windows (Putty, WebTermX)   (html) (html) (html)
Linux Remote desktop software on Windows (X2Go)   (html) (html)
Linux Emulator on Windows   (html) (html)
Linux VirtualBox on Windows   (html)
Remise command   (html)

Introduction to Unix/Linux   (pdf)
Programming in C   (html)
Introduction to Latex (html) (pdf) (ps) (example) (Latex tricks) (Equation editor)
Manuals: Xview (pdf), GIMP (html) (html), Gnuplot (html) (ex.), Gdb Debugger (pdf)

OpenCV Library for Linux (html) (pdf)
PCL Library for Linux (html)
Parallel OMP Programming in C (html)
C++ Multithreading in C (html)
Cuda/C++ (General-Purpose Comput. on Graph. Proc. Units) (html)

Formulaire de Mathématique :  
[Derivation] [Integration] [Trigo.] [Dev.Lim.]

Test Images / Image Sequences
The Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark
Computer Vision Test Images
Textures Database
CVonline Image database

Periodical Vision Journals
Periodical Vision Journal list
IEEE Xplore

Vision Companies
Vision Companies at Montreal

Interesting Links
Color Conversion
Computer Vision HomePage
Lenna's story
CVIPtools from SIUE
PfsTools for HDR images

Interesting Links for the Image Processing Prog. Implementation
Librairie QT
Librairie Open GL
Computer Vision Software
LTI-Lib code sharing

Related Image Processing Courses in Other Universities
ENSTA (Paris 6 University)
Prof. Bouman's Courses (Purdue university)